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I had come accostumed to the fact that Jake didn't walk me to school on Fridays, and that Jungwon woudn't sit in the seat beside me on those days either. I guess it was a thing I had some to accept, they were present at any school related things for four out of the five days.

What I wasn't accostumed to was the look of the whole band standing in our living room once I got home. Most of the boys just starring weirdly at me as I passed the living room, meanwhile I calmly just ignored them and wandered down to my room to start doing my homework.

I had almost just sat down by my desk when a choir of 'ooh's escaped from the living room, soon followed by a small chanting of 'fight fight fight'. Which meant, knowing my parents and very much my brother, I had to go out and ensure nothing would be broken.

A small sigh escaped me as I pushed myself up from my chair and tiredly wandered down towards the living room, having my hands shoved into the pockets of my school blazer. However, once I reached the living room I was met by the sight of a back that surely wasn't supposed to be there for band practices.

"Hoon?" I questioned in confusion, making said boy immediately turn to me and look as if he had just seen a ghost, "can you please make sure they don't break anything?" I questioned, realizing he was at least as sensible as me in this situation. I at least hope so.

"Sure," he nodded at me with a small laugh, letting me walk back towards my room.

"Sunghoon, what did you see?" Jake's voice sounded out as I walked down the hallway.

"Sneaked into her room, even had the audacity to wink at me once he saw me looking," Sunghoon spoke up and I momentarily paused.

"You sneaked into my sister's room, you little shit?" Jake's voice hissed.

I immediately stopped in my tracks once realization slowly dawned on me. Sunghoon must've seen the night I let Jungwon stay in my room a bit before he went home, snitched on us to Jake, and now Jake was threatening and possibly unleashing his wrath over Jungwon.

Doing a quick turn I marched back down to the livingroom, patting Sunghoon's shoulder to make him step aside, looking straight over at Jake. Trying to act as normal as humanly possible for me to do.

"You promised to go grocery shopping after band practice finished," I remarked and he immediately frowned at me, "it's obviously finished. You never rehearse here and I don't see any instruments. Go grocery shopping."

"She acts like your mom, dude," Heeseung remarked and I simply glanced at him.

"Please Jake, I can't keep going around and doing your chores," I remarked and he let out a small huff.

"Is it true Jungwon has been sneaking into your room?" he questioned and pointed to said boy.

Once I looked over at Jungwon it was clear he was fearing for his life, yet he didn't signal anything of what he wanted me to say. He just stood still... he was letting me decide whether or not I wanted to continue keeping it a secret.

"So what if he has?" I questioned and looked back at Jake, who gawked at me in disbelief, "I'm not a kid Jake. I'm 18," I reminded and crossed my arms over my chest, "you can't keep deciding who I can talk to and who I can't."

"Do you even remember the last time a boy showed intere-" Jay started and I immediately cut him off as I snapped my head to look at him.

"I do," I hummed at him, "which is why I've spent, what? The last 2 or 3 years around just the three of you," I reminded and glanced between the two Parks and my brother, "I'm technically an adult now and I am perfectly capable of judging whether or not I should surround myself with someone."

"If he is even talking to you Yeon, you know it's driven by lust and not romantic feelings," Sunghoon sighed deeply and closed his eyes as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"How do you know?" I retorted and glanced him up and down, "because he doesn't walk around dressing like he is going to play bingo at the senior-club tonight?"

Immediately a small laugh escaped Riki, who only earned a glare from Sunghoon, not that it shut him up.

"Has he or has he not been sneaking into your room Yeon?" Jake sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"Only once," I shrugged at him and he snapped his head over to me, "what? Don't act like I haven't noticed you sneaking Millie into your room every Sunday night."

"It's different," Jake sighed.

"How so?" I challenged.

"Millie and I are courting," he reminded me and I just nodded.

"And he's my boyfriend," I excused and nodded towards Jungwon, who looked to be surpressing a proud smile as it went dead silent in the room.

For a moment I actually thought it would be the end of the discussion, but of course it wasn't gonna be that easy. Within the snap of a finger Jake had immediately shoved Jungwon into the nearest wall.

"I told you to not fucking talk to my sister you biff, and you go and flirt with her behind my back!" Jake loudly yelled and now it was my time to freeze in shock, watching as Jake barked words into Jungwon's face, holding tightly onto his collar.

"Yeah well at least it's not Heeseung who is flirting with her!" Jungwon loudly retorted, "if only you knew the things some of the boys have said about her."

"I don't fucking care what they say about her sister as long as they don't talk to her," Jake hissed, getting all the way up in Jungwon's face, "you had one rule to follow Yang. I should've known you only were gonna end up betraying me for your own lust."

"It's not lust!" Jungwon loudly defended, only earning a fist to his face.

A hit that finally had made me react, as I rushed over and grabbed onto Jake's arm that quickly had pulled back again after the first hit, getting ready for another. I roughly pulled on Jake's arm and managed to pry him a bit off of Jungwon, just enough for me to get in the way for him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed at him, harshly hitting his chest for him to look away from Jungwon and down at me, "why do you have such an urge and drive to control my life? I can lie for you to mom and dad, but don't you dare start interfering with my personal life."

Jake looked down at me in shock as I abruptly turned to Jungwon, grabbing his arm and dragging him with me out into the kitchen, as I rushed to grab a cloth and wet it with cold water before continuing down to my room, not even having to tell Jungwon to follow along.

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