Sebastian x Reader Part Two

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So I was reading through comments and a lot of you wanted a part two to the Sebastian x Reader, so here ya go! If you didn't guess this story is also in the 21st century so... yeah...
[girls name] = girl you hate

"Mey Rin!" You shouted at Mey Rin who stopped to look at herself in the mirror. Mey Rin, Finny and Bard were in the popular group too, but Mey Rin was your best friend. You were both getting ready for Prom. Mey Rin was wearing a dark blue dress that was dark purple at the bottom. It ended just under her knees. She wore small heels, because she was clumsy, but she didn't wear her glasses. You, on the other hand, were only in your bra and underwear. Mey Rin was supposed to be helping you pick out a dress to wear.

"I'm sorry!" Mey Rin shouted back as she looked at all the dresses. This was the only time you would be able to show Sebastian how amazing you were out of school too, because everyone knew you were amazing in school. It was a fact.

"Okay, I am not wearing pink, that is ruled out. I can't wear a combination of blue and purple becasue that is what you are wearing and we don't want to look like the triplets. I can't wear purple and green because that's what Alois would no doubt wear, and he's almost a part of the popular group. Let's face it, the Nobles are almost in the popular group. I can't wear normal blue because Ciel. Can't wear normal red because of Grell. This is frustrating."

"What about ice blue?" Mey Rin asked.

"Ice blue... like Elsa?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow. Mey Rin nodded . You thought about it. Ice blue wasn't a bad colour, but you weren't going to wear the exact same dress as Elsa, that would just make you seem stupid... and that is your Halloween costume.

"I have an ice blue dress, but it's sleeveless and short." You scrunched up your nose as you went to your wardrobe and got the dress out. It was sparkly too. You were going to say no to it, but you remembered, you wanted to show Sebastian what he was missing.

"It's perfect!" Mey Rin smiled. You nodded and put the dress on. It left your shoulders exposed, and you were worried it would slip down and everyone would see your bra. That wouldn't be fun. It was a few inches above your knees, but other than that it was beautiful. It hugged your body and it gave you a confidence boost. You wore black knee high lace boots that had a little heel on them.

"Make up time." You said, smiling at Mey Rin. Mey Rin didn't want a lot of make up, so she only put on eye liner and lipstick. You wanted to go all out. This was the only time you would get to go to Prom, and if something went wrong, you wanted to look good while it was happening. You put on light blue eye shadow, to match the dress, eye liner, mascara and a light pink/purple lipstick. Mey Rin gave you a huge smile.

"We have one hour before we have to leave." Mey Rin pointed out. You were about to relax when you remembered you had to do something with your hair.

"Hair. Hair. Hair." You said as you went into the bathroom, brining out a hair straightener, a hair curler, hair clips and hair bands. You decided you would straighten your hair, curling the ends. Mey Rin decided she was just going to straighten it and let it down. You loved Mey Rins hair, and suggested she should always let it down. She blushed slightly but didn't disagree or agree. You smiled at yourself in the mirror when you were done. You looked amazing, and you were sure Sebastian, and everyone else, would be surprised at how much effort you went to just for prom.

"[Y/N]!" Mey Rin shouted. You huffed as you walked out of your room, grabbing your little dark blue purse. You had your keys and phone in it, and some make up in case of a disaster. You and Mey Rin waited as Bard and Finny came in a limo. Mey Rin and you squealed as you got in

"How did you get a limo?!" You shouted to Bard. Bard only smirked. Bard and Finny where both dressd up in suits. Finny's usual red hair clips were replaced with black ones. The four of you talked as the limo was driving you to where Prom was being held. Mey Rin and Finny were going together as friends. Bard wanted to go solo and you were reserved.

"We're here." Bard said as he got out, Finny behind him. Bard helped you out and Finny helped Mey Rin out.

"Thank you." You smiled as the four of you walked into the building. Loud music was playing and people were dancing. You saw Grell and Ronald by one corner so you went over there. Grell was wearing a red suit while Ronald was wearing a black one. Most of the boys were wearing suits. Ronald gave you a wolf whistle and you just winked, laughing slightly.

"Oh no girl, you are not going there again." Grell said in a scolding voice.

"Yes sir." You laughed again. Grell nodded, looking proud, You shook your head as the rest of the reapers came in. William looked grumpy but the Undertaker looked happy. You guessed they came together and you guessed William regretted it already. You noticed that Alois was alone so you walked over to him.

"Hey Alois." You smiled. Alois was wearing a purple and green suit. You thanked yourself mentally for knowing what colour everyone was going to wear.

"Hey [Y/N], nice dress. Who are you trying to make jealous?" Alois smirked. You smiled.

"Sebastian." You nodded. Alois looked like a sudden idea hit him. He watched as the last people walked in, Ciel, Lizzy and Sebastian, and waited. A slower song came on and Alois grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him as he put a hand on your waist. You got the idea and started dancing with him.

"He's looking over." Alois whispered in your ear. You smiled.

"He looks mad... at me..." Alois said after a few minutes.

"That's good?" You asked. Alois nodded. The song ended and before Alois walked off he kissed the back of your hand, giving you a wink. You smiled and looked at everyone. Ciel and Elizabeth were talking. Ronald was hitting on some girl. Grell was annoying William. The triplets were following Hannah and [girl's name] was clinging to Sebastian while talking to other people in the popular group. Sebastian was looking at you. Claude walked uo towards you.

"I hear you're trying to make Sebastian jealous." Claude said. You nodded. Claude held his hand out. You gently placed your hand on his and started dancing. Claude and Sebastian hated each other, and this was going well for you. You could see Sebastian's eyes turning pink. You winked at him as you both made eye contact. The song ended and you thanked Claude for the dance. You walked over to the food and drinks table to get some juice (because no alcohol for you .-.). You were about to drink your third cup of juice when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You thought it was Grell, so when you turned around you were surprised to see red eyes looking into your [E/C] ones.

"Hello there." You said, smiling.

"I know what you're doing." Sebastian said, his eyes turning pink again.

"... Drinking juice?" You asked, trying to keep a straight face. Sebastian pulled you onto the dance floor. You looked around and notice the group of populars were all heading into the bathroom, well. The girls.

"What about [girls name]?" You asked as you and Sebastian danced to a song that wasn't even slow.

"We broke up." Sebastian shrugged slightly. You smirked as you wrapped your arms around Sebastian's neck, pulling him closer to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Once this song ended, you dragged Sebastian to the group of reapers.

"[Girls name] ran into the bathroom, crying. Her group of friends followed her." Ronald said, laughing slightly. Ciel, Alois and Elizabeth came over and joined the conversation. Mey Rin was already here, she didn't join the group.

"You are sneaky." Mey Rin winked. You nodded slightly and looked at Sebastian. Sebastian looked at Claude and Alois, wrapping his arms around your waist again. Everyone smirked and you just smiled, winking.

I always get what I want. You thought as you hugged Sebastian.

Black Butler x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora