Adventure Two

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Team Topaz


Gender: Female

Age: 13

Birthday: August 27

Blood Type: AB

Eye Colour: Topaz

Hair Colour: Black, Light Blue streak

Hometown: ???

Region: Teeya

Relatives: ???


LV. 30

Ability: Lightning Rod

Modest Nature

Appears to have been with Topaz since she was a small child, has a spiky ear


LV. 12

Ability: Overgrow

Lonely Nature

Appears to have been with Topaz since she was a small child

Cro/Crobat ♂

LV. 21

Ability: Infiltrator

Jolly Nature

Met Topaz while she was at the Pokemon Trainer school. Briefly fights Yellow and her Pikachu, helps Topaz escape the Trainer school

Um/Umbreon ♂

LV. 17

Ability: Synchronise

Serious Nature

Was the first Pokemon Topaz caught while at the trainer school, not much is known about it


LV. 25

Ability: Sturdy

Bold Nature

Met Topaz while she was at the Pokemon Trainer school, briefly fights against Yellow and her Pikachu before it helps Topaz escape


LV. 59

Ability: Flame Body

Bold Nature

Was the last Pokemon Topaz met. They met when Topaz first broke out, at age 10. It came into Topaz's care after it's previous owner released it

"A New Age is upon us and you won't be a part of it."

"Dad," Star yelled, "dad! Dad. Sun, Sun the Saver. Where are you? Sun, Dad? Oh, right. He's not home. He's never home. My names Star, I just moved to Alola recently and I'm talking to myself again. Oh, that's right. I have to go get that Pokedex thingy that my dad had. Professor Oak, apparently his grandfather invented the Pokedex. He said he knew my dad, he also said he met me when I was little. I met him once a few months ago, he told me about destiny or something. He asked me where my dad was, of course I didn't know. I haven't seen my dad in months, since we arrived in Teeya 6 months ago. Even before then, back when I lived in Alola. My father was always distant, he said he just missed my mum. He never told me what happened to my mum. There's only one picture of her in my house, when I asked my dad about it he said it was taken in better times. Whatever that meant. And I'm still talking to myself." Star stumbled out of bed and found the kitchen in shambles. "Hey," Star yelled, "what do you think you're doing?" All his Pokemon turned to face him. "Roar, Volt, Roc," Star yelled, "Sand, Tor, Gar. I've told you all before, if you want to stay outside of your Pokeball, you have to behave." "Li litten," Roar cried pointing at the door. Through the small window, Star spotted a girl that looked around his age, knocking rapidly and looking around frantically like she was hiding from someone. "Open it Gar," Star said. The door clicked open and a girl stumbled through. Star got a good look at the girl who lay on the floor. Black yoga pants, a black skirt, a red rain jacket and goggles that kept her hair out of her eyes. She looked like an angel, sprawled out like that. She was hot. Her eyes opened and told a different story. Cold, calculating topaz coloured eyes that seemed to see right through him. She held an orange machine in her hand that seemed oddly familiar before  slipping it into her jacket pocket. "Who are you and what were you doing knocking on my door," Star asked. "This man was chasing me through this city," Topaz said, "I noticed you through your windows so I knocked hoping to escape the man." "Well, I'm glad you found me," Star said, "what's your name and what are you doing in Bane City?" "My names Topaz," Topaz said, "I'm looking for my roots. I don't remember ever meeting my family, nor where I'm from. Wait, shut up. That's the man who's after me." "Wait," Star said, "that's Professor Oak. He's after you? Is that Grey with him?"

A New Age: A Pokemon Adventures Story (discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now