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I let out a small laugh as I climbed out of my window and met with Lin and Emiko down on the street after they had been over to knock on my window.

"Sunoo is meeting us at the Green Lion as well," Lin excitedly announced and I just glanced at her before pretending to gag, "hey, don't complain!"

"So what am I gonna do?" I let out a small laugh and tugged my coat tighter around me, "Emi is gonna send heart eyes up to the boy she supposedly hates, and you're gonna sit somewhere and give Sunoo small kisses while you two look to be enough in love to make everyone feel single... so what will I do?"

"Find someone and snog him of course," Lin let out a small laugh as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "can't you see it? Jillian Sim finally finding her one and only boyfriend," she stated with a small gasp, "oh my how cute they look together!"

I let out a small laugh as Emiko joined in on the gushing with Lin as they both jumped excitedy down the street. Setting into a run I quickly rushed up and caught up with the two girls, who both linked their arms with mine skipping down towards the Green Lion as we all laughed and joked along about literally anything and nothing.

As we reached the Green Lion Lin immediately seperated from us as she set into a run rushing up to the smiling boy waiting with open arms. Emi and I glanced at each other, pretending to gag as Sunoo sweeped Lin off the ground and swung her around as they both let out small giggles.

"They're so disgusting," I complained and Emiko let out a small laugh as she just nodded.

"But you know... if you're wearing pants... that'll be you at the end of the night," she remarked as I rolled my eyes at her as we reached the two love doves.

With the help of Emiko we were able to just wander into the Green Lion once again. I was quick to rush up to the small stage, to announce to Jake that I had in fact shown up to watch them.

"Yeon!" he happily exclaimed as he plopped down onto the ground to hug me tightly, "you'll be proud, I promise. I'm gonna sing tonight too."

"Jake you can't sing," I let out a small laugh at him as I shook my head.

"I can, and I will," he insisted as he rushed back up on the stage again, "just wait and see sis, I'm gonna make every girl in here swoon," he loudly stated earning a small laugh from Heeseung, who was setting up one of the microphone stands, "except you of course... that would be a bit weird."

"It would, wouldn't it?" I nodded in agreement as he sheepishly smiled at me, "break a leg."

"Thanks!" he beamed as I walked off to sit down, eventually finding the same seat as I sat in last time.

I quietly sat and watched a bigger crowd rush to the stage as Heeseung introduced them once again, having Riki soon count them in for their first song. I enjoyed my seat in the corner, watching as Jake had the time of his life up on stage, only glancing to Jungwon every once in a while, somehow demanding for me to rip my eyes back to my brother.

When Jake stepped up to the microphone and Heeseung took over his bass I'm pretty sure someone fainted somewhere in the crowd. To my surprise Jake actually could sing and for the first time the whole night I only looked at my brother for a whole song. First when his song ended and I glanced to Jungwon I realized he already was looking at me.

I rolled my eyes before simply glancing out towards the crowd, watching Sunoo happily twirl Lin around till both of them were breaking into heaps of laughter. Emiko was standing somewhere not to far away dancing with other girls from school. I didn't miss the chance to see the same blonde girl from yesterday, the one who was glued to Jungwon's arm. 

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