Chapter 3: to the movie theater we go

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"Here you are, two vodka sodas," I say as I hand them to the lady across the counter. "Where are the straws?"

"I need straws, duh. God, you're a shit bartender."

"Well, maybe if you asked nicely..." I glare at her in annoyance, standing my ground, waiting for her to ask me again. I'm not giving this bitch the damn straws.

Robert eyes me from beside me, trying not to laugh. He comes up to us and hands her the straws.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, her cat died; she's having a hard time. Here you are." She yanks them from his hand and walks away.

"You're welcome... bitch," I say under my breath.
"(Y/N)." He drags out my name.
"Really, my cat died? How original."
He crosses his arms across his chest, a sneer on his face. "Stop. I know, okay. I don't want to hear it." My hand splayed over his face.

"I don't want to be the one to say it, but it's starting to get exhausting always having to make sure no one starts a fight with you."

Robert and I met when I was job hunting in Brooklyn one day. I knew it was far from my apartment, but I didn't care. Cheesy as it sounds, I felt like if I worked in the place I wanted to live in, I could somehow manifest it into my life.

His uncle interviewed me, and he really liked me, like really liked me. With the right amount of aloofness and innocence, men will always bend at your will. Frankly, it's pathetic. He didn't even care I was 19 at the time.

He hired me, and I began to work alongside Robert. At first, I was really intimidated because he is really tall— 6'0 feet tall to be exact, and me being 5'4, his height scared the shit out of me. He's a few years older than me, 24, and very handsome, with a sharp jawline, wavy brown hair, and big dark green eyes; your typical hot Italian. My first week there, he didn't talk at all. Not one word. Don't get me wrong, tall and silent is undoubtedly my type, but I always like to keep things professional. Now a year and a half later, I can't seem to shut him up. Always cracking jokes and flirty.

"Hey, what are you doing later tonight?"
"Uhhh, I don't know. Maybe gonna grab some pizza, head home, and eat my sorrows away. Why?" I squint my eyes at him.

"I was thinking maybe I could close up early and go watch a movie, get something to eat. Want to come?" He asks sheepishly, avoiding my gaze while cleaning the shot glasses.
I don't know how many times I have turned Rob away, never wanting to seem unprofessional. Still, I feel like we've grown a friendship.


"Please. Come on. Look, you're always complaining that you never go out, that you don't have any friends. Well, I'm offering my services as your co-worker, and I hope as your friend... If you allow me."

He's right; I am always complaining. I consider his offer. Fuck it.
"Fine, but this isn't a date. And you have to pay me for the overtime of this said outing."

He's beaming and flushed. His arm out as to make a deal. "Yes, of course, whatever you say, boss lady."

After the last customer leaves, we clean up and head out.
"Lead the way."
We walk a few blocks down to a small vintage-styled movie theater.

"Two tickets for Frankenstein, please," Robert tells the ticket clerk.
"Please tell me you haven't watched Frankenstein." He asks as he hands me a ticket.

"Actually, no. I've read the book but never got around to the film."
"Good, 'cause it's a masterpiece even better than The Invisible Man."
"Ahh, so all of a sudden, you're a film critic?" I tease. "No, I just have good taste. You probably just like to watch cheesy ass romantic comedies, huh?"
I glare at him while holding my hands on my hips.

"Noo, I do not. Only some like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or 500 Days of Summer, you know the good ones."
"Yeah, I don't think those are necessarily comedic, more like heart-wrenching."

"I don't know; I think they are really realistic, romance-wise. Love is subjective."

"Wow. Remind me to never fall in love with you." His eyes go wide, and he lets out a cough to hide his tomato-red face. "I'm joking, of course."

"Right. So do you want some popcorn, my treat?"
"No, I invited you; I'll pay."
"Okay, if you say so, I'm going to the bathroom. Wait for me out here. I'll be quick."

I walk toward the restroom, and once inside, I check my phone. Nicole has sent me Henry's school address and their home address. I really hope this is permanent because I need this job. I stare at myself in the mirror and tell myself, everything's gonna be okay.

Walking out of the bathroom, I see a blur out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see Henry running towards me.

"Hey Henry, what are you doing here?!" I ask him as he hugs me.
"(Y/N)! I came to watch a movie. I cried 4 times." "Wow, that must have been an intense movie, huh? Well, are you alone? Where's your mom?" I scanned the lobby, not anyone in sight. "My dad brought me, but he's on the phone with someone. We're about a leave." "We'll make sure you stay close to him, okay." He nods in agreement.

"Hey, I'm going to be picking you up from school tomorrow ."
"With my dinosaur, right?"
"Didn't I promise you your dinosaur?" He nodded.

"You better get going now."
I was too nervous about meeting his dad. After Nicole described him as an immature adolescent, I was in no hurry to get to know him.

Henry runs off to the entrance doors of the theater and towards a man talking on the phone, pacing back and forth.
I wave at Henry goodbye and make my way towards Robert. I grin as he hands me my bucket of popcorn and my slushie.

"Who's that kid you were just talking to?" He gasps. "Did you just make a new friend?!"
"Oh my goodness, you are insufferable, and yeah, you could say so I'm babysitting him, more like a nanny, I think. I don't know; his parents really haven't talked to me about the circumstance all that well, just hired me on the spot."

"Hey, you didn't tell me you got another job." Robert places a hand on my shoulder while looking into my eyes. "I admire that about you you're really hardworking and determined; I like it."

We softly stare at each other for a couple of seconds. I smile at him, and he smiles back.
"Umm, we should probably be heading in; we don't want to miss the movie," I say, ending the moment. I have to remind myself, strictly friendly.

"Right yeah, totally. I'm being serious, though; you're gonna love this movie."

Charlie's POV:
"No, Nicole— look, please, I'm on the street people are staring, and you're making me look crazy, let's talk about this when we get home. We're just barely leaving the theater; we'll be home in about 15 minutes." I hang up the phone.

These days it seems like all we do is bicker about the tiniest things. We're like ticking time bombs, counting down until one of us explodes.
I am so stressed. With the show probably going on Broadway, Nicole always fighting with me, and being a father, I feel like I'm going crazy.

I take a deep breath and try to clear my head.
I looked into the lobby to see if Henry had finally thrown the popcorn bucket away in the trash. I see him, but I also see him talking to someone, a young girl.

He gives her a hug. I don't think it's strange, Henry is really antisocial, and he wouldn't just hug a random person. Probably one of Nicole's friends. I see her wave a Henry and walk to a man who hands her a bucket of popcorn. A boyfriend, maybe?

Henry opens the door and walks towards me; I can't take my eyes off the girl. So small but beautiful nonetheless, a plump ass in some flared jeans and a delicate collarbone I could just sink my teeth into. I feel my face getting hot and my palms all sweaty. Oh God, what am I even saying?

"Hey, Henry, who was that you were talking to. A friend of your mom?"
"(Y/N)? Yeah! She's gonna be my babysitter. Remember mom said someone else was gonna start picking me up from school?"

Right, Nicole had been looking for a babysitter for weeks now, not having any luck. She's really is a distrustful person, always has been. But I guess this little lady must have pulled a string in her cold heart.

"Yeah, I remember. What's her name?" I ask Henry.
He tells me her name, and I can't help but smile. So fitting, a beautiful name for a captivating girl like that. I can't wait to see what she's truly like.

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