The Meeting

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I stand outside the dark restaurant, feeling suddenly exposed in my new dress.

I never imagined New York city to feel as empty as it does at this moment. The wind blows through my cocoa hair, whipping it around my shoulders, and sending a chill down my spine. I take a deep breath, the chilly evening air fills my lungs and I timidly step forward reaching my frail tiny hand towards the handle of the door.

The metal bar sends a shock up my arm and mustering all the courage I didn't know I had, I pull the heavy door open and stepped forward into the empty dining room.

The restaurant lights are dim, tables are pushed up against the walls with chairs stacked high on top of them, clearing the room. My new (very expensive) high heeled shoes clack on the tile as I walk. It was uncomfortable as I had never spent much time in heels before.I wobble slightly, feeling like I'm going to fall down and embarrass myself even though I'm the only one in the restaurant. My dress hugs me tightly and I feel embarrassed already. I'm not the type of girl to dress up for attention, I prefer jeans and sneakers.

I (somehow) make it successfully to the table in the middle of the dining room and sit in the chair closest to me. I cross my legs and smooth out the table cloth in front of me in anticipation. I sit for another minute without hearing a peep from anyone. I grow impatient and begin to shift in my seat. Suddenly, I hear a door, somewhere in the back open and soon after a man swaggers into the room.

I sit up straighter and gulp.

Instantly the air in the room is overpowered by the musty scent of his cologne. It smells like pine and smoke... but I don't think the smoke is part of it. He has a powerful walk that made me suddenly feel small. Well, smaller than I already am. I sit at a measly five foot, he is easily over six foot. Anyway, he is tall and I can see his swollen biceps through the fabric of his expensive charcoal grey suit. He's not wearing a tie and his shirt is pulled tight across his chest and the top couple of buttons were undone, showing his tanned muscled chest.

He looks to be in his mid thirties and he had dark hair and a tattoo of an ace of spades under on left eye.

His piercing ice blue eyes rake over my form, lingering on my modest chest, pushed up and displayed, seemingly all for him. I silently curse out Jake.

His eyes darken into a cloudy storm and I see him smirk. I shiver.

This must be Ace, I thought to myself, looking at the spade again to double check.

He takes a seat in the chair across from me, and basically towers over me.

Not long after he sits down, he speaks in that same rich velvety voice I heard over the phone.

"I need you to know I'm not here to chit-chat Violette." I struggle to keep my composure as I melt into my chair at the sound of his deep voice.

"O-Okay." I manage to get out. "I- I, I mean, of course not. I'm not here for p-p-pleasantries either," I sit up straighter and try to regain my composure. He chuckles, and a corner of his mouth twitches up.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I owe your parents a favor." I nod along, deciding that my shaky voice would not be able to aid in this conversation. It was a miracle I managed to get a word out earlier.

"I've called you here to offer you a job."

"Why?" I ask, genuinely confused as to what help I would be to a man as handsome and dangerous as Ace. I swallow hard. "Didn't I say no? I'm going to need more details, before I can accept." I snap.

"Ooh, sassy girl, this one." He chuckles. "I'm afraid I can't disclose any more information.

Until you've proven your loyalty."

"Then I don't accept." I am quick to respond, he is shocked by my attitude and I like having this power over him.

"There's my tigress," He smiles handsomely.

"I'm not your anything." I snap.

"Hm, not yet."

I turn red, not sure I'm flustered or floored by his audacity. Would I be his one day? No... I would never. He has a tattoo! On his face! My eyes flicker up to the little spade under his eye. It's towards the corner... it brings out his eyes. Blue, bright blue-

What am I thinking? I take a deep breath and see him staring back at me.

"Alright. Well the least I can do is offer you a place to live. Will you accept?" He could see the hesitation that crossed my face. "Come on baby," I blush hard at the name. He leans forward, "It really is the least I can do. I know you don't have a place of your own yet."

I don't. I silently agree, considering it. I shake my head, pulling my self out of my thoughts.

Come on Violette, I think. Pull yourself together.

"Yes." My traitorous mouth blurts. My eyes widen. "I mean..." I take a deep breath.

"Yeah?" He drawls, eyes gleaming.

"I mean, if you insist. But I must say that I feel quite useless." I correct myself.

"Then take the job."

I gulp in response.

"Perfect," He takes that as a confirmation. He's not completely wrong. "You can start now."


a/n heyyyyy y'all! OMG we finally got to meet our sexy dilf Ace! I am loving the chemistry between him and our tigress!!! Y'all I'm actually so EXCITED!!!!!!!! get ready to meet someone in the next chapter! spoiler alert he might be my fav :))))

Thanks for all the loveeee,

Rosy <33


pleeeeeeeeeeez comment it makes my day!!!! thx babes!!!!!!!

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