author's note ~ disclaimer

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DISCLAIMER: None of the characters or references relating to the original Keeper of the Lost Cities series belong to me; they are all legal property of Shannon Messenger.

Hola, my friends! I don't know any of you or what your names are or anything but I promise that I'll try and reply to your comments.

Anyway, I just recently turned thirteen and I've been writing since I was eleven, but this is my first posted story and my first posted fanfic.

Here's some quick info:

~ this story has 2 parts.

~ it has an undetermined number of chapters (I'll estimate around 60-70, though) and 2 prefaces at the start of each Part.

~ it has all of the original ships in canon, but I twisted and warped some of them

~ there are some LGBTQ+ themes in this novel, but not very much—I kept it to a minimum because Shannon Messenger doesn't put any sexual diversity in KOTLC, so I wanted this to be pretty close to the actual series.

~ this novel takes place right after the end of Unlocked, after Keefe's letter, so I'll definitely have Sophie's reaction to it—WARNING: YOU NEED TO READ THE WHOLE SERIES TO UNDERSTAND THIS FANFIC!

~ I'll have Keefe's POV chapters around every nine or ten chapters, so that you can see how he's doing in the Forbidden Cities and stuff.

~ some of the characters may seem a bit different to what you're used to, but they're still fundamentally the same.

~ the main ships are Sokeefe, Tiana, and Lylie—but never fear, I'll also have some Sofitz, Marellinh, Sophiana, and last but not least—KAM! that I've told you a bit about the novel itself, I'll tell you a bit about myself, since I only have two ANs in this novel and at the end I'll probably just go all weird and sappy-Adele on you.

(Yes, my name is Adele to everyone who knows me but to everyone online I'm Della). So...I don't really talk about myself in real life, but on a computer screen it's much easier.

As I said before, I just turned thirteen a few months ago, so if my writing is crappy then don't blame me, 'cos a thirteen-year-old's vocabulary is usually nowhere near as complex as an adult's and the stuff they taught me at primary school was far below my level (old teachers, if you're reading this, then...I guess I can't blame you, just the Victorian curriculum).

Anyway, I've probably gone way off topic, so...I'm a quarter-Italian but suck at the language, live in Melbourne, Australia, and I have an eighteen-year-old cat called Oli (a girl) who's always sleeping but is really quite lovely. I'm a big bookworm, am a big multi-shipper (mainly Kam and Drarry for me, though) and I crave fictional gay ships, but they rarely happen so I just write fanfics about them.

I think that's enough about me now, so let's move on—and I promise I'll try not to ramble.

Okay, so this story is basically my version of what I think will happen after Unlocked. I originally called it Stellarlune, since I predicted that's what KOTLC Book 9 would be called, but then I thought...nah, I'll do something more I went with What Happened After Unlocked.

I'll have a few special chapters in here: the Keefe POVS every ten chapters, as I said above, a Biana POV that I'm just going to say happened sometime in Legacy, a Fitz one, and a Tam one. Also, I didn't mention this before, but I don't character-bash or ship-bash because I don't want to cause any trouble or offend my readers or anything. So if you're someone who doesn't like the ships in this fanfic, please don't bash them—or the characters.

I'm going to have a ship poll and a Who Do You Think Sophie's Biological Father is? poll somewhere in the middle, because I want to learn your opinions. (You don't have to do them, of course, but it would be nice.)

Remember to vote, comment and maybe even follow me so that you get an noti every time I update, which will be good for you and me too. Somehow just knowing that people are actually enjoying your story (if they are) is really, really comforting for an author, especially very sad, unfortunate ones such as me. 

That's all I have to say for this AN, I think. So, adios amigos, sayonara, ciao, see y'all!

~ Della Skye / Adele / #NotSpanish   

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