The Makeover

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Only a few seconds after I put down the phone, I hear the engine of a car rumble outside the warehouse. Taking a deep breath, I make my way outside, striding with any confidence I can muster up. When I'm outside, I realize how incredibly windy it is. My chocolate hair blows against my face, and my sundress flutters rapidly around my legs.

A large black limousine sits on the road, and it looks extremely intimidating. The huge car is sleek and gorgeous, but nothing will ever compare to Itsy. I cautiously approach the car, taking a quick glance at the driver. He immediately notices me and I internally cringe, as I hate immediate attention and I got caught staring at him.

The driver gets out of the car and walks around to my side, smiling politely at me before opening the door and gesturing me in. Surprisingly, he looks to be around my age. He has beautiful peach skin that is clearly tanned from spending hours in the sun. His brown eyes turn golden in the sunlight, and freckles dot his cheeks. He is insanely attractive. His hair is platinum blonde, and it looks so soft that I want to touch it and ask him for his hair routine. I manage to get a hold of myself.

Once I'm seated in the car, I admire the interior design and get comfortable in the leather seats. The driver gets back inside and adjusts the mirror so that he has a clear view of me. I take note of this and make sure to cross my legs and fold my arms over my chest, as I don't like when people stare at me.

"Hi, my name is Jake, and I'll be your driver from now onwards," He says while making eye contact with me in the rearview mirror. He notices my tense posture and sends a brief smile my way. Before even waiting for me to respond, he continues.

"I work directly for Ace, and often drive him, his son, and their close colleagues to wherever they wish to go. My job is to give them the best service possible, and also be a getaway car when necessary." He winks at my horrified expression, before turning around with his arm resting on the backseat.

"U-um, right. So, you're like the main driver for everything?" I ask hesitantly, my fingers fidgeting with a stray lock of hair on my shoulder. He smiles and nods, giving me a thumbs up before looking me up and down, and not being subtle about it.

"So, where to?" He asks. I wrinkle my eyebrows in confusion.

"Aren't we going to the restaurant to meet Ace?" I respond. Jake bursts into a fit of laughter, banging his hands on the backseat with his eyes filled with tears. My face turns red, and I sit there in confusion and anger. What was he laughing at? Didn't he know I was already having a bad day? Finding out that your dead parents were actually murdered isn't the best thing to start your day.

"Please tell me you're not going to dinner with Ace looking like that." He chuckles, scrutinizing my outfit with his eyes. I consciously cover my dress with my hands.

"But, this is my favorite a dress not appropriate for where we're going?" I ask.

"Oh honey, you clearly don't know what a real dress looks like." Jake smirks.

"I still don't see the problem with what I'm wearing," I snap, "but if we need to go shopping to meet Ace's stupid expensive taste, then so be it." Jake laughs, turning himself back towards the steering wheel and putting the car in drive.

"Alright then. Where to?"

"Maybe Macy's?" I mumble. Jake cackles loudly.

After rejecting my suggestion and driving for 30 minutes, Jake finally parks outside an expensive shopping store and turns off the radio. I huff, disappointed that one of my favorite songs gets cut off. Jake gets out of the car and opens my door.

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