Chapter 3

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"Were here."

Fear was all over Augustine's face. We are in front of an old abandoned house.

"Why did you take me here? Are you going to do something horrible to me?"

I touched Augustine's hand to ensure that she was safe with me.

I could feel that Augustine calmed down.

Maybe something traumatic happened to her?

I should not ask her those questions. She might cry or something.

How I hope my plan will succeed. I want to cheer Augustine up.

"Don't be scared. This house is my Lolo's. "

I grabbed her hand as I guided her to go inside the house.

Ever since I saw her at the 7eleven, her hand has been shaking.

But ever since I touched her hand a while ago, they stopped trembling.

How I wish I could press her tightly in my arms to show my affection towards her.

To make her feel that she's not alone.

But I can't. I am too cowardly to do that. My plan is the least I could do to help Augustine. Hugging her is too much for me.

I opened the door with the key my grandfather had given him ever since he died.

"This house is already mine. Lolo left it for me. So don't be scared at my own home. "

Augustine, you are my home.

As I opened the door, hundreds of beautiful old paintings were hung on the wall, and the place did not look dusty. The inside seems pretty decent compared to the outside.

"Wait? What? I am confused."

I chuckled.

"Looks can be deceiving, but you must always look on the inside."

I smiled and sat on the sofa.

"I always clean this house weekly. If I'm not available, I pay someone to clean it. I can't afford the renovation outside. That's why it looks like a mess. I kept it that way so that no burglars would have an interest in going inside."

Augustine looks distracted with paintings. She quietly observes them while I tell her the story of this house.

"You like paintings?"

Augustine nods.

I stood up and pointed to one of the paintings.

"This one is the oldest of all of them."

"Who's the artist?"

I could see that Augustine was amazed at the paintings.

"Those are my grandfather's works. He never sold his art, but you could tell that he has some talent."

If I only knew that your eyes would twinkle when seeing paintings, I could have drawn you. Soon, I'll give you a portrait of yourself, Augustine.

"Do you know that I love paintings?"

I never knew. We were never that close, and I just transferred.

I guess I'm not that special in your life.

"No, I don't. I only thought that food made you happy."

"Silly, I am not a glutton."

Damn. I might have offended Augustine.

What should I do?

"Thanks for bringing me here. Your grandfather's painting is calming."

"Do you like art?"

Hahaha. Excellent question, Alex. She already told me earlier.

You suck at this.


Augustine nodded.

I should think of another one before she notices me being the dumbest person she has ever met.

"Whose is your favorite artist?"

Nice. That's a great question.

It would be nice to know her a lot more.

"Your parents."

"What do you mean--"

Before I could even finish what I was about to say, Augustine put her pointing finger on my lips to shush me. She leaned closer to me.

She's just an inch closer to me.

If someone had probably tried to push us, she would have kissed me.

I could feel my heart pounding, and my world was slowing down.

"Because they made the most beautiful art I've ever seen."

I could feel my cheeks burning.

Well, this is embarrassing.

Augustine suddenly chuckled and pinched my nose.

"Just kidding. I am just messing with you."

She smiled and continued to observe the painting.

Due to the humiliation that Augustine gave me, I immediately went to the kitchen.

I drank some water from the fridge to calm myself up.

Alex, you're here to cheer her up.

But she is messing with me---

No, no, Alex. She's just being mischievous.

I sighed and just shrugged it all off.

Augustine is straight. I should not give meaning to what she does to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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