Chapter 10

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Toni was not much of a morning person. Well to be more accurate Toni has always hated mornings but for some reason, that very first morning of their vacation she found herself waking up at 6 a.m. The first few seconds after she opened her eyes, she had to focus on remembering where she was, because the light blue ceiling was definitely not the one of her apartment. And the matrass was a bit softer than Toni liked hers to be. It took her only a short moment to remember she was in a bed in Hawaii, and only another short moment to remember she wasn't there alone.

It was actually kind of embarrassing that it had taken her so long to remember she wasn't alone in bed because her memory shouldn't have been the only thing to remind her that she was not alone, but the warm sensation she felt on her upper body should have given it away right when she woke up.

Slowly turning her attention to the body laying next to her she noticed that description was not the most accurate because the body previously laying next to her was in fact very much on top of her now. The warm sensation Toni had felt was the arm now draped over Toni's upper body. One of Shelby's legs too has found its way onto Toni's body and her face was nuzzled in Toni's neck.

Toni could not deny that waking up with another person in your arms felt nice. It had been years since Toni had last woken up to another person cuddling with her. She had hooked up with a few girls over the past years but not once had she woken up next to them. Most of the times Toni has gone to their place with them and left right after their hook up and if it was the other way around Toni politely asked them to leave, always coming up with some excuses, like having early practice the next day or an important meeting and not wanting to be tired.

Shelby seemed to still be very much asleep when Toni woke up. Toni knew she probably should stand up or at least move Shelby's body away from her because the cuddling probably was very much not intentional and Toni didn't want Shelby to be uncomfortable once she woke up but on the other hand Toni really really enjoyed the feeling of a body next to her, so she decided she would let herself enjoy it for a few moments and then move away.

Shelby's calm breathing on Toni's neck almost made her go crazy. Toni wasn't a particular ticklish person, but her neck was still one of the most sensitive parts of her body. Once Toni finally managed to convince herself that now it was time to try to move Shelby's body away that went horribly wrong because it only resulted in Shelby adjusting her position and now having a much stronger grip on Toni's upper body.

Once the still asleep Shelby seemed to notice Toni stopped trying to get up, she loosened her grip again, what caused her hand to slip up a little. But oh it did not fall off of Toni's body. No. God, Toni wouldn't be that lucky. That hand of Shelby was very much on Toni's boob and while Toni really did not try to enjoy that feeling the warm hand of the blond felt really comfortable on her boob and she would have no problem staying like that for a while but that exact moment was the moment Shelby decided to wake up.

At first Shelby seemed a bit disoriented slowly gazing around the room. It took her a few seconds to take in who was laying beside her, or more accurately under her. That fact alone was making her embarred enough but the moment she noticed where her hand had wandered was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. Of course she immediately retracts her hand but that did not stop the furious blush building on her face.

"Sorry-I – sorry, I didn't mean to – I was asleep – I didn't notice"

Toni let out a loud chuckle, amused by Shelby's shuttering.

"You are all good, blondie. I don't mind. A hand on my tit is nothing I would complain about."

That made Shelby blush even harder, but she didn't look as worried anymore.

A peek at the clock on her bedside-table told Toni that it was already half past nine. That wasn't late considering they were on vacation, but it was in fact late considering that they had agreed to meet up at nine at the hotels breakfast area to discuss that day's plan.

Hurriedly she jumped out of bed digging around in her suitcase for something half-decent to wear to breakfast. It took Shelby a moment longer to realize what was up, probably because she was still a little sleep drunk but once she finally realized how late it was, she looked even more stressed than Toni did.

Neither of them understood how they were able to forget setting an alarm for today, but somehow, they apparently managed to do just that.

Twenty minutes and a semi-argument about Shelby taking too long to do her hair later they both stood in the elevator again, a little out of breath from sprinting around the room while getting ready and running the last steps to the elevator.

To their surprise they weren't the last ones down at breakfast. When they arrived, they only found Rachel, Nora, Quinn, Dot and Martha at their table. Dot quickly explained that Matteo really wasn't a breakfast person, and neither was he a morning person, so she decided to let him sleep a little longer. When it came down to Leah and Fatin not being there Toni was not surprised. If they for once would be punctual that would be a miracle.

Toni dropped down beside Martha, who was already almost finished with her breakfast, so were Nora, Rachel and Quinn. Dot was the only one that was still eating too. Shelby took place next to Dot, even though she actually wanted to avoid talking about her past as much as she could, but she didn't want to seem suspicious by avoiding talking to Dot at all. Her homophobic ex-boyfriend really just wasn't the topic she wanted to discuss at breakfast table, or honestly at all, but luckily Dot didn't bring him up. Didn't even mention anything about their past for the whole breakfast.

While waiting for the others, eating breakfast and watching Dot probably breaking the record for the most eaten pancakes by a single human in under ten minutes, they discussed their plans for the next day, and boy if Shelby would have known what they were gonna do beforehand then she wouldn't even have wanted to be paid for that trip. Because the things they were gonna do were wild, and Shelby could tell the next weeks were gonna be the best two weeks of her life. 

Author's Note: Hope you all liked the new chapter. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day :)

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