''Those were the good times.''

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Luke's POV

I had overheard that Ebbie and Michael were going to the movies tonight and guess what so am I! I was going too but I am now because I need to find out what is going on between Michael and Ebony and if they are secretly dating because then I would know if she has just been playing with my feelings all this time. I have asked Calum to go with me and the reason why I wanted to go and he agreed so I am now currently waiting in Calum's living room waiting for him to finish getting ready. ''Hey Lukey-Luke ready to go?'' Calum asked, I chuckled at him when he corrected himself for calling me Lukey.

''Cal how many times do I have to tell you I don't care when you call me that it's just when that thing called Millie calls me it, I hate the way she says it in her annoying high-pitched voice and the way she flutters her obviously fake lashes, you know if I was a girl I would have slapped her by now.'' I chuckled Calum laughing along with me. ''So you determined to find out what's going on then huh?'' Calum asked slinging his arm around my shoulders. ''Yes I am because Cal what if she has been just playing with my feelings all this time and I have fallen for it, I like her Cal a lot and when she does stuff like that I just don't understand the point of avoiding me, something most of happened she wouldn't just automatically avoid me like that what do you think?'' I asked Calum.

''Well I think that there most be a reaspn behind why she is suddenly avoiding you and why she has suddenly getting extreamley close to Michael but if she really liked you she would talk to you about it.'' Calum told me. I sighed nodding me head and looking at the floor. Calum stopped us walking and rested his hands on my shoulders. ''Hey, look whatever has happened will be figured out, but when you are feeling down about something happens like what has happened today I will always be there for you no matter what.'' Calum smiled looking straight at me.

''Thanks Cal I have never had a best friend like you.'' I chuckled blushing at my own comment, I don't know why I just found it embarssing I had never had a friend I could turn too. ''Well now you do and this best friend is going to help you get that girl back.'' He smiled. I tackled him into a hug, he hugged me back. ''Thanks Cal...Again.'' I smiled.

''No problem Lukey.'' and with that we began walking to the movies again. Ebony has no idea me and Calum are going to be their and we would like to keep it that way and not get caught.

Ebony's POV

Me and Michael arrived at the Cinema hand in hand. He was swinging our hands back and forth and I couldn't help but wish it was Luke doing this... No Ebony Luke deserves better... The thing is I agree with the voice inside my head Luke does deserve better and I am not going to hold him back from that. ''Hey I'll pay for the tickets.'' Michael insited pulling money out from his pocket.

''No Mikey it's fine I'll pay.'' I argued back but Michael had already got to the ticket booth and was already paying for them. ''Here you go!'' Michael said handing me my ticket. I shook my head and smiled taking the ticket from his hand. ''Soooooooo how ya been lately?'' Michael asked making conversation as we were walking to the theatre. ''Good how 'bout you?''

''Good and I have been fine too, so what made you wanna hang out with me tonight?'' Michael asked reaching for my hand again. ''I missed you Mikey and we haven't been with each other lately and I was missing the times when it was just us. Like how every Friday we would sleep at yours and have Movie nights and eat pizza and then on Saturdays we would always go shopping and then for lunch we would always have something from the takeaway truck at the park. Then how on school days you would come to mine and we would do our homework togther and then chill out in my garden and do absoulutely nothing but it would still be fun. And every day you would meet me at the school gates and always welcome me with a warm hug.'' I smiled rememebering all the good times we have shared.

''Yea those were the good times.'' Michael sighed.

''What do you mean were?'' I asked a tiny but confused.

''Well you have Luke now and I hardly ever see you, you are at work, I am with the band and then after school you go straight to work and I go straight to band practice and we haven't had Movie Night for 3 weeks now...'' Michael sighed plonking himself into a seat at the back of the theatre.

''Michael we can now, I don't have work on Friday's so why don't we start it again?'' I asked, hope in my voice. ''Yea but then Luke and Calum will come along and you will probably ignore me.''

''Michael I would never ignore you are my best friend and no matter what always will be.'' I said tearing up a bit, I feel as if maybe forgetting about Luke and getting close to Michael again has been a good thing and I want to keep it that way. ''Come 'ere.'' Michael smiled pulling the armrest up which was seperating us, he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer. I sighed in content and all thoughts of Luke were out of my head...

A/N: Oh god I haven't updated in ages sorry:( But Ebony is forgetting Luke but Luke still likes her awkward.... Cute Cake moment in there I felt like I would show their friendship more and how Calum wants to help Luke get the girl he wants. Michael may or may not have a slight crush on Ebony but you will have to wait and see what happens.... and I feel so sorry for Luke the girl he really likes is now forgetting all memories about him and making new ones with Michael:( Hope you liked this chapter vote, comment please and maybe follow me if you like my book and 2.4K reads are you kidding me!! That is amazing thank you for getting me their guys love you all:)

5SOSbandana xxx

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