Chapter 15

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Ross' POV

Literally cannot believe Riker made me do that.  I can't believe I actually kissed Laura. It actually happened but she left so fast I don't even know what she felt.
"Morning lovebird,"
"Ah, morning Rock," he's so weird. It's only when I turn around with my breakfast that I notice her. Just sitting there, so beautiful, so perfect, so lovely.
"Hello, earth to Ross," I shake my hand to see Riker's hand waving in front of my face. "Yo dude, talk to her rather than just staring,"
"Nah, I'm good. Just gonna eat this and go back up to my room."
"To do what? Sit in your bed and think about her all day? Dude get a grip. You gotta do something now, seriously." that's the last thing he says before I feel him push me towards Laura. I lose my footing and trip forward, probably not the smoothest entrance... I turn back to Riker to see him watching with a smirk. 
"Uh hey Laur,"
"Hey Ross. What's up?" she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.
"Ummmm... how's your breakfast?"
"Yeah good. Yours?"
"Um yeah it's pretty good too." I just stood there for a while taking in her beauty, neither of us said anything. "Well I guess I should leave you to it then." damn it! That was such a bad conversation. What is wrong with me? We used to be able to talk so well. How did one kiss change that?
"Ross?" I turn around to see Laura standing right behind me. Before I could respond her lips were on mine. I know it's cliché but I literally saw fireworks. I don't know how but this kiss was even more perfect than the first. It quickly turned into a small make out session neither of us wanting to disconnect.
"Oh, what did I miss," the sound of my mum's voice shocked me making me disconnect our lips. My mum had the brightest face I had ever seen, it immediately made me blush.
"Hey Stormie, how are you?" I hear Laura ask.
"Oh love, I'm great but I will be wonderful if you tell me what I think just happened,"
"Uh well, I uh-I like Ross. A-and we um we uh-kissed." I see her begin to blush and look at her feet.
"Yeah, I'm coming darl, just calm down."
"Hey good on ya son, took you long enough." Took me long enough? What?
"What do you mean took me long enough?"
"Son I've seen the way you look at her, ever since the first time she walked in that door,"
"Well ok then, I'm gonna go upstairs, wanna come Laur?"
"Ok ok but first you two have to come here and give me a hug darlings,"
"Yeah ok mum," I quickly hug her before lacing my fingers through Laura's and led her upstairs.

"So that was interesting,"
"Yeah sorry about them, mum gets a bit overexcited sometimes," I say as I close my door. I turn around to see Laura walking around my room.
"Oh nah, I think it's cute,"
"Well you know what I think is cute?" a smirk quickly finds its way onto my face.
"What?" she says as she turns around to face me.
"You," I grabbed her hands and pulled her closer. I stopped just inches from her face.
"You're pretty cute too," she smiles before moving her hands behind my head and pulling my lips onto hers. I pull away after a few seconds,
"Um, so would you, maybe, um want to uh go on a date with me tonight?"
"OH MY GOD! Yes! I would love to!"
"Well you better get going so I can organise this," I quickly peck her lips before gently moving her towards the door. "Oh also, wear something nice tonight. I'll pick you up at 8." now she was gone I have to work everything out. I quickly text Rydel and tell her to keep Laura distracted for the day. Yeah I know we're in the same house but Laura is probably with her right now so I can't really go in there because I wouldn't be able to pry myself away again. As soon as Del replied with "of course" I rush to Riker's room and get all the boys together to get everything organised.

~ Same day, 7:50pm ~

Laura's POV

10 minutes until Ross picks me up. I literally have no idea what to expect, today has literally been the best. After leaving Ross I raced back to Rydel's room to let her know the amazing news before letting my mum know I was gonna be home late tonight. Rydel and I spent the whole day working out what I should wear tonight. We finally decided on a cream dress with gold trim, black heels and a black purse. For makeup we went for a pretty natural look, I wasn't really up for anything really drastic. I was finishing up curling my hair when I heard a knock on the door. I had stayed at Rydel's for the day to get ready. I quickly got up and opened the door to Delly's room to see Ross standing there.
"Woah," he whispered, his jaw dropped so far.
"What? Too much? Sorry I wasn't really sure what to wear."
"No, gosh, you're perfect, you look so gorgeous," he thinks I'm gorgeous that makes me so happy. I look him up and down,
"Well you don't look so bad yourself," he looked so good in his tux. "So where are we going?"
"Well that's a surprise. Come on, let's go," he grabs my hand and we walk out of the house and into his car. We drove for about 15 minutes, I didn't really know where we were going. Once we arrived, Ross quickly jumped out of the car and raced to my side before I could open the door myself. He grabbed my hand and led me into a building and up some stairs, I still had no idea where we were.
"You ready?"
"Yeah," I'm so excited but I have no idea what to expect. He opened a door and the first thing I saw was the view, it was absolutely stunning. He had led me up to the rooftop of a building and I could see so much from up here. In front of us was a table set up for two that looked absolutely perfect.
"Wow! This is wonderful! How did you even do this?"
"That's for me to know, now come on we have a dinner to eat." The food was absolutely delicious, three courses of food perfection. I hadn't had such good good in a very long time and I had such a great time talking with Ross.
"Come on. I have one more surprise,"
"One more surprise? This has already been the perfect night." I say as he grabs my hand and leads me towards a stage where I notice R4 are standing, even Ryland has joined them. They begin to play Perfect from Ed Sheeran's new album. Ross quickly whisked us into a slow dance, this was literally the best first date ever, I have no idea how anything could possibly be any better. As the song began to end Ross slowed us to a stop and grabbed hold of my hands before kneeling on the floor. I must've looked slightly stressed coz he smiled and said,
"Don't worry, I'm not proposing or anything," he waited for me to smile before continuing, "Laura Marie Marano, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
"OH MY GOSH!" I could not believe it, I mean I guess I sorta should've suspected it but still this was so surprising, "Yes Ross, I would love to be your girlfriend!" he quickly picked me up and spun me around while I heard Rydel losing it on stage. I couldn't be any happier, this night was so perfect, Ross was such a gentleman all night and he had planned this date so well. I got home in absolute awe of him and everything that he had done for me. I am so excited to see what else is going to happen.

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