Chapter 10

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Laura's POV
It's been a month since Ross and I met, we have gotten really close and spend loads of time together. His house is like my second home, I'm always there. I love spending time with him... I mean his family. They are all so nice and always come up with really fun things to do. Rydel and I have become pretty close too, I look up to her like a sister. I know I haven't known any of them for very long but I feel as though we are all a family, even my mum comes over sometimes, her and Stormie seem to really get on which is good.

My phone interrupted my thoughts, I answered it to hear Rydel's voice at the end of the line:
"Hey girly,"
"Hey Rydel,"
"Laura! How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Delly,"
"Haha ok sorry," she is always getting on me for not calling her by her nickname.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me today. I got invited to a party and have nothing to wear so I thought it was a good excuse to go,"
"Awww sorry Delly, I'm actually meeting up with Raini today. Is this Lily's party?"
"Yeah it is! Are you invited too?"
"Yeah Raini and I are. How do you know Lily?"
"Her younger brother is friends with Ryland so she used to come over and we would hang out. How bout you?"
"Oh yeah Dylan. All three of us went to the same primary school,"
"OMG! I have the best idea! How about we all go shopping together! Unless you and Raini already have stuff for the party?"
"Nah we don't. That's a great idea! I will check with Raini but I'm sure she will want to come,"
"Cool. Text me what she says. Cya later Laur,"
"Cya Delly," I quickly texted Raini and of course she was on board. That girl will go to the mall every chance that she gets.

I met up with Raini and Rydel at the mall and I quickly introduced them to each other, they had never met but by the end of the day they were acting as though they had known each other forever. Our trip to the mall proved successful after 4 hours. We walked through so many stores to find the perfect outfit for Lily's party. Raini ended up with a white summer dress with a black overlay and aqua coloured flats with matching accessories. Rydel bought a baby blue dress, black boots and a flannel shirt to wear over the top. I got a black and blush coloured two set, black heels and a dark red clutch.

We decided to head back to the Lynch's to get ready for the party since it was tonight. We were welcomed by a group of confused faces;
"Didn't you leave like 5 hours ago Rydel?"
"Yeah how were you even out that long? What on earth were you doing?"
"Shopping and getting away from all of you," Rydel replied before moving straight through them and towards her room upstairs. I began following her and then remembered about Raini so I turned back around. I found her standing in awe and just looking around at the house, taking it all in.
"Raini, what are you doing? Come on we have to get ready!"
"I cannot believe I am here, in the Lynch household, with the Lynch family,"
"Yep ok we got it now stop fangirling and lets go. You are embarrassing yourself," I turned and looked towards the Lynch brothers who were all staring at Raini in bewilderment.
"Raini! Come on! Rydel is waiting!"
"Ok, ok! I'm coming,"

Once we finally got upstairs, Rydel sat us down and started talking over our outfits. What we were going to do with our hair and makeup and how it was going to match with our outfits. As soon as we had all agreed we quickly got to work. Two and a half hours later we were finally ready. We headed down stairs and were once again met by Rocky, Riker, Ratliff and Ross but this time they were standing looking at us in awe.
"You boys may want to close your mouths, you could end up with a fly in there,"
"Sorry, you all just look so..."
"Awesome, yeah we know," Rydel winked at her younger brother in response.
"Oh darlings! You girls look so gorgeous!"
"What about me mum?" Rocky turned around showing off his outfit.
"Yes, Rocky, you boys look good too," Stormie rolled her eyes, "come on, all come stand over here so that I can take a picture and then you better head off,"
Stormie quickly ushered us together and took a photo.
"Ok, Riker, you are the oldest and therefore I hold you responsible for all of these ones," Stormie pointed to us, "make sure none of you come home completely trashed. Riker, Ratliff, Rydel, there will be alcohol and I trust that you three will be responsible and also ensure that the others do not drink,"
"Yes, yes ok mum, we had better get going if we want to get there on time,"
"Ok, off you kids go then,"
"Thanks Stormie," I said as I headed out the door last.

The party was already in full swing by the time we got there. There were heaps of people, most of whom I didn't know.
"Raini! Laura!" I turned to face Lily.
"Oh hey Lil! Happy Birthday! Some party you have going on here," I looked around nodding towards the party.
"Thanks! Yeah drinks and food are over by the pool so just help yourself,"
"Hey Lily! Happy Birthday!" Rydel interrupted our conversation.
"Delly! How have you been? I haven't seen you for a while, who did you come with?"
"I've been pretty good. I'm here with my brothers and Raini and Laura,"
"Woah I didn't know you guys knew each other!"
"Yeah Raini and Laura are friends with Ross at school,"
"Cool! Well I better be off and go talk to the other guests, have fun tonight!"
"Ok see ya Lil. Have fun!" Once Lily left we headed towards the food and drinks. I grabbed a drink from the table and from then on everything began to blur together.

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