Chapter 1: my year or work and stress

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It seemed like waking up a 7:00 am was a daily occurrence—no time to waste. But today was an exception. I felt like complete shit and just wanted to be swallowed by my bed.

A year and a half in New York City and still no prospects or goals met. No friend besides my elderly neighbor Beatrice and maybe my co-worker Robert who really doesn't count. Maybe coming to New York was the worst idea I ever had. Paying close to $2000 in rent each month and eating PB & J sandwiches everyday was starting to disgust me. I'm almost done with my undergrad, just one more year. Shit, I'm in so much debt. If anything, putting my degree on hold to work for a while doesn't seem like a bad idea.

Burying my head into my pillow, I think back on my family home in California, my sister, and my cat Fish I couldn't bring with me. Why the hell did pet transportation have to be so damn expensive? Anyways, my apartment complex wouldn't have allowed me to have him, so I guess it was for the better.

I go on my phone and tap open my Linkedin page. Lately, being a bartender and a food delivery person just wasn't paying off. I took it upon myself to get another job. Something easier where I can stray away from the smell of beer and fries.

I've had a few gigs, but nothing that stuck. Mostly wealthy families in Upper East Side and Greenwich Village who wouldn't even let me take a piss in their restroom. A bunch of stuck-up fuckers— fuckers that paid well nonetheless. I see a message in my inbox and click it. Possibly a new hire? It read:

Hello Miss (Y/N),
My name is Nicole Barber, and I'm in immediate need of your help and service. I have an 8-year-old son named Henry. Due to affairs I don't wish to disclose, my husband and I need a nanny on call. If you like, we could meet somewhere in Brooklyn, where we live, so that you could meet Henry and me. Maybe even talk further about payment and hours if the meeting goes well. If you are interested, please let me know. Thank you. Nicole.

Wow, it seems legit. This lady seemed very desperate and I, very available, so I wrote back:

Hello Nicole,
Yes, I would be more than interested!
How about the Penny House Cafe off Washington Ave at 11:30 am tomorrow?
Nicole immediately wrote back with a confirmation. I am actually excited and nervous. I hope she likes me, but I especially hope Henry likes me more. It's always more manageable with a willing kid. Then I realized she didn't mention her husband joining us..

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