Chapter 3

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Laura's POV

I walked downstairs to see mum moping around the house and slowly pouring milk into her cereal. I feel so bad for her; she tries so hard get over it but every year just ends up the same... She spends the whole year fine and happy as if nothing has happened and then on this particular day everything is the opposite.
"Mum, here let me do that. Go have a seat and take your coffee." I always try to be really nice to her on these days...
"Thanks sweetie." I swiftly poured the milk into the bowl and passed it to mum as I sat down to have my breakfast.
"Umm... Mum..." I trail off as I know this is a very sensitive subject.
"Yes Laura."
"Well... Umm.. I was wondering if I could go somewhere after school today.." I subtly tried to avoid the subject just in case it made her upset.
"Yeah sure darling. Just be home by 6, we are having take out for dinner."
"Ok cool! Thanks mum. I gotta go to school now. I'll see ya tonight. Love you" I shouted as I ran out of the house and grabbed my bag.

I walk to school everyday since it's only a 10 minute walk. I really didn't want to go to school today which is really unusual for me since I love school but I just find it really hard to be reminded of my dad in every class of the day and everyone giving me sympathetic looks in the hallway. At least I have Raini to help me through the day, she's my best friend and knows to make sure that she acts as if it is a normal day and not to push me to do anything to much.
"Laur!" Someone shouts bringing me out of my daydream.
"Oh. Hey Raini."
"Come on! We're gonna be late for class," she replies completely ignoring my glum attitude; awww that's why I love her.
"Ok, ok. I'm coming, calm your farm, take a chill pill," I pause completely confused as to why I just said that... Raini pulls me out of my daze by pulling me towards our first class, Maths.

"Good morning class,"
"Good morning Miss Angus" we replied drearily.
"As I'm sure you all know today is September 9th 2011 which means it's been a decade since the 9/11 attacks." As soon as she said that I could feel everyone looking at me, I just tried to stare ahead and not really focus on anything that was going on around me because I knew if I did then I would become upset and the tears would never stop.
"There will be an assembly in the theatre during next period in honour of the event. I hope that you will all pay your respects and remember that people close to you could've been affected so please be mindful." Oh wow thanks Miss Angus, thanks for making my day so much better. Now people are going to behave even more sympathetic towards me. At least it means they don't bully me, September 9 is the only day in the whole school year that nobody ever messes with me or bullies me as they know that the teachers are always watching me closely.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same. The assembly was no grand event they just told us what happened and all the general info about it. I personally think they did quite a bad job at paying their respects, they really just talked about the suffering. I was there like the whole time going "what about the sacrifices they made?" What about the horrific scenes for those not just below and around but inside. They really don't know what as much as they think they do about it but at least they try and I am grateful for that as I don't get it at home. I managed to get through a whole day without crying. I didn't even shed a tear when they showed a video of what happened in the assembly. Lunch and recess were a bit harder to get through but I made it and now I'm free from school until tomorrow.

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