chapter 4: our secret

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I'm waiting for Henry to get out of school. It is a charming school in a really nice area. This family must have money to have him enrolled in this fancy-ass school. I need a smoke. I am so nervous, but ill refrain from the urge. I don't want Henry to smell the bitter stench on me. 3:00 o'clock. Okay, go time.

I walked inside and asked the receptionist in the main office where I could sign for Henry's pick up. She looks at me, confused.
"Who did you say you were again?"
Right, It is suspicious that I'm asking them to let me take Henry when they had never seen me before.
"Oh, I'm (Y/N), Henry's babysitter; Nicole asked me to pick him up from school today. I think she called or something." I waited anxiously for confirmation that Nicole had contacted the school that I would pick him up. She checks something on her computer and looks up at me with a smile.

"Henry is in room 23. Just right down the hall, third door to the left."
I walk to where she directed me, and I see Henry playing with other kids. He sees me and grabs his backpack, waving at his friends goodbye.
"You're right on time."
"Of course, why wouldn't I be."
"I don't know; daddy sometimes picks me up late."
"Well, I promise I'll always be on time," I say, holding his hand.
"What do you wanna do? We can go to the park? Go get ice cream?"
"Ice cream! Chocolate, please."

After eating our ice cream, we are on our way home, talking about his school and friends. We walk a few blocks before approaching the apartment. It is really modern and new, way better than my old dinky apartment.
We get on the elevator, and Henry presses the 4th-floor button. The elevator door opens, and Henry runs to a door.
"Can I open the door?" I looked for the house key Nicole had given me before picking up Henry. I find it and hand it to him. He opens the door to a charming living room. Floor to ceiling bookcases stacked with books and trinkets. The walls are littered with photos and framed art. Very clean and homey.

"Come, I wanna show you my room and my toys!" Henry says as he pulls me towards the hallway and into his room. He gives me a tour and shows me his favorite toys. I just sit and listen to him chatter away. Nicole texted me:
"Hey, I'm on my way home. be there in 20."

"Henry, your mom is coming home. You wanna start on your homework?"
"No, not really. I'm tired" He frowns at me as he's playing with his legos.
"Well, I guess you're too tired to see what's in my bag.."
"You brought me a present? Is it my dinosaur?"
"I won't show you until you do your homework."
"Okay, fine."
"Come on, let's go to the dining room."

Nicole arrived caring grocery bags filled with stuff.
"Hey guys," she greets us as she walks into the kitchen.
"Hi, Henry was just finishing his homework."
"Great! Listen, I don't mean to be a bother, but would you mind saying to help me with dinner? My husband is late, so he won't make it in time, and I am a terrible cook." I agreed even though I was a bad cook myself. We talked while cooking, laughing at the burnt brussel sprouts. Nicole really is incredible. She truly wanted to learn about me. She would ask me questions about my life, and we reminisced about the sunny weather and space in Los Angeles.

"Henry, dinner is ready. Come help set the table!"
I look at how delicious all the food looks; I hadn't had a home-cooked meal in months. We sit down, and as I start pouring water into my cup, I hear the front door open. Nicole sighs and stands up. That might be her husband. From the way Nicole talks about her husband, they must have something going on in their relationship, adrift, money problems, something. That's none of my business, though. I listen to them walk into the dining room, and I turn around. That's when I realized it was that man from the article, Charlie Barber. It all clicked in my head, the same last name, Nicole telling me about her successful acting career. Huh, what a crazy coincidence.

He is large, definitely over 6', and even more handsome in person. His beauty marks are even more defined up close. I'm starring up at him from my chair, eyes blown wide open. He's looking down on me, connecting our gazes together.
"Daddy!" Henry jumps off his chair and into Charlie's arms.
"Hey, buddy. How was your day."
"Good. I got ice cream, and I finished my homework already."
"That's great, Henry."
Henry walks back to his seat and continues eating.

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