Chapter 37

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Hoseok POV

"Finally, everyone's here," I sighed as I took a sip from my drink, Jin patted my back
"Good job, you did it. Past years you were just an exhausted mess but look at you now," he gestured to me
"Stunning, just mwah beautiful," he winked
"Thanks, I think it's because of Yoongi," I looked around the room and saw him talking to my cousin
"He's just so... you know," I was at a loss for words, Jin chuckled
"Yeah, I know what you mean," I looked where Jin was looking. Namjoon,
"Mhmm," he kept looking at Namjoon
"Are you and Namjoon... together?" He quickly turned his head towards me, his eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed
"Huh?! Namjoon and I?! Pft, nooo," he awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his neck
"You sure?" I leaned forward and teased him
"T-totally," he stuttered
"Come on, I know you two have something going on," I chuckled and nudged his shoulder
"Fine, yes, we are together. We didn't want to tell you before because we thought you'd feel left out," he blurted out, he looked down in shame, I placed a hand on his shoulder
"It's ok, I get it. It's very sweet of you," he looked back up, I softly smiled
"Thanks, Hobi, you're very understanding," he hugged me,
"Of course. And next time, don't worry to tell
me that two of my favorite people are a couple, ok?" I asked, we broke the hug and he nodded,
"I promise."

"Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Hoseok
Happy Birthday to You." Everyone sang as the candles on the cake burned. I clapped my hands along and smiled happily
"Woooo!" They called out as I blew out the candles
"Yaaay!" I clapped my hands and called along.

The party was going along pretty well. Everything was comfortable, everyone had met everyone and there wasn't any uncomfortable tension. Nothing much happened, we all had a dance party, even my grandparents danced with us. We had great food and the cake was just spectacular. Jungkooks parents, my aunt, my uncle, and my parents were catching up with whatever, both sets of grandparents were talking with each other and the rest of us including my cousin and sister (Eunwoo) were hanging out together.

As the evening came, people left, first my grandparents, then my sister and cousin, and then my aunt and Jungkooks mom. Everyone else stayed, we were gonna have a sleepover. But before we could do whatever we wanted Yoongi and I had something to tell my parents.

"You ready?" Yoongi held my hand and looked into my eyes
"I- I don't know," I stuttered as nervousness rushed through my body. Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waist, I placed my hands on his biceps
"Don't worry, I'll be there. I'll help you get through this and if they don't like who you are I'll steal you away," I giggled as he nuzzled his nose against mine
"What about the age gap?" I bit my lip
"Well, it's not illegal and if anything I'm only 20," he winked. I sighed
"Ok, let's go," he smiled
"We'll leave you guys alone for a while," I said to the guys who were scattered around my room
"Yeah, we got that," Jungkook chuckled
"Alright, oh, and please don't touch my Bearbrick collection. Thanks," I smiled, Yoongi opened the door for me
"Don't worry, I'll keep everything in check," Jin said as I walked out
"Thank you,"

As we walked downstairs I could hear the TV playing and dishes clanking against each other. I turned to Yoongi as we reached the bottom
"Hey, you wait here, I'll get my mom from the kitchen and we'll just go to the living room all together, where my dad is," I said and fixed his jacket
"Ok, just don't worry too much," he calmly said
"I'll try," I turned towards the kitchen and let out a sigh "here goes nothing," I thought to myself.

"Hey, mom," I caught her attention as I walked into the kitchen, she was listening to something on her earbuds and wiping the counter. She looked up and took out one of the earbuds
"Oh, hi honey, do you need something?" She smiled
"Kinda, could you come to the living room with me please?"
"Of course," she said and rinsed out the cloth that was in her hands. When she was done she walked up to me and asked
"Is everything ok?" I nodded
"Yeah, just need to tell you something," she warmly smiled and kissed my forehead
"Alright, let's go then," I took her hand in mine and we walked over to the hallway where Yoongi was patiently waiting
"Hi Yoongi dear, is everything ok?" Mom asked him
"Yes, everything's great. Thank you Mrs, Jung," he nodded
"That's wonderful," she smiled at him
"Yoongi, come along," I said and we walked into the living room.

Dad was sitting in his armchair watching some show about fishing, he's a very stereotypical dad. I let go of my mom's hand as she sat down in her armchair, which was next to dads,
"So, honey, what did you want to tell us?" She said which caught my dad's attention. Yoongi and I sat down on the couch that was at an angle to the armchairs. I saw dad lower the volume of the TV
"Umm, mom, dad we have something important to tell you," I nervously said, my dad looked at both of us and I could see his eyes widen a bit. I cleared my throat
"Well, while you were gone I met Yoongi, you know that. And umm, we've known each other for almost a year now and we're umm," I cleared my throat again, I felt Yoongis hand on mine
"We're dating," I said. Fear rushed through my body as my parents' eyes widened, "shit, shit, shit," I panicked until
"Oh, that's wonderful," my mom said with a huge smile. My eyes widened
"Wha-?" I was confused
"I'm happy for you son," dad said and softly smiled, I could feel myself tearing up. I got up and walked over to my mom, she stood up as well
"Thank you," I mumbled and hugged her, small tears rolled down my face. I sniffled as she patted my back
"There there son, you have nothing to worry about," she sweetly said. I heard my dad get up
"Take good care of our son, he's a good kid," Dad said
"Of course, I won't let you down, Sir," Yoongi responded.
I let go of my mom, she looked into my eyes and wiped the tears away
"I'm glad you've found someone son," she said
"Thank you for accepting me," I sniffled, she cupped my cheek
"You're my son, I will accept you no matter what. My love for you is stronger than anything in this world," she smiled and kissed my forehead. Dad walked up next to mom and placed a hand on my shoulder
"We love you no matter what, we're glad you're the way you are," he said
"Thank you guys," I said and took a step back, Yoongi walked up next to me
"But that's not all,"
"Ok, what else?" Dad said
"We want to move in with each other," I quickly blurted out,
"Huh?" Mom hummed and rapidly blinked
"W-we want to move in together," I repeated myself
"And where would you move in?" Dad asked
"Yoongi has his own place," I bit my lip as I felt the nervousness rush through me again
"Is it close to our place?" Mom smiled in an unsure way
"Wel-" Yoongi cut me off
"It's in the center of the city, a walking distance," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows
"Uh-huh," I slowly agreed
"Well, if that's what you want, I guess we can't really stop you," Mom said, her voice quivered and tears started to build in the corners of her eyes,
"Isn't it a bit too soon?" Dad cleared his throat
"We do realize that it sounds rushed but it just feels right," Yoongi said and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, I nodded in agreement
"I support it but only if you're completely 1000% sure that it's the right decision," Mom said. Yoongi and I looked at each other, as I looked into his eyes I saw our future together. He nodded, I nodded back
"We're 1000% sure," he said
"Well then, just tell us when it's happening and we'll help you pack up," dad said. His voice sounded a bit cold but he kept a smile on
"Thank you guys, you have no idea how much your acceptance means to me," I said and hugged them both
"Thank you for trusting us," mom softly whispered. We broke the hug, mom had glossy eyes and dad was acting tough
"Well you go on and have fun with your friends," mom said and smiled.
"Ok, thanks again," I smiled back. Yoongi and I turned towards the hallway and walked away together.

As we walked up the stairs I asked Yoongi
"So what's this new place on the centre of the city?" He chuckled
"Yeah, umm I got us a new place. I know I probably should've talked to you but I knew that no parent wants their child to go live in the middle of the woods with someone they've just met,"
"That's very thoughtful," I said as we reached the top of the stairs
"And I wanted everything to be accessible to you. Want to make sure that my princess has everything he wants and needs," he said and pulled me to him by my waist. I giggled and placed my hands on his shoulders
"Well thank you, I'll make sure you get everything you want and need as well," he smiled. We leaned towards each other until our lips collided. The kiss was soft and full of love, I melted at his touch. After a minute we pulled away
"I appreciate that," Yoongi said, slightly breathless,
"We should go inside," he nodded
"We should," we fixed each other up and walked into my room. All eyes on us.

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