Adventure One

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"A New Age is upon us and you won't be a part of it."

"Mee use Solar Beam," a girl yelled. "Wurmple is unable to battle, the winner is Chikorita," the teacher announced. "What a wonderful show," a man said, "as you know, this world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon. What are Pokemon? Strange creatures that live in the forests and lakes. I don't know how many kinds of Pokemon there are but my grandfather dedicated his life to researching these mysterious creatures, I've followed in his footsteps. Now, why don't you tell me your name." "My name's Topaz," Topaz said, "why do you need to know that, Professor Green Oak?" "Can't one be curious about a talented trainer from the Trainer School in Port Bronze," Green asked. "May I speak to you professor," the teacher asked. They walked off to the side, away from open ears. "What do you need, Yellow," Green asked. "It's about Topaz," Yellow said, "she might be their kid." "Are you sure," Green asked. "Yes," Yellow said, "she said she never knew either of her parents, her arrival as a child perfectly correlates with when they would've taken her from him. Not only that, she has a Chikorita and a Pichu. She even resembles him." "She could be the key to finding him," Green said, "keep an eye on her." "She broke out two nights ago," Yellow explained, "she went to challenge Daniel, we have several teachers patrolling the halls and the yard well past curfew and nobody caught her." "How'd you find out she left then," Green asked. "I found a Draco Badge in her dorm, along with plans of escape. An entire hand drawn map of the school, the days and time teachers patrol the halls and yard," Yellow explained, "along with several escape routes marked out. All accurate." "That doesn't seem to be the entire story," Green said. "No," Yellow agreed, "I found a sketch of the latest Pokedex, the one you just made four of. There was also information of every Pokedex holder, dead and alive. Their Pokemon, age, status, birthday, blood type and their title." "Make sure she doesn't leave today," Green said, "give me enough time to give them to their intended owners." "You've picked four kids," Yellow asked. "I've picked three," Green said, "Star, he's Sun and Moon's kid, he moved to the Teeya region recently. From Alola. Grey, White and Black's son, he's always eager to prove himself equal to his parents. And Gem, Ruby and Sapphire's daughter, she's apparently never been outside since she came to Teeya. Ruby told me he was protecting her from him. If Blake is right and he is behind what's happening in darkness in Teeya, Ruby could be right to not let her go outside. But her thirteenth birthday is tomorrow, Ruby told me he's finally letting her explore the outside world along with becoming a Pokedex Holder. The last one I might hold on to, I'm still not sure of Topaz's skill as a Pokemon trainer but it should be no problem. Besides, my labs in Bane City, that's pretty far from here." "Have you spoken to Red and Blue since that day," Yellow asked. "I lost contact when they disappeared," Green lied, "just like you." Yellow nodded dejectedly. "Look, I know you miss Red," Green said, "I don't know why he ran off with Blue but I promised not to look for them." "I think it's time for you to return to your lab," Yellow said quietly. Green nodded before walking out of the school. Topaz eyed him curiously as he left. "Return to your dorms," Yellow said, "get ready for dinner."

 "Alright everyone," Topaz said, "tonight, we're escaping this place. So long ago we came to the god forsaken region from who knows where. Tonight, we leave. Mee, Pi, you've been with me as long as I can remember. Cro, Um, Ste, Vol, you've joined me along the years, you've all stuck by me all this time. It's time I begin my search. The search for my parents." "Topaz, you in there," a boys voice asked. "Yea," Topaz said. "I'm coming in," the boy said. "No you don't have to," Topaz said. The door creaked open. "Why don't these doors have locks," Topaz asked herself. "Hey beautiful," the boy said. "What do you want, Jacob," Topaz asked. "Just checking on my future wife," Jacob said. "You think I'm gonna marry you," Topaz laughed, "says who?" "My parents, remember? You met them, they said you were really good for me," Jacob said. "Your parents," Topaz asked, "do you mean the ones who got kicked out of the Trainer School for harassing Miss Yellow and Principle Swainy?" "T-that was one incident," Jacob said, "they want to meet you, at my house to discuss marriage with you." "I'm thirteen," Topaz said, "that's a bit young, besides I have higher priorities than wanting to marry you. Now get out." "I'm not leaving until you agree to meet with my parents," Jacob cried. "Pi," Topaz sighed, "take care of him." "This won't be the end of this," Jacob yelled before he was shocked by Pichu. "Time to get ready to leave this place once and for all," Topaz said. Topaz put her bag in the optimised position for escape before proceeding to the cafeteria. She wore black yoga pants along with a black skirt that showed off her features. She wore a red rain jacket, along with a black shirt. Her long black hair reached half way between her shoulders and elbows. Finishing off her look were goggles that held her hair in place on her head. She went to go sit down to wait for the teachers to announce dinner starting. "Hey, eighth grader," a voice yelled, "you're in our seat." Topaz stood up to face the group of 4 ninth graders standing in front of her. "Hey, you're," Topaz exclaimed, "wait, who are you?" "Ehhh," the lead ninth grader said, clearly surprised that someone didn't know him, "it doesn't matter, what matters is that you're in our seat." "Clearly it's not your seat because you weren't here," Topaz said. "Oh, we've got a smart one," he said, "let's see if you keep talking.  Go Beedrill, use Twinneedle." "Go Vol," Topaz yelled, "use Fiery Dance." Topaz returned Volcarona before bolting in the confusion. She raced down the hall where, thanks to the notes she took she realised that no one would be patrolling the halls or the yards during dinner time. "Looking for something," a woman's voice asked. "Miss Yellow," Topaz said, "what are you doing here?" "Don't play dumb with me," Yellow said, "you may be able to fool the other teachers, but you can't fool me. I know you're trying to break out, I can't let you." Yellow tossed Topaz's bag back at her. "I'm afraid, Miss Yellow," Topaz said. "It's ok," Yellow said, "I won't tell anyone." "Standing down isn't an option," Topaz finished, "Cro use Brave Bird." "Omny use Blizzard," Yellow yelled. "Use Cross Poision," Topaz yelled. "Come back," Yellow yelled, "go Chuchu. Use Thunderbolt." "Return," Topaz yelled, "Go Ste, use Earthquake." "What are you crazy," Yellow yelled, "trying to bring the building down on us." "No," Topaz said, "just smart." Yellow looked up and a section of the ceiling came down, separating the two of them. Topaz escaped through a window before flying off into the night. Yellow only sighed. 

"The great Professor Oak the second's lab," Topaz said, "getting my hand on one of those Pokedex's could make my search a lot easier. What do you think, Pi?" "Pi pichu," Pi agreed. "Alright Pi," Topaz said, "go get it."  

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