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A small sigh escaped my mouth as I desperately tried to focus on my homework despite my brother's and his friends' loud voices out in the living room. I'm sure if mom and dad had been home the three of them would've been kicked out within seconds.

"We are not rehearsing at your house Jay," my brother sternly spoke and I mentally cursed out the three older boys as I massaged my temples, "not a chance. I don't want any of the members near my sister."

"Think for a moment lad, none of them will even be in the same house as her," Jay's voice replied, "you don't want anyone near your sister, Sunghoon and I wasn't even allowed in the house for months, because apparently Sunghoon helping her with some history homework was too kind of him and now he suddenly was making sexual advances on your sister."

"That was seriously overreacting," Sunghoon agreed, "yes she's a pretty bird but why in the world would I even advance on your sister?"

"Okay... but they can look into her room from the kitchen in your house," my brother persisted, "we stay rehearsing in Hee's house."

"You know his aunt kicked us out," Jay insisted, "honestly Jake think for a second. We can't rehearse in Hee's place anymore, Jungwon's dad will get him beaten the shit out of if we as much as bring a drum into that house, you don't want us in your house, so we only have ours left."

"What about the new kid?" Jake exclaimed, "he surely has a house."

"It's basic manner to not request you to rehearse at his house," Sunghoon reminded.

I slammed my hands flat on my desk as I got up and rushed out to the living room, looking between the three boys, two of which were dressed in their usual dark attire, which was very much frowned upon. The third was dressed in his light pencil pants with whatever button up was clean that day.

"Will you muppets just shut up?" I questioned them, "does it really have to be up for so much discussion? Just rehearse at the Parks, honestly," I complained at Jake, "so what they can see me through a kitchen window? Won't you be more furious if Sunghoon could see me from his bedroom."

"You would rip off my head," Sunghoon remarked and crossed his arms.

"I don't like the thought," Jake excused and crossed his arms, the leather on his arms rubbing together and making an annoying squeaky sound.

"And you don't like the thought of mom and dad finding out you smoke either," I remarked and he widened his eyes, "don't act like I can't smell it off you when we walk home from school."

"Listen to your sister," Jay urged and moved so his leather jacket made the same annoying squeaky sound.

"Now I'd really like to ask for Sunghoon's help for my history homework," I sighed and gestured to the only of the three that dressed in acceptable attire. He only raised both his eyebrows at me before glancing over at Jake.

"I don't care," Jake sighed deeply and Sunghoon just nodded before following after me and down to my room.

I quickly sat down by my desk and turned to my book, searching for the thing that had confused me before I was interrupted.

"I'm not quite sure I get what the difference between the Bubonic Plague and the Black Death," I admitted as I scratched in my hair with my pencil as I frowned slightly.

"Both are the Bubonic Plague, actually," Sunghoon pointed out and I looked over at him with a frown, "the first pandemic was around the middle of the 500's, meanwhile the Black Death is the second pandemic around 1350's. The death toll, however, were just much higher with the Black Death, exactly why it has that name instead of just calling it a second pandemic."

"So... they're the same?" I questioned as Sunghoon merely nodded and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"It bothers you, doesn't it?" he questioned and I hummed as I turned in my seat to look at him, "the way Jake acts."

"He's a good brother," I shrugged and Sunghoon let out a small laugh.

"So is Jay, but it doesn't mean I'm not bothered by the way he is so determined to make everyone mad at our generation," Sunghoon remarked, "you don't like the way Jake spites your parents, but you love him because he's a good brother, right?"

"I don't like having to keep things a secret for him," I admitted and Sunghoon just nodded, "and... he could be a bit less protective..."

"I'll be questioned when I go back out there," Sunghoon nodded with a small laugh, "just... if he ever gets too much just tell me. You're beginning to get an age where you're actually old enough to not have him run around and be part of your business... he should let you date."

"I've been saying that for years," I hummed in approval.

"Woah woah, now let's go back a little... I didn't say you've been old enough to do that for years, but now you are," he reminded me and I let out a small laugh.

For the years the Park twins have been friends with Jake they have decided to become an extra pair of brothers, however a lot less protective than Jake, not meaning they wasn't less protective. I remember very clearly Jay giving a boy a fist to a face because he had said something to me. I don't remember what, it must've been small and irrelevant but clearly enough for Jay to get mad.

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