05: More than friends?

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And he kissed me...

Then the next second I felt a hot stinging pain on my left cheek. I disconnected Gray's lips with mine and acting on instinct, I raised my hand and cupped my red cheek and gasped in horror. It was Juvia. Her furrowed eyebrows and scowling lips told me she was indeed boiling furious. "How dare you little slut try to seduce my Gray-sama?!?" She hissed like she had invisible venom dripping from her tongue. "I knew it since the day I first met you, you were trying to fancy all the princes at once! You're no better than a whore who earns money by one night stands!" She screamed. Okay, this time I felt beyond insulted. I snapped my fingers in a 'Z' formation and glared at her. "Erm excuse me? Says the whore in undergarments and clinging to Gray's arm all the time, isn't that the definition of being a slut?" I smirked in a teasing manner. She growled and tried to hit me once more. But this time, Gray buried me in his arms and protected me like a human cage. "Stop it Juvia! Just... get lost!" He huffed, his eyebrows creasing. Juvia's mouth dropped like she couldn't believe what she just heard. "G-Gray-sama?" She stuttered, tears welling up in her eyes as she clasped her mouth with both her hands. Her sparkly eyes filled with tears narrowed as she scurried away.

Gray sighed and raked his fingers through his shiny raven locks. "Sorry about that. Just had to get rid of her..." He gave a sloppy smile. I could literally feel my stomach plummet to the very bottom, his words stabbed my heart like needles. How could he... and second, who gave him the rights. I glared at him. "You think by stealing away my first kiss is gonna make her disappear out of your life?!?" I gave a dry chuckle. "Well dream on, Fullbuster. In an hours time she surely will follow your way again." I stomped away from the kitchen, pissed off. That was literally my first kiss, and he waltzed in and claimed my lips just like that just to the see the satisfying look of his stalker's face as she poorly ran away. Heh. My cheek, was another thing. Sure someone could have acted on their own and lash out someone due to jealousy, but it hurt. It hurt real bad. There was some kind of paralyzing sensation as her hand made contact with my skin I couldn't pinpoint into.

Pinpoint. Hah. Pins and Needles.

I walked back into the lounge seeming in a much more disastrous state than it was when I stepped foot in the exact same place just minutes ago. Food were all over the place like someone had started a food fight, some people were passed out drunk out on the disco floor and toilet paper streamed the ceiliing. Glass shards were scattered on the floor like lightbulbs had fell and smashed into possibly a thousand crystal pieces. I made my way outside; flinching when a shard crunched hard underneath my sole; where the atmosphere was abit calmer.

Upon seeing Sting, I felt a wave of euphoria wash towards me as I headed his direction. I wanted to call out to him, wave to him, but I couldn't. He was with someone. A girl. A beautiful girl. Tanned skinned and redhaired bombshell. I stopped in my tracks. He invited me here and now he's spending time with another girl. So much for thinking we could hang out. Sting was a professional playboy after all. I huffed as I plopped down on a stool, keeping a good distance from them. I looked up at the sky. The beautiful star-filled sky. Like diamonds powdering a bluish-black background. I could feel a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. It had been a long time since I looked up. I used to do it alot with my mom... before she became such a workaholic. I bit my lips and twiddled around with my hair.

A sudden icy hand landed on my shoulder, making me yelp and jump five feet in the air. Well, literally. I whipped around, puffing out my cheeks as I wore a pissed off expression on my face. Rogue blinked and let a small smirk creep on his face. "Lucy, eh?" He chuckled deeply. "Yea the one and only." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my bust. A hint of amusement lingered in Rogue's cold and stoic eyes. He smirked playfully and followed my actions, crossing his arms. "Not really. There are almost hundreds of Lucys out in this wrecked place you call world." I let out a hearty chuckle and playfully rolled my eyes again. "Soooo...." I dragged out the word, shifting my weight from foot to foot. "So Lucy, wanna go grab a drink?" He offered, tucking his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

Rogue wouldn't take no for an answer when I told him I don't drink. He led me back to the lounge and didn't at all mind the surrounding when I was there behind racking out my polluted lungs from the foul stench of sweat and alcohol. Another reason why I hate going to parties. He led me to a small makeshift island behind the kitchen counter. He grabbed a can of beer while he poured me a glassful of cranberry juice. "Thanks." I muttered as he handed me the glass.

We headed outside again and plopped our asses down on the freshly mowed grass. "Lucy." He said, tipping the can to his lips, and took a long drink. "You and Sting are friends, no?" He raised an eyebrow. I shrugged half heartedly and swirled the juice in my glass, making a little whirpool. "No? I don't know. I guess you can call us friends, we're just in the state of awkward." I laughed. He smirked and took another swing. "Say, aren't we in the state of awkward too?" His words slurred a little, I could tell he was getting a little tipsy. "Maybe." I replied, resting my chin on the back of my hand. He downed the entire can of beer before simply tossing it away.

I eyed his hand as he reached out to ruffle my hair, and his face drew nearer to mine. No wait... I'm not going to have another kiss stolen away this very night, no no. But instead his face went closer at the side of my face, his lips parallel to my ear. Very huskily, he whispered, "We could be more than friends, you know..." in the slur of alcohol, his head dropped onto my shoulder and snuggled comfortably into the crook of my neck. I gasped a little, a small blush littered all over my face as I felt small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. I could feel his hot breath fanning against my ears. After a few minutes, he remained in the same stationary position. "Rogue?" I mused, shaking him lightly on his shoulder. His breathing was slow, his chest rising up and down, indicating he was still alive. I carefully put down my half of cranberry juice on the grass, stabilizing it on the uneven grassy surface. "Rogue. Rogueee..." I finally gave up when I realised he was fast asleep. Great. Note the sarcasm, please. I felt my eyelids getting heavier by each ticking second, so I decided to close them, the goddamn loud music still blaring lively in my ears. I could feel myself drifting off, when...

"Lucy!" My eyes shot open at the mere mention of my name. It was the bee. I looked up with lazy eyes and grinned a little. He had a stern look on his face. Albeit his poignant look was still stuck on his face, he looked flawless. Wait, what? I swear the cranberry juice had a heavy aftermath on me. "Lucy, how could you sleep on the grass in someone else's house through all the fucking ruckus?" He scoffed, his sharp fang-like tooth visible. He didn't gave me a chance to answer, because he swirled his index finger at Rogue. "And him." He stated, his scowl getting deeper. "What's with him?" I sat there blankly looking at him for a moment, then at Rogue, before letting out a strangled laugh. "Oh him? Well, just got a little drunk, that's all." Sting facepalmed hard on his face before helping Rogue off of me. "C'mon, I'll get you guys home." He said, lifting Rogue's arm around his shoulder. I followed Sting footsteps from behind, taking one last longing look at the skies above.
"You know where I live, right?" I questioned Sting as I got in the passenger seat of the car, Rogue sprawled at the backseats. Sting gave me a sarcastic look before revving up the engines. "God Lucy, you ask stupid questions sometimes." He let out a soft laugh at the end. The entire trip back to my estate was filled with eerie silence again, but I didn't mind one bit since I was awfully tired. I let out a yawn which didn't go unnoticed by Sting. After a few achingly long minutes later, we finally reached my house. I unbuckled my seat beat and turned my head back at where Rogue was. "You gonna bring him home later?" I asked. Sting shook his head. "He's staying with me. He's my half-brother." He replied, eyeing Rogue as well.

Realization hit me as to why they always acted the same. "Oh, I didn't know." I faced Sting and flashed him a smile. "I gotta go now, so drive safe okay?" Before I could reach the door handle, Sting reached out and stopped me. I gave him a quizzical look, but was met with him having his blond bangs framing his eyes. "Listen, sorry..." he mumbled. "Care to elaborate?" I didn't knew why the heck he was apologizing now out of the blue. "Just now..." he started. "I ignored you even though I invited you to the party. So, sorry." I felt myself heat up for the what, third time this night and patted him on his shoulder to ensure everything was okay. "It's okay, Sting. I'll meet you at school tomorrow alright? Goodnight." I bidded him and pecked him on his cheek before getting out of his sports car.

Couldn't say it was the best party I had ever attended, could I?

Vote which you want as the main pairing!
-Nalu (Natsu x Lucy) -19
-Graylu (Gray x Lucy) -21
-Stinglu/Sticy (Sting x Lucy) -32
-Rolu (Rogue x Lucy) -15
-Jelu (Jellal x Lucy) -18

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