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Your name is Dave strider and you are the coolest of the cool kids, that's what you have everyone think anyways. there's no way you could let any old guy know how uncool you actually were. so you hid away all your shame behind a pair of shades and a false sense of coolness.

Today is the day that your dreaded school will finally released you for the summer to let you breath for a split second before throwing you back into a pit of hell once more. you silently rejoice as you sit in the black of your classroom staring at the clock while your teacher rambles on in the background, knowing that in just a minute you will be free from all of this chaos. 

The minute seems to drag on forever but the school ell finally goes off and you, and most of your peers, sigh in relief and quickly make your way out of the classroom and into the hectic hallway. As you walk through the hallway you notice a black haired boy that you hadn't seen before talking to your sister, Rose. You try to think of a way to might be able to ask her who he is later and still seem cool about it, but decide it's likely impossible and just give up on figuring out who he is all together.

You walk outside of the school and wait for Rose in the usual spot you go after school so she can walk home with you. It takes her slightly longer than normal, but you expected that after you saw her talking to the black haired kid.  She doesn't mention him and goes about what she would have done just like she hadn't been later than usual. You casually banter back and forth talking about small useless things and she tells you about things that had gone on at school in recent times. One of the stories she tells you about her girlfriend, Kanaya, and some kid named Hamze?no...Gamzee?you aren't sure, you kind of tuned out when it stopped making sense.

When you arrived at the apartment your slowly opened the door, making sure your bro hadn't rigged the door with a sweet prank while you were out. Strangely enough he hadn't left a single prank for you and every light in the apartment was off. You flicked the lights on in the  kitchen and Rose pointed out a not that bro had left on the counter for you. It read: "sup, lil' bro, went out. Don't forget to eat something.invite your sister over or something, have fun." well it appears as if you were already one step ahead of him in the sense that you already had rose over with you. you handed her the note and she read it and shrugged, running a hand through her short blonde hair and then walked out of the room.

You followed your sister down the hall into your room, pushing some off the mess that was on your bed off, so you could sit down. you sit there for a while watching rose look at everything in your room, you can't tell whether she's fascinated or disgusted by your room, but you hope for the former. Eventually she stumbles upon your small bookshelf and begins to look through some of the books, you don't give it much attention until she looks up to you with a worried expression. You quickly glance down to see the book shes holding is not a book at all, it's your diary, or your journal seeing as you refuse to have a diary. You glance back up to meet her eyes, "put it down rose, it's none of your business." you say to her as quick as you possibly can, she does as you tell her without a question. As rose begins to walk towards you you get up and exit the room in a feverish manner.

When you notice rose is following you you begin to speed up your pace only to be met with her calling out to you "am i supposed to pretend i just didn't read that? I'm your sister Dave, you need to talk to me about things!" You stopped in the middle of her sentence, turning around to make eye contact with your sister. She still had the same worried look on her face from when she first read your journal. So many things rushed through your head before you processed exactly what she meant.

 You sighed and responded to her "No rose, that's the thing, you don't get what i'm going through right now and i'd honestly rather just keep this to myself." It all came falling out of your mouth without a single plan, but it conveyed how you felt in exactly the right way. Rose pursed her lips and ran a hand through her hair.

Rose sighed and looked up to you, her purple eyes showed that she was upset with what you had said. "Maybe i don't understand, but i'm here to be your sister Dave. This is a big deal, you can't just hide it from the world and have people not confront you when they learn about it." She blurted out before picking up her things and heading towards the door of the apartment building.

You stepped closer to her and spoke before she left "Rose please don't go, i still want you here, i just don't want to talk about what i wrote." she set her bag down next to the door and walked back over to you, wrapping you in a hug. she whispered something that you couldn't understand before pulling away and sitting on the couch. You walked over and sat yourself next to her on the couch,pulling out a video game controller and offering for her to play with you, which she accepted, saying something along the lines of 'we have the same blood don't we?why wouldn't i?'.

Neither of you brought up what she had read in your journal for the rest of the night, and you were glad. You were far to embarrassed to talk about what you had written, and had hoped nobody would ever discover your journal, which you now realize you probably just shouldn't have written it at all, but it was nice to be able to vent somewhere that there would be no commitments and no responses you didn't want.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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