•Levi Ackerman•Rest•

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She/Her pronouns
Hope you like this one. Also, he's a bit OOC. Though I like a soft/fluffy Levi.
Sorta rushed...


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Levi let out a relieved sigh as he collapsed onto the solid ground underneath him. The wind and rain hollowed outside the small cave entrance. Y/n coughed, small splatters of blood came out of her mouth, painting the caverns floor a splotchy red. The shallow gash on the side of her waist, dripped with blood, adding to the growing puddle on the floor. Levi stood, using the cave wall to balance himself, and made his way to Y/n. "You ok?" Levi leaned down to where Y/n had slouched against the wall. Levi joined her, taking off the slightly torn jacket he had been wearing. Ripping the jacket with ease, he wrapped the longest part around her waist, slowing the bleeding. Y/n growled, shifting away from him. Y/n had never been found of the Captain, and to be quite frank, never seemed to be charmed by him, or even have the slightest effect when he walked into the room. Though she was never rude, she didn't radiate respect and admiration, like almost everyone else seemed to do.

Y/n sat at the front of the cave, gazing out the entrance. Tears fell down her eyes. Y/n wiped them quickly. It would be life ending to look this week in front of someone so strong. Pulling her knees closer to her chest, Y/n rested her head on her knees. Allowing herself to let a few tears and whimpers out, just keep herself together. It HURT, like hell, the gash on her side. A hand rested on her shoulder. She jolted, looking up. Levi stood there, blank faced as always. Y/n closed
up her emotions as tight as she could, and put on a blank face. "Can I help you, Captain." Y/n phrased it as a statement, not a question. Levi let out a long breath, before sitting down beside her. "You know it's ok to not be ok. It's part of human nature." He said, clasping his hands together. Y/n sent him a look, "Your one to talk. None can fucking read you. And you always seem to be just FINE." Y/n snapped, turning away from him. Levi let himself relax. They where fine, Y/n was hurt but they where fine.
Y/n glanced at Levi. His eyes where... sad. He was looking at her. "What." Y/n asked, sharp tongued as always. Thunder sounded, and Y/n jolted, eyes widened in fright.

"You want to talk about it...?"


"Well, your going to anyway. That's an order."

Y/n raised and eyebrow. "And order to talk about my FEELING and SAD PAST LIFE? Seems interesting huh." Y/n rolled her eyes. But started to recall everything she could remember leading up to meeting Levi and joining his squad.

The dark alleyways where she met up with the rest of the large street gang that she was a part of. Hand to hand combat happened with other gangs every day, so she occasionally fought other kids, some as old as 8. She was around 14 when that happened.

Then her first boyfriend and how he was brutally murdered by her father, who she then ran away from. Up to the surface, so she could live her life. Then she sough her opportunity to live a bit. Join the Scouts.

So she did. Passing everyone, the joining the squad at around the same time Levi did. Though Levi only talked to her once, he could remember her always sneaking away at night, so explore the surrounding area. Levi climbed the ranks, Y/n stayed the where she was, CONTENT at being in the middle of command. When she was put into his squad, she still ignored him, always doing the bare minimum, never above that. Some no one ever noticed how she seemed to move around, or how she was always in everyone's blind spot, sneaking around. Never talking, she gained a invisibility and became forgettable. So she would always on her own. Eating on the roof after getting her food. Levi didn't even notice her.

Then when they officially met, that's when Y/n stopped recalling what happened. Levi stared at her. "Similar to my life, but you had a... community around you." Levi frowned, as he heard Y/n let out a whimper as thunder sounded out again. Levi, not thinking what he was doing, wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder. And to his surprise, she leaned into his body.

The next day, the rain had stopped, and both of them had made their way back to the wall they where by. Then made there way home, back with the Hange squad.

Sitting on the roof, Y/n had her eyes closed. Levi nudged Y/n with his shoulder. "Question. Coffee or Tea." Y/n asked, opening one of her eyes to smirk at him. "Tea, obviously." Levi said as he held up the cup of tea he had made. "Wrong. The answer is wine." Y/n said, raising her glass. "To survival!" Y/n yelled, laughing as the alcohol kicked in.

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No ending note.


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