Adventure Six

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Team Sun


Gender: Male

Age: 33

Birthday: August 31

Blood Type: B

Eye Colour: Blue-Gray

Hair Colour: Dark Blue

Hometown: Cinnabar Island

Region: Teeya (originally Alola and Kanto)

Relatives: Star (son), Platinum (sister in-law)

Dollar/Incineroar ♂

LV. 97

Ability: Blaze

Impish Nature

Given to Sun by Professor Kukui when he started his journey

Cent/Meowth ♂

LV. 95

Ability: Pickup

Quirky Nature

Originally belonged to Sun's great-grandfather prior to his death

Quarter/Wishiwashi ♂

LV. 91

Ability: Schooling

Quiet Nature

Was caught by Sun on his adventure around Alola

Penny/Mimikyu ♂

LV. 88

Ability: Disguise

Adamant Nature

Was caught by Sun on his adventure around Alola

Loot/Crabominable ♂

LV. 89

Ability: Iron Fist

Bold Nature

Was caught by Sun on his adventure around Alola

Drachma/ Stakataka

Lv 85

Ability: Beast Boost

Relaxed Nature

Was caught by Sun in the Ultra Wormhole to stop Necrosma

Pound/Scizor ♂

Lv. 90

Ability: Swarm

Adamant Nature

Was given to him by the Mega Evolution guru after he mastered Mega Evolution

"Grey and Topaz are both probably long gone," Gem said, "no reason to stay here for long." "There's a city across the channel," Star said, "we can go there." As they got closer to the harbor, the air seemed to thicken. "Star, are you sure we can go," Gem said, "not many people are around here." "Ok, maybe we shou..." Star stopped speaking. Star began walking. That's when Gem spotted who Star was walking towards. A lone man, sitting. He had a black hood resting on his shoulder. "Star," Gem cried, "what are you doing?" Star waved her off. they both came face to face with the man. "I wanted to make sure it was true," Star said, "after abandoning me, you show up now. Why?" "Star," Gem said softly, "who is that?" "T-that man," Star asked, "this is my father." "Hello Star," Sun said. "Why," Star yelled, "why are you here?" "Why not," Sun asked. "I was dealing with business." "You came back to Alola for a day," Star shouted, "a day! To say goodbye to Auntie Lillie and Professor Kukui. You didn't even speak to me, and you stayed at the Professor's house. When I woke up all you left was a note that said an address and a plane ticket that left in 12 hours. You didn't give me time to say goodbye to anyone. It was the least I deserved after you neglected me for years!" "Look, Star," Sun said, "what I did was wrong. I'm sorry." "You're sorry," Star exclaimed, "years of my life I spend seeking your recognition, your approval. I was dependent on you and you weren't there. Now, when I don't need you. Now, when I've begun my own journey on my own accord you come back into my life. You don't even call me son, you call me Star. I'll catch up with you later, Gem. I don't need you in my life father. Let's got Tor." Sun and Gem watched Star fade into the horizon. "Do you ever regret not being there," Gem asked. "Every day," Sun said, "but it's so both Star and I can be happy." Gem studied him before her eyes dropped to what he was wearing. A black suit, a hood rested on his shoulder. That's when Gem noticed the small blue C etched into it. "Your with Team Calamity," Gem said. "That I am," Star said nonchalantly, "who did you encounter?" "Amy and some grunts," Gem said. "Amy lost everyone around her during the war 10 years ago," Sun said, "she's a former Team Rocket grunt. Her core was sacrificed to let Giovanni escape. I know because that day was when I met her. I saved her from being killed by Lack-Two, that's also the day her hatred for Lack-Two and Giovanni started. I'd tell you to stay out of Team Calamity's business but I know you won't, I know what Pokedex Holders are like. Please, don't interfere. It's for the best of everyone. Please tell Star that I really am sorry. Ride pager, Charizard."

"Why do we do what we do, Pi," Topaz asked her yellow companion. "I remember a town of blue skies, a house full of Pokémon. A blue haired woman. A house of happiness. Yet, I ended up here, in the dirt. My entire like all I've ever wanted was my parents, for us to all be together and to be happy. You've been with me since I can remember, you must've known my parents. But it's ok, Pi, I'll find out on my own. No matter where my parents are I'll find them."

"I'll show mom and dad this picture when I see them again," Grey said to himself, "I'll be going through Deysn City soon, so I'll drop by and ask if them know the people. It might be a long shot, but it's worth it. I could tell that Green didn't want Star and I to know something about Topaz. He must've just figured something out, I'll find out in a few days when I'm home."

"Have you come back here to gloat," Gold asked, "after the war, after everything, you return back here. Why? Why come here, the war left this place uninhabitable, even now, it looks nice with the overgrown trees but this place is slowly killing us." "So you don't recognise this place," the woman said, "thirty-two years ago, Red piloted the Team Rocket aircraft to safety with the help of Mew. Soon after that, I appeared to turn Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and your dear friend Silver, to Stone. You would not come back to Kanto unless you had a purpose, after all Kanto is the place you lost your best friend for good this time along with your beloved wife, Crystal. Is it not?" "I've come here for the final time to do what you deserved so many years ago," Gold said, "go Exbo." "Go Darkrai," Sird said. "So, you've got it back," Gold said, "I heard you released it into the Distortion World and that scientist freak, Charon took control of it." "Darkrai use Dark Pulse," Sird yelled. Smoke covered Gold's vision. "Exbo use Blast Burn," Gold yelled. A clean hole went through the smoke. "You can't run forever Sird," Gold said, "judgement day will come and it will not be kind to you."

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