04: TGIF

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School days flew by fast. The next thing I knew, it was already the end of the weekdays and the schooling ended in the early afternoons. I was packing up my books so I could go home to chill out, sleep, eat and play video games. Yea, that was my usual unhealthy routine. I zipped up my backpack firmly and made my way out of the seemingly loud and chaotic classroom when someone pulled my bag strap from behind. Thank the lucky stars I didn't topple backwards and fall over, but that alone gave me a mini heart attack. "S-Sting?" I came face to face with the blond haired cute-faced badboy. "Yo." He smirked, and studied me. "Where you headin'?"

"To Paris." I rolled my eyes and teasingly punched his shoulders. "Of course I would be going home, baka. Where else?" I said, trying to state out the obvious. He pretended to act hurt. "Aw you gonna leave me and fly across the world? No fair." He made a weird combination of a pouty face and a crying look. Well, that ain't cute, boy. I sighed and ignored him. "So what do you want?" I asked, trying to ignore the crazy girl standing on my table, singing along the lines of 'Anaconda' and twerking. TGIF sickness. "You free tonight? Gray's having a party at his house and everyone's invited." He smiled and led me outside. I weighed the decisions in my head. If I were to go to Gray's party, that would mean missing a day of Final Fantasy and junk food, and if I didn't go, I would be left out at the first week of school's friday partying. "Please? I would be picking you up. The Heartfilia Estate, right?" He then unzipped the front pocket from his bag and handed me a small folded blue paper. "That's my number by the way." He smiled. I then gave him my number out of stupidity. "So are you going?" He asked once again. Well then...

"Count me in!"

(timeskip brought to you by Gray's pink hello kitty underwear)

I looked at my reflection from by floor length mirror. I looked... nice? I wore a grey jacket over a white sleeveless collar shirt and had on a new pair of black skinny jeans. My loose golden hair was tied up in a high bun by a small clip-on bow, and a pair of black framed nerd glasses settled comfortably on the bridge of my nose, with a few accessories here and there. I was dressed simple, not to impress. I looked at my diamond studded black watch around my wrist and it showed five minutes to six.

'Oh shit...'

Sting promised me he would be the outside my the mansion and sharp six o' clock, and I didn't want to fail him. I rushed over to my walk-in closet and chose a pair of nude heels. Well, since there would be dancing tonight, so I threw the heels away and picked out my favourite chunky gothic boots instead. I then hastily grabbed a tube of chapstick and applied it to my lips.

*Beep Beep*

Darn it, Sting's really on time. I grabbed my phone and purse and headed out my room, snatching up one of the sticky notes lying on the kitchen countertop.

'Be back real late tonight and don't wait up for me. There's leftover food from yesterday's dinner in the oven if you ever feel hungry.


I quickly scribbled what I could and left the paper on the fridge, held up by a mini magnet. These days, mom and dad would be home late because of overtime work schedule and they would hardly have enough time to eat. They just come back home and crash at the sofa, and then go back to work early in the morning tomorrow. I honestly pity them, and I don't want to be like them. No, no way.

I hurriedly dashed for the door and violently flung it open, feeling the warm evening air brush against my naked skin. It was a perfect time of the day out. Out on the roads, in front of the heavy metal gates, a fiery red Bugatti Veyron (A/N Sorry I'm not good with cars, so I had to search this up ._.) stood amongst others. It was Sting's, with his head peeked out from the car glass. "Blondie. You are exactly two minutes and fifty one seconds late!" He exclaimed, and grinned. Blondie? Was that my nickname now? Great.

"Shut it, stingy bee. Before I destroy your precious car." I threatened with a menacing look on my face. Gripping the car's door handle and flinging it open, I crashed in the front seat and buckled up my seatbelts. The first thing I smelt in the car was a strong honey scent. "Wow, even your car smells like honey, bee boy." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Hey! that's insulting!" He said then looked in my direction. "You look awesome, by the way." He complimented. "Thanks. You too." I replied and glanced at him. He was wearing a black tee with ripped jeans, looking hotter than ever.

He then revved up the roaring engines and drove to Gray's mansion. The entire trip was enveloped in a defeaning silence. We weren't talking to each other for some reasons which I do not know, but at least it was the peaceful silence and not the awkward type. After a few minutes, Sting announced that we had reached Gray's place. I thanked Sting for the ride and got out from the car, and instantly booming music filled my ears. In front was a beautiful luxurious mansion with a crazily huge pool and garden. People were playing in the water, splashing all around and laughing all the way. "Wow..." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Are the parties always like this every Friday?" I asked Sting. He shrugged casually. "More or less. We sometimes hang out at Rogue's." He said and pushed open the heavy doors inside. The first thing that hit me was the stench. The alcohol dripping stench. It was thick and heavy, lingering in the air and all around. Sting must have noticed my disgusted face. "We can go outside in the gardens if you want. I'll grab us some drinks." He stated and smiled. I nodded curtly. "Okay, but first I wanna find Gray and thank him for inviting me to this party." And with that, I left on my own to find the ravenette.

There must had been hundreds of people there because, boy, was it packed. I stumbled through throngs of people either drunk or have a dancing fetish. The music was loud, the atmosphere was lively. There were spilled drinks here and there, and the disco ball gave out radiant coloured lights all around. One heck of a party. I decided to walk to the kitchen because who knew if Gray was there. And indeed he was!- but oh my god...

Juvia was with him, clinging to his arm. She was only in her undergarments, and she looked like she was trying to seduce him. Gray just held a sweet suicide stick in between his fingers, with his hair all messed up. I guess I could say they were both heavily drunk...? And the two still hadn't noticed me yet, their minds were just somewhere over the rainbow. Then I needed to get out of here, and fast! But still, I came all this way to thank him. So I gathered up all my courage and slowly approached him, tapping him on his shoulders. His half lidded eyes trailed up to mine and he cocked his head. "Heartfilia...?" He murmured questioningly. "Yea it's me, just wanted to thank you for inviting me to this party." I said and smiled. He closed his eyes and rested his head on the walls like he was overcoming a painful hangover. "Don't needa. Everyone was invited." He moaned. "But still!" I replied. "I will be taking my leave now, looks like you need some rest." And with that, I swiftly turned and headed the opposite direction to find Sting. Almost immediately, there was a heavy grip in my wrist making me spin around. It was Gray, and he wasn't letting me go. "What are you doing Gray? Let me go." I cried, and tried to escape him. He ignored me and pinned me up to the wall, face nearing closer and closer every second, with the alcohol breath fanning my face...

And he kissed me.


Vote which you want as the main pairing!
-Nalu (Natsu x Lucy) -16
-Graylu (Gray x Lucy) -12
-Stinglu/Sticy (Sting x Lucy) -22
-Rolu (Rogue x Lucy) -13
-Jelu (Jellal x Lucy) -11

Note: As I had said in the earlier chapter, you can only vote in the newest chapter. Thank you.

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