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It seemed like a tension in the air and a heavy weight on our shoulders disappeared the moment we hda driven out of Liverpool once again. We were by far much more relaxed and I am convinced that I let out a small laugh.

"Are you that happy to go back to work?" Jungwon questioned in amusement.

"I think I almost am," I hummed in agreement, eventually ending up chuckling once again, "I thought we agreed that we were excited to go back home once again."

"You were excited to go back," he corrected and I merely waved it off with a flick of my wrist, "but it's true."

"Oh yeah, as if you're not excited for what's gonna happen in the future," I mocked and nudged his arm softly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Someone's driving here!" Jungwon complained with a laugh.

I only rolled my eyes at him when he had taken a turn down to drive onto the highway that would lead us back to London once again. A little over three hours and we would be back home. At least the weather seemed alright this time, unlike last time we drove on the highway - towards Liverpool.

"How's the weatherforecast mister?" I questioned and pulled my woolencoat tighter around my figure as I glanced towards the driver beside me.

"Approximately two more hours of natural sunlight, clear sky, not blue sky of course. We'll first see the actual sky some time around April or May. Lovely English weather," Jungwon listed, "think of a typical English weather day and I think you'll be very correct miss."

"Rain?" I questioned and he chuckled before shaking his head.

"The clouds look more white than grey to me," he excused, "besides it's still negative degrees outside. Expect snow, if anything."

"Interesting," I murmured.

While we continued driving for at least another hour, and the sun started to go down somewhere in the horizon on the western side, a fog had begun to cover the road. Not a thick fog, just enough for everything to look a little hazy while we drove down the highway as the only car visible for miles.

"Enjoy the sun while it lasts," Jungwon remarked, "I think the fog might get thicker and then you won't even see the sundown."

"I won't see it regardless," I reminded in amusement, "the clouds have been covering it all day. The only thing I would be able to see was how much darker the clouds would get."

"Mmm, well true. But enjoy the last bit of white clouds we have left," Jungwon corrected himself once again, merely giving me a small shrug.

Quickly turning his head to flash me a smile, before turning his attention back out to the road, had me letting out a small laugh at him. 

"You wanna hear a secret?" I questioned and he hummed immediately, "no I'm serious."

"So am I," he nodded quietly, "tell me."

"See now I regret mentioning it, "I chuckled and rubbed my face in my hands, "alright. But you can't laugh at me."

"I won't," he assured, "unless it is funny."

"Jungwon!" I complained loudly.

"Jiyeon!" he returned just as sternly before chuckling at me, "no, come on. Tell me."

"Alright," I nodded, "you remember before we got friendly with each other? You know, sneering and insulting each other lightly."

"It was a short period," Jungwon defended and I nodded quietly.

"There was... I knew from about then that I liked you," I revealed and his eyebrows raised, "and I remember finding out because one evening, Jake was listening to 'Love me Tender' on his record player. You know the Elvis song."

"Pfft, of course I know that song. It is literally my job to know," Jungwon snorted.

"Yeah, he heard it one night and I kept catching myself thinking of you when he sang the last sentence of each verse," I chuckled before shaking my head in disbelief, "I just thought it was fun... I've never told anyone this... I even denied the possibility of me taking a liking to you."

"You did that for quite a while, you know," Jungwon remarked and I nodded quietly, leaning against the cardoor beside me, head laying against the window, "but it's cute. Makes up for all the years I spend just watching you."

"What?" I murmured and turned my head towards him.

"I already told you," he reminded, "I've liked you since... our last year in Kindergarden I think. I know Jake was in primary school, because it intimidated me so much that he was in school. I just never did anything about it, because I was scared of him then and then I just continued staying scared of him I suppose. Not anymore of course, but it was fine for a while. We weren't in the same classes before last year, so all those feelings just came back and yeah..." he murmured and scratched the side of his nose with his pinky.

I never answered him, I just sat and smiled at him for a while before eventually just looking back out towards the road. Somehow enjoying the small bumps in the road that would shake the car slightly.

The radio in the car continued to play softly in the background, the sounds of the wheels against the pavement and the motor working to get us going fitting the rhythm of the music perfectly. Somewhere behind all that noise, Jungwon was lowly humming along to the song, bopping his head from side to side every once in a while he liked a certain part in the song. Even his eyebrows would furrow when the guitar was particularly clear in the music.

"Steep hill," Jungwon commented as we reached a tiny hill to drive up. Chuckling slightly at his impulse sentence.

I smiled in amusement while just shaking my head. He seemed happy, a bit too happy considering we still had about another two hours left in the car before we would be home once again. We would probably have to put petrol on the car before we would hand it back to Jake again.

We just about got over and above the top of the hill when a frown had grown on my face. Somewhere through the fog a pair of headlights seemed to be driving in the wrong lane. But we were only two cars on the road then, why wouldn't they drive in their own.

"Are they... is that car coming towards us?" I questioned and looked over at Jungwon, who was frowning as well. He slowly let the speed of the car drop while the two lights got closer.

"I'm not sure..." Jungwon murmured and quickly turned on the high lights and turned them off again, as if to warn the other car about something. Our car still slowing down.

"I don't like this," I nervously laughed and sunk down in my seat as the other car seemed to waver a bit back and forth before getting stable once again.

I jumped in my seat when Jungwon used the horn and slowed the car down even further, we weren't going much more than thirty an hour by now, which was low considering the highway allowed for eighty an hour. 

"Jungwon..." I murmured and he only hummed, eyes concentrated on the oncoming car.

As if out of the blue the other car had sped up and was nearing us with a fast pace. A loud gasp escaped Jungwon as he slammed on the brakes and jerked on the wheel to turn the car away.

"Jungwon!" I had screamed out as his arm had reached over to grab onto my shoulders and pull me towards him.

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