Adventure Seven

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holy shit. been a while. sorry for not updating for a while. i adressed that in a post i made on conversations on my profile. it explains where ive been. but good to be back, enjoy 

Team Amy


Gender: Female

Age: 30

Birthday: March 26

Blood Type: A

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Hometown: Azalea Town

Region: Teeya (originally Johto)

Relatives: ???


LV. 96

Ability: Scrappy

Adamant Nature

Origin unknown


LV. 92

Ability: Static

Modest Nature

Origin unknown


LV. 88

Ability: Swift Swim

Timid Nature

Origin unknown


LV. 90

Ability: Shield Dust

Bold Nature

Origin unknown


LV. 89

Ability: Shadow Tag

Impish Nature

Origin unknown

Salamence ♂

LV. 92

Ability: Intimidate

Jolly Nature

Origin unknown

"This is the place father said mother was buried," Star muttered to himself, "Phorus Town cemetery." Star entered the cemetery. "Victims of the war for Kanto," Star muttered, "that must be where she is." Star wandered for a bit before heading over to a section that was separated to the rest of the cemetery. Star noticed a woman standing in front of a grave. "She looks familiar," Star muttered, "wait, that's Aunt Platinum." She turned towards Star. "Star," Platinum said, "what are you doing here?" "I remember father telling me about a cemetery that my mother was buried at," Star said. Platinum took a step back revealing the grave she was standing at. Etched into it were the words, "Moon Berlitz. A brave soul, too young to die. Taken too soon," Star read aloud, "Moon Berlitz. That's my mother isn't it." "Yes," Platinum said, "most of us lost something. But Sun was affected by your mothers death far worse. Moon was the only person he had, he lost his best friends, Hau and Gladion during the battle against Necrosma several years before. Then he lost Moon, and that was the final straw for him." "You're defending him for the abuse he caused me, I was a child and I needed him and he wasn't there," Star cried. "I'm not defending him," Platinum said, "I just want you to understand what he was going through." "That is defending him," Star argued. Platinum sighed, "you are you much like your mother. He suffered alone, nobody understood him. All he had was your other aunt, Lillie. But she was away for a long time. There were 3 times she came back to Alola. The first was your mother's and father's wedding, then your birth where she was named your godmother, finally she returned from her travels having failed her mission." "How was this war so deadly to Pokedex holders," Star asked. "The man who waged the war understood us," Platinum explained, "especially the older Pokedex Holders. The man we fought against was ruthlessly cunning, he studied us for years and had experienced firsthand what we were capable of. He knew our strengths, he knew our weaknesses and in the end both sides lost. We lost our honor as protectors, as we failed to protect the many people who lost their life in the war and we lost our close friends and mentor Professor Oak." Platinum pointed to three other grave stones. "Those were the other ones," Platinum explained," Professor Oak, Silver and Crystal. And he lost his criminal organization, he realized that he had underestimated us again and he sacrificed most of his remaining men to escape." "Who was this man," Star asked. "Giovanni," Platinum said, "the leader of Team Rocket." "What happened to him," Star asked. "He escaped, never to be seen since," Platinum said, "some like X and Y think that it's over and that he's dead but Green is still paranoid that he'll return one day." "Who are those two," Star asked, pointing at Crystal's and Silver's graves. "Silver and Crystal," Platinum said, "they were the Johto Pokedex holders. They were best friends with the person who perhaps suffered the worst due to the war. Gold. Gold and Silver were best friends, while Gold and Crystal were... more. Gold was truly alone. He lost his mother several years before due to cancer, Professor Oak died during the war, Professor Elm went of the map due to the war, his hometown of New Bark Town sat on the border with Kanto and it was burnt to ashes. He went insane. The only dex holders. Red, Green, Blue and Yellow would take turns to check up on him. Soon his child was taken from him and he lost what he had left of his family. Soon after that he seemed to get better. That's what is seemed. Then Red confronted Gold and Gold disappeared. Red refused to speak about what happened that day, two days later he and Blue disappeared. "Star," a girls voice yelled, "Star." Both Star and Platinum turned towards the voice. "Gem," Star said, what are you doing here?" "Your dad," Gem said, "h-he-he's..." "Apart of Team Calamity," a woman's voice said, "oh, so he's told you. You weren't supposed to do that." "She figured it out," a mans voice said nonchalantly, "smart girl." They all turned towards the voices. Amy was in the air sitting on her Salamence and Sun was sitting on a branch leaning against a pine tree. "Amy," Gem said. "Sun," Platinum asked in disbelief. "Hello, Platina," Sun said, "nice to see you." "How far you've fallen," Platinum said, "what would Moon think of you?" "We've all fallen from Arceus's grace Platina," Sun said, "ever since we started that war." "You can't seriously believe that the war was our fault," Platinum cried, "Giovanni forced us into conflict." "It was a personal problem between Giovanni and the Kanto and Johto dex holders," Sun said, "neither of us had ever met Giovanni before the war. We destroyed an entire region, we were the cause of thousands of deaths and forced millions of people to migrate. What do we even have to show for it? Giovanni escaped, he still lives. Red and Blue have disappeared, probably dead. Gold hasn't been seen in what? 10ish years? Something like that. Moon's dead, so are Silver and Crystal. Same with Professor Oak." "Well," Gem said, "you see, a few days ago your son and I came across a man named Gold who had a Typhlosion and a Pichu." "So he did decide to show himself after all," Sun muttered. "Although I'd very much like to kill them, wasn't the plan to capture the Pokedex holders," a woman's voice said, "isn't that right, Jackson?" No response. "Who are you," Platinum yelled. "Ohh, one of the oldies," Piper said delightfully, "you must be one of the ones who started the war." "Started... no I didn't start the war," Platinum said. The trees began to rustle and out came Grey followed by a man wearing glasses along with a white lab coat and the black suit the rest of them were wearing. "Grey," Star said. "Found him snooping around," Jackson said. "What's going on," Grey asked. "That doesn't matter right now," Star whispered to him, "on my signal, you'll know what to do." Grey nodded. "Why don't you tell us, Lady Platinum Berlitz," Jackson said, "how to get to the other side? What is the purpose of the Griseous Orb? And where are the Sinjoh Ruins?" "The other side...," Platinum wondered aloud," do you mean the Distortion World?" "That would be the correct name," Piper said, "the lair of Giritina. After being banished by Arceus, forced to forever roam the endless world where up is down and left is right. The only time it came back to our world was when it trapped Dialga and Palkia. And what do you know of the Griseous Orb?" "The what," Platinum asked. "Surely with your years of experience and expertise on the myths of Sinnoh you've heard of the Griseous Orb," Jackson asked. Platinum gave him a blank look. Jackson sighed, "3 orbs, 3 controllers, 3 states of matter, 3 fundamental aspects of our existence. Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous. Dialga, Palkia, Giritina. Solid, liquid, gas. Time, space and anti-matter. Surely you understand what I'm talking about?" "I know of Dialga, Palkia and Giritina. I met them," Platinum said, "I don't know what other nonsence your going on about." "What about the Sinjoh ruins then," Jackson said, "what do you know of the world between realities?" "There are only 10 humans who have stepped foot in the Sinjoh Ruins," Platinum said, "9 of them are dead, and the last one should be." "Who," Sun asked. "Giovanni's the only one left," Platinum said, "what, your gonna go find a ghost? There's a reason that none of us have been able to find him in 10 years." "This is boring," Amy complained, "isn't there supposed to be 4 of them? Where's the last one?" "I'm right here," a voice said. There Topaz stood 20 meters away. Sun started clapping. "Wow, dramatic entrance," Sun said, "I love it." "Go Sand, use Earthquake," Star yelled. "Beartic use Protect," Grey yelled. "Vol, use Fiery Dance," Topaz yelled. 

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