One Week Awake - Kol x reader

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Title: One Week Awake

Word Count: 11,000+ (Should I even count at his point?)

Warnings: Blood? The briefest of violence??? I'm stretching here, guys.

Summary: One week awake. Three weeks scattered. That's how you had lived ever since you were cursed. You only had one week at a time to enjoy living and you tried your best to do just that but you were always missing something. You just wanted something - someone to keep... Too bad no one lives forever except you. || Kol Mikaelson x Cursed!reader

Take another look before it goes
Days are only footprints in the snow
How far away can I walk
Till I'm way too far from home
I wish I knew, I wish I knewI want something more than
More than restless mornings
Getting by's so boring
Take your time, enjoy it
Every fleeting moment...

Suddenly materializing twenty feet in the air was always the worst part of your week. When consciousness came, your eyes snapped open and you shrieked as you plummeted to the ground. Your back collided with the dirt jarringly, knocking the wind out of you and you groaned. That was going to leave a bruise.

"Cetanwakuwa, I hope you know that wherever you are, I am still cursing your ridiculously long name." You rolled your eyes and got up, brushing twigs and branches off you as you did so. "I mean, you couldn't just curse me, no sir! You had to mess up your stupid spell and routinely drop me from TWENTY FEET IN THE AIR!!!"

When you looked up, you were met with the gaping faces of four teenage boys. They stared at you, frozen in place. You raised a brow.

"What? Haven't you ever seen a gal drop outta' the sky before?" You snapped. Three of the boys screamed before turning tail and scampering away, tripping over themselves to put distance between them and that weirdness that just fell from the heavens. The one who remained was tall and blond, with blue eyes and an athletic build. He studied you carefully, sizing you up.

"Hey," He greeted with a nod.

"Sup," You said in return.

"So, who the hell are you and what was that flash of blue light?" He demanded, rather harshly.

You smirked. "Well, you can call me Willow and that was Nunya."

"Nunya?" He questioned.

"Nunya' business," You deadpanned. The blond rolled his eyes.

"What's with the hair?" He asked, gesturing to the shocking cobalt blue hair that tumbled over your shoulders.

"Side effect of Nunya'." You replied, sending him a tight smile.

"And I'm guessing Willow isn't your real name, is it?"

"Nope!" You grinned, "What should I call you?"

"I'm Matt," He said. "And that actually is my name, in case you were wondering."

"I wouldn't really care if it wasn't, but okay," You said. "So, Matt, would you be so kind as to tell me where the hell I am?"

He sent you a questioning look. "Uh... You're in Mystic Falls, Virginia."

"Small town?" He nodded and your face twisted into a scowl. "Gross."

"Hey! I live here!" He protested.

"My condolences."

Matt huffed. "What do you want, lady?"

"I dunno." You shrugged. "Something to do, maybe? Is there, like, a party going on somewhere near here?"

"Uh... What party? T-there's no party." He was clearly lying. You had no clue why he would lie about something as simple as a party but you weren't one to judge.

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