Bourbon With A Straw

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3rd person

"Oi, Deku," Katsuki grumbles, tapping Izuku's foot. The green haired boy is snuggled up in Katsuki's bed, sleeping off the pain medication he had early for his broken finger. Denki's Nintendo Switch is loose in his grip since he fell asleep playing Animal Crossing. Katsuki grumbles as he stands up, then sighs dramatically before throwing himself on top of the sleeping boy. Izuku squeals as all of Katsuki's 80 kilograms of muscle plop down on top of him.

"Kacchan! What the heck?!' Izuku screams as he throws Katsuki off the bed. "I was sleeping!"

"Don't yell at me unless you wanna fight, nerd," Katsuki shoots back.

"Don't tempt me," Izuku says under his breath.

Katsuki snaps his eyes at Izuku, his jaw dropping. He chuckles, grabbing Izuku's chin to bring them face to face. "What was that, Deku?" Katsuki hisses.

"I said," Izuku whispers back, a smile forming on his lips, "I'm always down to spar. Any chance not taken is a chance wasted." Katsuki smirks, knowing damn well that's not what Izuku said. Izuku pecks him on the lips then maneuvers around him to hop to his feet. He's cute when he's sassy, Katsuki thinks. He doesn't say a thing and instead just tosses the boy his phone. Izuku catches it easily, reading over the messages. "So we're heading over to Mr. Aizawa's house?" Izuku says. "Alright, let me go to my dorm and put on some clothes, then we can head over."

"Don't be loud," Katsuki says. "Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic are here in the dorm with Eri."

Izuku pauses, his hand on the doorknob. "So there's no one at their house?" he asks, looking over his shoulder.

"No one but those damn idiots, sparky and eyebags," Katsuki replies. He throws Izuku's shirt at him, growling his words. "Hurry the hell up, nerd! You're wasting my time!"

"Okay, okay," Izuku giggles. "Two minutes."

Five minutes later, Izuku and Katsuki manage to sneak out the back of the dorms. They wait a few more minutes at the bus stop outside, and Katsuki pays for the ride when the bus finally chugs along. When they arrive at Mr. Aizawa's house, Denki swings the door open before Izuku can knock. "Hey guys!" Denki exclaims. He's wearing a pikachu onesie, and his face is flushed a bright red color. "Awesome you could make it! C'mon in!"

Denki takes them to the living room where Tangled is now playing on the TV, and Hitoshi is sitting in a pillow fort while sipping a straw plunged into a full bottle of bourbon. "Hey Izuku, hey Katsuki."

"Hi Hitoshi," Izuku beams.

"Not gonna say hi back, pretty boy?" Hitoshi teases Katsuki. Denki and Izuku make awkward eye contact as Katsuki's face burns red.

"Hey," Katsuki sputters out, his whole body stiffening.

"Good boy," Hitoshi says.

"Um...." Denki blurts, tugging Izuku's arm. "I'm gonna take Midoriya to get a onesie."

"Yeah," Izuku says. "Onesies." Katsuki nods, and Hitoshi gives them a thumbs up as the two scurry away. Once they're in Hitoshi's room, Denki closes the door and lets out an insane squeal. Izuku covers his mouth, laughing uncontrollably. "Shh!" Izuku says. "Shh, they're gonna hear us!"

"Ah, okay, my bad," Denki says, feeling the heat of Izuku's hand on his mouth. Izuku pulls away, leaving the two of them smiling and flustered. "But did you see that?!" Denki continues. "I didn't know Bakugou could act like that!"

"And Hitoshi, too," Izuku adds, feeling shivers run down his spine. "He was so... demanding."

"Hot, right?" Denki chuckles. Izuku just blushes, covering his face with his hands as he plops down on Hitoshi's bed. A moment later, Denki pries Izuku's hands away, smiling down at him. "I'm just teasing," Denki says. "Look, here's an All Might one I found. Don't know when or where I got it, but we're around the same size, so it should fit. Plus, I know he's your favorite hero."

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