''I Missed You...''

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Ebony's POV

''Mikeeyyyy!'' I squealed running down the corridor to where my blue haired friend stood with Calum and Luke..... ''Hey Ebony?'' He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist as I nuzzled my head into his neck. ''How was Music did it go well? Did people like you?'' I questioned looking at the boys for an answer. ''Eb calm down, we did great and the class auctally liked us beilive it or not.'' Michael laughed keeping his arm loosely around my waist. ''Awww guys that's great I am really proud of you and I wish you all the luck for 5 Seconds Of Summer.'' I clapped. Calum pulled me into a side hug and Luke walked upto me wrapping his arms around my waist. I awkwardly hugged back but only for about 5 seconds before pulling away. ''Sooooo ermm who wants to go for a walk I know I want to!'' Michael asked breaking the awkward tension.

I nodded and Calum and Luke aggreed so we all began walking outside. I walked closely to Michael grabbing his hand in mine. I mean we always used to do this before Luke and Calum came along so I can still do it now it's not like I am trying to completely ignore Luke...ok that's exactly what I am doing, but I mean I don't deserve him. I am nothing compared to him, he's smart, funny and his hair and face is perfect. He always knows what to say at the right time, he is always up for a laugh....oh wait I am gonna shutup now.... Michael looked down at our hands furrowing his eyebrows. ''Eb you haven't held my hand in ages?'' He questioned looking down at me.

''Exactly, I have been thinking and since Luke and Calum came along and the stuff with me and Luke happened me and you haven't been really talking and I missed being with you and doing stuff like this so I thought we could maybe go back to the way we were?'' I asked looking up at him with hopeful eyes. ''Yea sure I would love that.'' He smiled. I almost felt guitly knowing I was only doing this to get my mind off Luke but I missed Michael and I need to try and move on from Luke and that is exactly what I am going to do. Michael sqeezed my hand and I smiled. We reached a small hill and sat underneath a tree to get out of the sun for bit. Michael sat down crossed legged pulling me down on his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist from behing. Again this is another thing we always did when we were best friends well we are still best friends I love Michael and will never stop loving him.

Luke looked almost sad and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, I almost jumped up from Michael's lap and wrapped my arms around him just to see that smile I loved.... No Ebony stop thinking about that! Luke sat close to Calum and Calum wrapped his arm around his shoulder pulling him closer, Luke rested his head on Calum's shoulder nuzzling his head into his neck so he wasn't looking at me.

Luke's POV

I had this feeling that Ebony was avoiding me at first when I hugged her she was awkward hugging me back and instead of walking next to me and holding my hand she walked next to Michael and held his hand. Then she sits on his lap she should be sat on my lap not his! I was upset and was on the verge of tears, I liked Ebbie a lot and then she was completely avoiding me?! I snuggled up close to Calum for comfort, I nuzzled my head into his neck trying not to look over at Ebony and Michael all cuddled up on the grass. ''What's up Lukey I-I mean Luke?'' Calum stuttered realising he had called me Lukey when he knows I don't really like that name but I don't mind when he calls me it, I feel as if Calum is the one person I can talk to about what I am feeling. ''Calum I don't mind you calling me Lukey, nothings wrong I-I just uggh why is Ebbie avoiding me?'' I sighed whispering in his ear (tell me all the things that I wanna hear... sorry not sorry ) ''Luke I don't know mate just ignore her if that's what she wants to be like, I am here for you and if you need to speak I am here ok?'' He whispered to me. ''Ok.'' I mumbled back. I looked up from his shoulder seeing Ebbie and Michael laughing about something. Calum pulled me even closer if that is possible, ''Hey it's ok just ignore them remember?'' He reasurred me, I nodded trying to igonre the scnene infront of me.

A/N: Short chapter guys I know I am sorry. So in that chapter we had a bit of Cake because I think they are great friends and just thought I would put a bit of their friendship into the book for you guys. We also had a WILAY reference which I just wanted to put out there haha. So what do you guys think about Ebony avoiding Luke and trying to persuade herself to become closer to Michael? More things are going to happen between Michael and Ebony so keep reading for that:) Vote, comment and possibly give me a follow if you like my books:)

5SOSbandana xxx

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