First Fight:

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"Jack" You call out as you go on the rooftop. "Medda told me you'd be up here" you smile, but it dies down as you see him pacing around. "Everything all right?".

"They took crutchie away" He says. "They sent him ta da refuge".

"what?" You say in disbelief.

"Its all my fault, if I wouldn't have just stood there" He says.

"No, it's not your fault jack" You say.

"Oh yeah" He finally looks up at you. "You just had to be in da crowds didnt you" He said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" You say confused.

"I had to worry about you and crutchie, and I told you ta stay away from the crowd" He says.

"Jack I just wanted to help" You say.

"Oh yeah well you didnt" He raises his voice.

"You know what, fine" You scoff. "I dont need this shit right now, you want to be an asshole and put everything that happens on me, then you can find somone else to put it on because I'm not going to be the one" You say.

He looks down and then back up at you, as you walk away.

"Y/n!" He yells after you. You ignore him and leave.


You were on your way to see davey after your were done selling your papers.

You walk into their apartment and say hi to everyone.

"Hey sarah" You smile.

"Hi y/n" She smiles.

"Wheres Davey at?" You ask her. Sarah looks at you.

"Hes standing on the balcony, he seems upset though about something" She says. You look at her confused and nod before going out of on the balcony.

"Hey davey" You say. He looks at you and turns away. "What's the matter?".

You could see him swallow hard and a look of him bring upset.

"I said what's wrong david" You say again and turn to face front of him.

"Who's the guy you were- talking too" He said looking up at you with his blue eyes.

"What guy?" You ask.

"The guy who you were selling with" He says with some sternness.

"Davey that he was just talking with me" You say.

"Yeah well-" He raised his voice and thought of something to say. "Hes an asshole".

You were token back by him cusing.

"You dont even know him davey!" You raise your voice back. "It was his first day and he asked what to do".

"He was flirting!" He said.

"No he wasnt!" You raise your voice back.

"Yes he was!" He said.

"No he wasnt!" You say back.

"Are we having an argument!?" He says.

"Yeah, I guess so!" You say.  A moment of silence passes. You both looked away and then back at each other. "Look I gotta go home- we both have to cool down I'll see you tomorrow" you say as he stands there not looking at you. You walk away and leave.

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