Left Hanging

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⚠️Slight NSFW⚠️


"Think you're ready for the final exams?" Shinso asks as we pack up our stuff. I nod eagerly, feeling my brain growing already. When Mr. Aizawa told me he found someone to tutor me after school before finals, I didn't think he was referring to his adopted son, Hitoshi Shinso, but I have no complaints. The last few weeks have been heaven with him. Was I actually studying? Of course. Was I studying things related to my final exams? Absolutely not. But it sure as hell lifted my... spirits.

"If Momo or Iida hasn't started dinner by the time you get back," Mr. Aizawa says, flipping through a book at the island counter, "let me know and I'll send over some takeout."

"Okay," I beam, dreaming about hamburgers. "Thanks for the help, Shinso. I'll see you tomorrow!" Shinso smiles and waves softly, his purple eyes sleepy and gleaming.

"Get to class on time, Kaminari!" Aizawa calls as I pull open the door. "And if you try to connect to my wifi at four in the morning again, I'm making you double your training!"

"Eek, got it!" I squeal, shuffling out of the house. I stumble down the front steps and hurry over to the bus stop. The bus takes me from Mr. Aizawa's house to the U.A. campus in less than five minutes, and once I'm off the bus, I hurry up to the gate. I flash my school badge and hurry inside to class 1-A's dorms. I could smell Yaoyorozu's cooking from down the street. "Hey, guys! I'm back from tutoring!" I call as I throw my backpack down on the couch.

"Kami, dude, what did I tell you about throwing your stuff everywhere?" Kirishima chuckles as he picks up my bag. I go to grab it from him but he just shakes his head. "It's fine, I'll take it up to your room. I've got to steal a dress shirt from you anyways. Fatgum is taking me and Takami out for some fancy dinner."

I nod, giving him two electric thumbs up. I look around for the rest of my friend group, but everyone seems busy. Mina is laughing with Jiro while Sero and Todoroki are reading manga together in the corner. I can't find Bakugou, and Kiri is getting ready to leave. I sigh, deciding to annoy Tokoyami.

"What is it that you need, Kaminari?" he asks, not bothering to look up from the thick novel he's reading.

"I'm bored," I whine, plopping down on the floor beside him. "All my friends are busy."

"How about you do your homework?" Tokoyami suggests, flipping the page.

I groan, rolling my eyes. "I already did it while tutoring with Shinso."

"Did you check with Yaoyorozu to see when the food will be done?" Tokoyami looks at me this time, his bird face shaped in an awfully annoyed way.

I bolt up, smiling wide. "Good idea. I'm hungry. Momo!" I scurry to the kitchen, slinging my arms around Momo's shoulders playfully. "Good after noon, Momo. Whatcha making? When's it gonna be ready? Smells good. I'm bored. Y'know all my friends ditched me and now I'm lonely. I want hamburgers. Are you making hamburgers?"

"Kaminari, while I love your enthusiasm for the meal I'm preparing," Momo says, passively shrugging my off, "there's a lot of things over here that could burn you. Why don't you go talk to Tokoyami? The food will be ready in half an hour."

"Don't send him back to me!" Tokoyami calls from the common area. "I just got rid of him!"

I frown, slumping down on the countertop. "Oh, if only I had a friend... someone to give me attention... sigh..."

"I could give you attention," Mineta whispers in my ear. Thankfully, Momo rips him away, and I'm safe from his germs. I drop down onto one of the stools, resting my face on the cool counter. Not too long afterward, at about six forty, Bakugou and Midoriya burst through the door with wide smiles on their faces. I watch paralyzed, feeling a weird twinge in my chest. I excuse myself and head up to my room.

I flop face first onto my bed, groaning loudly. Bakugou has been making me feel weird lately. Kind of like how I feel with Shinso, but less obvious. I know I have a crush on Shinso, but there's no way I could have a crush on Bakugou. He's mean and crazy and prideful and he doesn't care about me at all–

"Oi, phone charger," Bakugou growls, throwing my door open. He slams it behind him and stalks over to my bed, sitting on the end of the mattress. I shuffle around, sitting up so my back is against the wall. "Did you not hear or something, you moron? Momo said the food is ready. Come eat."

"I'm not hungry," I say, pouting. "I'm trying to sort through my brain."

"What could you possibly have in there that needs sorting through?" Bakugou teases, running his fingers through my hair. My breath hitches in my throat, but I just ignore it. I was kind of horny earlier with Shinso. There's no way Bakugou is making me feel like this. "I'm serious, dumbass. What're you thinking about?"

"N-nothing," I blurt, backing up a bit. But my back is against the wall. Bakugou smirks, climbing over so he's sitting shoulder to shoulder with me. I decide to change the subject to something that will hurt me because I'm an idiot. "Where did you and Midoriya go after school? I was kind of left hanging by the whole squad."

"Deku and I went out to see some dumb romance movie," Bakugou says, the remnants of a blush lingering on his face. I feel sick again, but I ignore it. Smiling. "Where's Kiri? I know his manly bitch ass doesn't have a date."

"He's at some fancy dinner with Amajiki and Fatgum," I say with a long sigh. "So... you and Midoriya?" I try to say it like it doesn't break my heart.

"He's still a damn nerd," Bakugou grunts. "And he's still my rival... but he's my boyfriend now. Whatever that means. Dumb stupid love stuff. I guess I let him beat me a little while we were training. Y'know he doesn't like movie popcorn? What kind of weirdo..." He keeps rambling on about Midoriya, talking all about how different he is. How strong. How pretty. Am I not pretty enough for you, Bakugou?

I brush the thought away. I decided a few weeks ago that I like Shinso. I even told Mina! When you tell someone who you like, it's set in stone. I wouldn't have told Mina if I didn't think it was serious. So why do I want to kiss Bakugou so bad? And as soon as the thought pops up, I go for it. I place my hand on the side of his face and press our lips together. It's electric; his lips are soft and warm, and I nearly die when he places his hand on my lower back. He pulls me onto his lap, and I straddle him, deepening the kiss.

When we finally break away, we're panting like crazy. "Sorry," I blurt, attempting to get off his lap. "Shit, sorry... you were talking about Midoriya, and how much you like him and I just–" Bakugou grabs my hips, keeping me in place. I gasp, and he places his finger to my lips.

"Quiet," he says. "Who said I can't like two boys, huh? I'm the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. I can have more than one boy." He presses his lips against mine again, rocking my hips back and forth slowly. I tilt my head back, giving him access to my throat. Bakugou happily takes advantage of this, kissing and sucking on my neck. I wouldn't be surprised if he left marks.

"Wh-what if the others get upset?" I squeak out. "I don't want to make Midoriya sad o-or piss off the rest of the squad."

"Denki," Bakugou growls, "we're just having fun. Don't overthink it, okay? I'll talk to Deku about it later. Just... enjoy it. I don't do this with just anyone." Bakugou flips us so he's on top, pulling off his shirt in the process. The sight of his chest makes me weak, and my Adam's apple bobs in my throat. "Ready?" he says raspily. I nod, melting into his touch.

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