Fine On My Own - Kol x reader

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Summary: Your parents had been on the secret council of Mystic Falls and as the eldest child, they had told you everything that being a founding family member meant.  But you hadn't wanted their legacy. On a whim, you had dated the original vampire Kol Mikaelson just to spite your parents. You were supposed to hate him and vice versa but you ended up feeling the opposite.  But he left - you knew he had to but that didn't make it feel any better. Then someone blew your parents to kingdom come. When Kol showed up at your door, you didn't know how to let him back into your life. Did you even want him to come back?

Warnings: Blood, violence, fluffy and protective Kol, a manipulative wack-job, and way too many LOTR references.

A/N: Listen to Who Did That To You by John Legend when you read that last half. Makes it 10x better. Also Y/B/N stands for your brother's name just so there's no confusion.  Anyway... Roll Tape!


Pulling your hair into a ponytail at the nape of your neck, you cracked open the door to the guest room quietly, peaking in for just a moment before entering. An unconscious smile spread across your face as you wandered over to the far corner of the darkened space. 

"Hello, lil' miss! Hows' ya doin' today?" You cooed. The adorable little baby giggled softly in her bassinet, staring up at you with chocolate brown eyes that looked strikingly like her father's. You waved at her before bending down to pick her up. "Did you have a good nap? Yes? Oh, dere's a good girl, yes. Yes, ma'am. You're just the sweetest, aren't you?" 

The baby gurgled and showed you the beginnings of a smile. She really was a mercifully sweet baby. For three and a half months old, the girl hardly ever cried. You held her up against your shoulder and gave her a kiss on her head. Downstairs, the doorbell rang and you frowned.

"Now who could that be, sweet-bubby?" You muttered. The baby didn't offer any probable suggestions of course, though you probably would have been more upset if she had. 

You debated for a moment whether or not you should go get the door. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and you hadn't been expecting anyone so odds were it was probably just some door-to-door salesperson or something. They'd probably go away if you ignored them. There was also an off chance it could be one of your friends, but none of them had contacted you in weeks. Not since the-

You winced a little.

It wasn't like you could blame any of them, they'd all tried their best. You'd have done the same thing in their shoes. It wasn't their fault they didn't have a clue what they should say to you. What on earth can you say to a person when their parents get blo-

You held that sweet baby girl closer and shoved the end of that thought away, blinking rapidly. You'd been doing so well.

The doorbell rang again and you rolled your eyes, secretly grateful for the distraction now. "Let's go see who that is. Yeah, we're gonna go see, huh baby?"

Descending the stairs carefully as you were still holding a baby, you arrived at the door just as someone rang the bell again. You slid away the deadbolt and flipped the lock, opening the door just a smidge - just enough so you could see out - you wanted to be able to easily slam it shut if needed. You shifted the baby to keep her out of sight. Paranoia had been plaguing you recently, it wasn't something you couldn't help. You peered out at the person standing on your porch and gasped, blinking a few times to assure you weren't seeing things. 

The boy outside was tall - a little over six foot - and thin, but in a lithe, muscular sort of way, not the wimpy kind of way like other boys. He wore dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a gray canvas jacket with the collar turned up against the weather outside. His thick, dark hair was longer than it had been the last time you'd seen him and it looked a little windblown, but that was okay; it still looked cute on him. He stood with his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels nervously, with his head bowed and his gaze fixed on the ground. He only glanced up when he heard you gasp, raising his head to look at you with hooded eyes - big, chocolate brown, puppy-dog eyes that you loved more than you should. 

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