''If it wasn't for me!''

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Luke's POV

For some unknown reason Michael hasn't been in contact with me for ages and I have no idea why? Even today when I walked into school he looked at me then walked away with his head down not giving me a second glance. Today the band was meant to be practising but I don't know how that's gonna go down I mean half of the band isn't even talking. I need to know if something is going on with Mikey something I can help with. I care about him and I don't want to see him hurt.

I was turning down the corridor ready to go to my next class when I heard a familiar whining voice shouting my name. Ebony. ''What Ebony don't you understand the words ''We are over.'' Or do you need me to spell it out for you?'' I asked. She scoffed and shook her head.

''Look Luke this is serious, I need to tell you this or otherwise you might find out the hard way and when you do things are gonna be pretty messed up.'' She explained. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and decided to listen to whatever she had to tell me.

''Go on..''

''Well errr, Ashton was talking about you yesterday at work. I was telling him we had broken up just incase he wondered why you might be a bit off at band practice and then he started telling me that some things that were a bit awful. He basically said that the band would be better without you in it. Apparently you are too controlling and don't let anyone else in the band have a say in what happens. Look Luke I'm sorry but I am only telling you the truth.'' She told me her hands up in defence. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting the threating tears to fall. To hear that one of my best friends would say that. You know maybe they would be better without me in the band...

''If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be in the band. I was the one who liked him first told him that he was good and that we needed him to complete the band. So for him to say that you know what. I have to go!'' I said pulling my bag further up my shoulders and walking away from Ebony.

What would I do? That band was the only thing that I loved the only thing they kept me away from all the band things. The thing where I could be myself and not have to run away from school to do that. The band was where I met my 3 brothers but it seems as if 2 of them want nothing to do with me anymore. I just need to make sure that Calum stays if he leaves me then I don't know what will happen to me anymore.

Ebony's POV

My plan was slowly working. None of the boys had any idea what was going on all they thought was that there little stupid band was going to break up and that was my aim. Luke Hemming treated me bad and he will suffer but he will bring the rest of his band down with him and no one will be there to pick them up....

A/N: I feel as if this chapter is quite dark? Maybe? I don't know? BUT HEY IM BACK!! Sorry I was not writing for ages with spring holidays and everything I wanted some time off and then I waited till the first week of school was over and then decided it was time to get back on track.

So how are you guys? I'm great if you're wondering? You probably weren't but hey I let you know anyways! How was your Spring holidays? Or spring break? Whatever you guys call it... Mine was great! Not a lot has happened lately though with school or anything just an average school week, with average lessons and average work. Glad to see all my friends though well the ones I didn't see in the holidays but yea...

So I was thinking and from now on with each chapter I am going to set myself some goals because everyone needs goals? Right? They do so I am gonna set myself some and hopefully you lovely people will help me reach them that would be Calmazing!!! Also can we just talk about how Luke is staring to look like Jack cos fuck me!! I need to time to take about...I don't know...5 years to get my breath back cos I was not ready for this shiz... Anyways...


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