Chapter 14

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Toni was staring and she was far too drunk to hide it. It was only a matter of time till Shelby would catch her. As it turns out it took Shelby less than a minute. Because for some very unknown reason her eyes also circled back to Toni's form more often than she would ever dare to admit.

Right when she was ready to let her eyes travel down Toni's body, she was happy to notice Toni's eyes were already on her too. This night was going to get interesting. Shelby knew how to move her body, knew how to seduce someone in a matter of seconds and she was not shy about using her skills.

The only problem with being able to dance like Shelby and at the same time look like that was the fact that she drew the attention of many other people on her too. Not only the attention of the one person she so desperately wanted to notice her for some reason.

But who said Shelby couldn't use those poor boys to her advantage as well. Shelby let them dance with her, even let some of them press up against her. On a normal night she would have pushed them away before they could even come near her but not this time. Today her actions had a purpose. All the glances across the room were for sure only accidence. And it was a coincidence that she only acted interested in the boy in front of her when she felt the gaze of a certain brunette on her.

Maybe if Shelby wasn't that drunk, she would have realized that it wasn't the best idea trying to make the person jealous that was already supposed to be in a relationship with you. But in that very moment Shelby did not seem to care.

And as it turned out everything was working out just fine for her, because if you were to look across the room, to a table filled with all of her friends, you would find a brunette, whose gaze long was glued on the scene across the room, her drink in hand long forgotten. If Shelby didn't know any better, she would almost think Toni was actually being jealous.

All the dancing has made Shelby thirsty, so she made her way over to the bar. If Toni had been brave enough, she would have walked over, offered to pay for her drink and then maybe asked her to dance with her, hoping she would dance with her the same way she let those gross boys dance with her. But Toni was not brave, so she stayed seated at the table, drowning her thoughts about the pretty blonde with yet another glass of alcohol. If at that point the alcohol was not only to get rid of the thoughts of Shelby but also to maybe get a little braver with every sip, that was just an added bonus.

When Toni turned around to look at Shelby again, fully expecting her to be flirting with yet another boy, she did not expect Shelby to be engrossed in a conversation with a pretty brunette. That was enough for Toni. She may stay calm when Shelby is flirting with some boy but her flirting with another girl right in front of Toni was too much.

Toni rose up from her seat, telling her friends some weak excuse about getting another refill, slowly making her way over to Shelby and the mystery girl. Once she was only an arm's length away, she realized she had not really thought about what exactly she wanted to do once she reached Shelby. That left Toni in a situation where she had to act purely on her instincts and that that normally didn't end well was no secret.

So when Toni was reaching around Shelby's waist possessively, pressing a kiss to her neck and introducing herself as Shelby's girlfriend making it very clear that the stranger had no shot with Shelby, she would blame it on the alcohol and her bad instincts.

But that is something that Toni could have easily brushed off as acting. As an attempt to convince her friends that Shelby and she were in a real relationship. What she did next however, was a little less easily explainable because as the stranger was still standing in front of them not really seeming like she was about to leave Toni pulled Shelby into her and closed the gap between their lips.

Butterflies erupted in Toni's stomach. For sure they were caused by her attempts to act convincingly, right? That was an excuse not even Toni herself would buy in that moment. But if she enjoyed the kiss with Shelby just a little bit there was nothing wrong with that, right?

And the fact that neither Shelby nor Toni pulled away from the kiss, not even when the stranger has long left, that was only their take at pretending right? And Shelby remembering their kiss as the best one she has had yet, was caused by Toni being a really really good kisser not by any uprising feelings Shelby and maybe Toni as well felt in that moment.

And Shelby storing away the taste of Toni's lips as one of her favourites was caused by the tasty drinks Toni had before their kiss. Shelby putting her hair in Toni's hair, effectively pulling her closer was not an attempt to prolong their kiss but instead another accident caused by their extensive alcohol consumption.

Later Toni would act like she kissed Shelby for the sake of pretending to be a couple. She will tell Shelby that her friends were watching and that she needed to kiss Shelby to convince them. Maybe Shelby would never find out that in fact none of Toni's friends paid them attention. That in fact Toni had not thought about her friends in that moment at all.

Author's note: As always, I am sorry for the long wait. I am not gonna lie I was a little unmotivated to continue this story because the last chapter performed so bad but then I remembered that I started writing this story because I enjoy writing and not because I care how many people read it. Also I could never abandon my first fanfiction because always hate when stories are not finished. In the meantime I started to write another story. Maybe I will upload that too some time soon. Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading and have a nice day :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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