Chapter 2

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Still Ashlynn's POV
Well after that happened I went outside and I tumbled for an hour. Then I came inside and took a shower because I smelt like crap. After the shower I changed into a sports bra and spandex because I mean our parents aren't home and my sister doesn't care and like no one can see us so whatever. I was going to see if my sister wanted to watch a movie down stairs but of course she was to busy talking to this Matt guy. So I went downstairs and put on that awkward moment (by the way great movie) and started watching that. After that I watched The Judge, Lucy, Selma, and I put in the imitation game and I paused it so I could make some popcorn. So I played it and al said she was ready to watch a movie after I watched like 5. I said of course because you know whatever she's my sister I have to deal with her and if we fight it sucks so I try not to argue with her as much as I can. After that movie I eat pizza and went to bed because I got school tomorrow. I really like pizza if you couldn't tell. I hate it so much there everyone is so mean and rude. No one likes me, I hate no friends because no one likes me. It just really sucks. I only have one friend and her name is Savannah
Allison's POV
So of course my sister always makes us late for like everything. After practice on Sunday Ash usually just eats and I do to but I mean matt was facetiming me and I don't FaceTime a lot so when I can I do. My sister always thinks that we are dating and I do admit he's hot but I don't know if I could see more than friends he has a lot of hot friends and I'm so surprised that she has never seen him before because he is so popular and famous because of vine but my sister doesn't really pay any attention to that stuff so I bet that's why. I met Matt on the street actually like I knew him because of vine and I was walking down the street and when we walked past each other he smiled and then I just had to introduce myself and ever since then we have been best friends. Like about an hour and 1/2 ago my sister said that she was going outside to practice her skills (she does that a lot) well she came in my room after she took I a shower and asked me if I wanted to watch a movie and I did but I was talking to Matt so I said I would later. My sister and I are close but not super close. Like we talk and hangout but she doesn't know a lot about me and I don't know a ton about her. But anyway after a few hours I watched the imitation game with her and that was good and after that she eat pizza and went to bed because we have school in the morning. Yay! 😫 even tho I'm excited at the same time because it's my last week of high school.
Ashlynn's POV
So school starts at 8 so I got up at 7 and I took a shower and then after I let my hair air dry and I started to put on make up which really I don't really cake a lot on because if I start to break out. Unless I want to to look bomb then A decent amount. Today I just put on mascara and eyeliner. I wore a white crop top, high wasted bleached jeans, a tribal sweater, and my white converse. Gosh I hate school but hey we only got one more week left. But I still got 1 more years too go. Because right now I'm a junior. After me and my sister both got around we walked to school because it was so close. After we got to the school we went our separate ways like me and my sister don't really talk about school and she doesn't really know that people don't like me and because she is "popular" and all. Well I walk up to my locker and good thing that Savannah's locker is like right next to mine. So I was talking to her when some group of girls shoved me and poured all there drinks on me and it was so embarrassing because everyone watched and didn't do anything and it totally ruined my outfit and everything. I mean Savannah tried to stick up to them. But they are the worst. We call them the bitch click because they are bitches. Well after that I ran home missed the rest of school because I don't care I have all a's in school and I ran into the bathroom. I cut myself 4 times because that's how many drinks were spilled on me.

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