Il Serpente

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A few hours later, I stand in front of a huge mansion in yet another fancy dress. Jake stands next to me, his hand on my exposed back. I shiver from the touch, reminded of Ace's hands on that very same skin a few hours ago. Feeling my shivers, Jake lets go and smirks at me.

"I bet you're cold in that dress." he says.

"I'm not used to wearing these kinds of things," I admit. I was given yet another dress, this one a long gown with an open back and a low sweetheart neckline that shows off parts of me I would have preferred to keep to myself. The dip of the dress gives a view that hints at something more. I shiver again.

"Well, get used to it," Jake says, "it's time."

I nod and walk towards the mansion, stumbling as I trip in my high heels. I've never worn heels this often, I've always stuck to my plain ratty sneakers and old jeans. I'm not used to these kinds of girly shoes. Thankfully I'm able to keep my balance, and I walk into the mansion into the full party scene.

"You remember your job?" Jake asks from behind me.

"Yes," I nod, my umber curls tumbling down my shoulders, "find Il Serpente."

"Exactly," Jake says, "he won't know what's hit him. You're a new girl here. Nobody knows your pretty face."

I can't resist a scoff at that. Pretty? That's never been me. Pretty is what other girls are, in their dresses and makeup and-ugh-high heels. I've always been quite plain.

"Okay," I gulp, thinking about how this is for my parents. I think about Itsy, waiting for me to come home safely. I won't let anyone down. I may not be pretty, flirtatious, or able to walk in high heels, but I can still do this. I start walking through the party, grimacing at the women dressed frivolously in their skimpy dresses and the men ogling at them. I can't imagine dressing like that, having men's eyes on me like that-

Ace's hungry gaze unbiddingly enters my mind. I blink away the thought. I have a job to do.

I wander for five minutes and then stop at the food table to stuff myself. I've never been a girl who doesn't eat, I have no problem eating a burger and fries. I could never just order a salad for lunch. So I keep eating until my eye catches someone I recognize from the pictures Ace gave me. I know this is the man I'm looking for.

Il Serpente meets my gaze, and I shrink back against my will. He starts to walk over to me, and I can't help but stare at his physique. He's a tall Italian man, made of muscle and shiny olive skin. He's in a crisp black suit, and his eyes are dark and predatory. He stalks towards me as if I am his prey, and I struggle not to utter a squeak.

"Hello," Il Serpente drawls, "never seen you around here, doll."

My stomach flutters oddly at the nickname, something awakening a little further down. I choose to ignore it for the time being, staring into the man in front of me's eyes.

"H-hello sir," I say, "I'm Violette. It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, doll," the rugged Italian man says, extending his hand. I reach out to shake it, and my hand is engulfed in his warm, slightly sweaty palms. He shakes my hand and smirks, his canines baring as he swallows me up with his hot gaze.

"What's a pretty little girl like you doing here?" the olive-skinned Adonis asks me. He lets go of my hand, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I'm passing along a message," I tell the man. He steps closer to me, and I can smell the musty scent of his cologne. It's so strong I feel like passing out. But I stay strong and stand tall in my revealing dress and high heels. "Ace is looking for you."

The raven-haired man's demeanor changes in an instant, his flirtatious expression darkening into something dangerous that sparks a warm feeling inside of me. He glares down at me and reaches into his back pocket, his muscles bulging as he pulls out- is that a gun?!?!?!?! I didn't sign up for this!

"Who are you," Il Serpente hisses. I press back into the food table, breathing hard. The gun is too close for comfort, and I don't know what to do. All I can do is cower as the Italian man points his gun in my direction, an obvious threat-


I fall to the ground as Il Serpente drops his gun in favor of clutching his cheek in agony. Multiple punches are thrown at the Italian man one after the other, and all I can do is watch in shock as he falls to the ground, bleeding out and crying in pain. A man is hitting him over and over, the gun skidding out of his hand and across the floor. Il Serpente's eyes close soon, and I can only stare in horror as his blood drips onto my dress. I stand up quickly, moving my dress away and trying not to trip in my heels.

I look up, panting hard as I try to find my savior. I gasp when I see who it is. He's like a miniature version of Ace, standing tall and angelic above the writhing body of the incapacitated Il Serpente. He has the same perfect hair, the same seductive eyes as he looks down at me and offers a hand. Shaking, I put my hand in his, confused but trusting. This man- is he Ace's brother? Son?

"You okay, Princess?" the man asks, smirking at me. I blush, suddenly feeling shy.

"W-Who are you?" I manage to ask, staring into his deep blue eyes.

"Blake O'Malley," he says, pulling me upright, "Ace's son. I take it you're Violette?"

"Y-yes," I nod. Unlike Il Serpente, Blake keeps his hand in mine. I don't let go, appreciating the comfort. I don't get much of it with my parents having been brutally murdered under the guise of a car crash. And then with my foster parents. Lost in my thoughts I let Blake lead me out of the mansion and into a black limo. He opens the door for me and I sit down in the passenger's seat. Blake sits next to me and starts driving, and by the time I've snapped out of my daydreams Blake is on the phone, seemingly with Ace.

"What were you thinking, dad?" Blake is yelling, "sending a girl out there by herself! She's defenseless and you didn't tell her anything! How could you?"

I frown at being addressed as just a girl, but my heart skips a beat at being protected. I've missed being taken care of, I wonder what it would be like to have someone take care of me...I shudder violently as images of Blake and Ace assault my mind.

"I'm not defenseless," I say when Blake hangs up.

"Everyone's defenseless against Serpente," Blake replies.

"Still," I defend myself, "I'm not just a girl, you know. Ace hired me for a reason."

"Yeah, because you're cute," Blake rolls his eyes, "don't worry about my dear ol' dad. He's never going to appreciate you the way I do. I can already see your courage."

I flush red. "Shut up," I tell Blake. I don't want his fake compliments.

"Suit yourself," Blake replies, bracing his hand on my headrest as he looks back as he drives. His muscled arm is so close to me, I suddenly find it hard to breathe. Soon his arm withdraws, thankfully, and I sigh in confusion. All these feelings rising inside of me are making my head spin. What is happening to me?

We fall into silence for the rest of the drive, and it's only a few minutes before Blake stops the car. I look out of the window and gasp at the sight-a massive penthouse looms before me. I've never seen anything like it.

"Like what you see, Princess?" Blake notices my awe. All I can do is nod. Blake laughs.

"Well, you're in luck. Welcome to your new house."


hey besties!!! so stoked to post this chapter!! its my absolute fav!! :) we finally got to meet il serpente, what a dreamboat, am i right? ;) i think he looks like adam driver, reylo 4ever! then after meeting our favorite italian man, we get another new boy!! two sexy boys in one chapter??? y'all are so lucky's getting hot in here ;) wonder what will happen to our princess violette next chapter?? thanks for reading lovelies <3333 !!!!!!


roseigh <3

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