5. Catch Me if You Can

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Series: Rational Thinking Part Five

Word Count: 10,000

Summary: To-do list - 1. Convince Jeremy that removing the Hunter's Mark is the right thing to do. 2. Actually, remove the thing. 3. Hide a stick. 4. Try not to die on the way home. || Kol x reader

Warnings: Cannon typical violence, angst, language, some gore. Oh, and a little steamy something for the horny Tumblr freaks. (Because I know my audience😉) Sorry if I got anything wrong, I'm ace and I'm just going off of what I've read from other people.

A/N: Originally, this fic was gonna have a sad ending. However, here's to all you lovely fans who wanted a happy one! Thanks for sticking with me for so long.


When Jeremy Glibert awoke, the first thing he did was let lose a string of profanity so foul that he was sure even Damon Salvatore would have blinked. This wasn't because he woke up in more pain than should be acceptable in the morning, although that certainly didn't help his mood. Rather, he cussed like a sailor because it was not his room that he found himself in.

That meant that the nightmare he'd been living through was still real.


Well, he supposed he really only had two options. Lay in bed in wretched agony, or get up and get some food in wretched agony. He opted for the latter. From beyond what he guessed would have to be a hotel room door, Jeremy could hear muffled voices and some quiet music. He recognized those voices and though the sanity of both individuals could certainly be questioned, the significance of their presence here could not. He was alive thanks to them. He couldn't deny that.

When he dragged himself out of the admittedly heaven-sent mattress, everything hurt. But honestly, he wasn't sure which was more troubling. That fact, or that he'd actually felt worse before. He opened the door quietly and stepped out. The tile was cold as he shuffled down a dim hallway. Peering around a corner, Jeremy was quite frankly shocked by what he saw.

"Left foot back, right foot this way... No, no! Don't spin, love, I'll do that for you. Just concentrate on where your feet are going."


"Don't apologize, you're doing fine."

"I know I suck, don't lie to me."

"Alright, you are pretty awful, but that's okay - we can work on it."

"Hey, it's not my fault! I've never done anything that requires physical dexterity before."

"Oh, I can tell. Let's try again."

Kol and Y/N were dancing. Or...well... trying to. Jeremy knew his best friend had always wanted to learn. Y/N had never been to a school dance - her mother had never allowed it. What surprised him, however, was how happy she looked. Both of them actually - they both looked just... happy. Jeremy had never seen that girl look as blissful as she did before him, half-stumbling around a hotel room in the arms of a mass murderer. She was just enjoying the moment and she'd never looked half that joyful around him.

The sight made him realize that, yes; his best friend was a different person now and yet, still entirely the same. She was the same girl who had been looking out for him his whole life only brighter, happier - radiant. Somehow, even though she was a freaking vampire and even though it was Kol freaking Mikaelson who had turned her, that girl was better off. He'd never seen any vampire look so genuinely alive, not even Caroline. In fact, Jeremy couldn't think of the last time he'd seen two people more content to simply be - vampire or not. It was like they were made for each other and Jeremy couldn't say that about anyone else he'd ever met. Maybe Y/N had been right in what she'd said before. It made Jeremy wonder - perhaps that girl had never really been meant to be human.

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