The Penthouse

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"My new house?" I parrot. He smirks, turning to me. Miscuous eyes gleam, he smirks at me. His green eyes catch mine and I feel myself start to blush and turn away. His large hand cups my face and I have to resist leaning into it as he tilts my head back towards the penthouse.

His touch is warm and caresses my cheek. My cheeks smoosh under his grip, and I can feel the uncontrollable pout.

"Better get to bed, princess.. Unless, you want to join me in mine?' I turn bright red and pry his hand off of my face. Even in his absence, his touch lingers.

"No thanks," I bite, fiery. Or at least, trying to be. He winks, and leans forward. He's so close... I can see his flawless skin up close. Unmarred, with sharp cheekbones and a sharp jawline. His shirt dips down; it's a gray v-neck that gives me the view of his collar bones and smooth muscular chest. I force my eyes up. I can feel his breath, hot and heavy on my neck. I can smell his spicy cologne, and his minty breath. I freeze as his arm goes over my shoulder and against the plush leather of the interior of the car.

He gets even closer. His eyes catch mine, and I can feel the electricity in the air. His pupils are dilated, ink black orbs with a faint circle of green. His pupils are blown and I catch my reflection in the car window.

I'm small next to his large frame, lean muscle and sharp features. Almost shrinking as he still leans, closer and closer.

The car door opens, the one I was leaning against and I fall backwards onto hard cement. Or, almost did. At the last second, he grabs my wrist- his large hand wraps around it with ease. He grabs my wrist and pulls me up, close to him. He chuckles.

"Heh. Did you think I was going to kiss you or something?" His hand is still around my wrist, large, long fingers caressing the inside of my arm. I shiver. Absently, I notice that his nails are trimmed and his cuticles are neat. He takes care of himself, I note.

"No. I wouldn't want you to, anyways." I snap.

"Lies," He chuckles. He's still so close, and still holding me. I feel his chest vibrate against mine. I realize that my... uh, exposed cleavage is right up against him and pull back, stepping out of the car. This isn't for him... it's for... I mean, it isn't for anyone!

But he's right. I did think he was going to kiss me. And maybe.... A small part of me wanted him to... No!

I shake my head, clearing these confusing thoughts. His hand is still grasping my wrist. He slips something into my palm, cool metal contrasting into his warm skin. No, not warm... burning. He's hot.

Not in that way. Maybe in that way. Agh!!!!!!

As if he sees my internal struggle, he laughs again, quietly. I let myself have this, it's nice. Soothing even. I don't like being laughed at, but he does have a nice laugh...

He closes the car. The tinted windows cover his sharp features and forest green eyes. Just when I think I might miss him, the window rolls down, smooth and soundless. No character. Itsy's little squeal and hand crank surfaces in my mind. His emerald orbs peer over the window.

"Hey," He says. I blink.

"Hey?" I repeat dumbly. He opens his mouth to say something. White teeth and pink tongue exposed- he closes his mouth, chiseled jaw snapping shut. His mouth curls into that oh-so familiar smirk I'm becoming accustomed to and his sharp canines catch on his plump lips. I swallow.

"Nothing. Catch you later, my princess." His voice dips lower, purring even. "my???"

"I'm not your-!" The car zooms away before I can get another word out and I'm here alone infront of his - not his, not his!!! -intimidating penthouse. My hand, the one he had grabbed feels heavy and I finally open my hand to see what's inside. It's a small key, light silver and with a keychain keeping it anchored so it doesn't get lost. It's a card- but I can only see the back. I flip it over, and what do you know. An ace of spades. I smile to myself.

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