chapter thirty-eight ~ the dead stalker

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Hey guys! So I realized that I haven't posted in almost a month – sorry about that – I've been really preoccupied with all sorts of depressing shit. My life officially sucks. Also, I've known I was gay for a while, maybe 6 months, but my parents will probably say I'm 'too young' if I tell them I'm a lesbian. What do I do? Any advice? Love you guys so much. Thank you for all the reads, even through my crazy negligence. In the future I'll keep to a tighter schedule.

"Get out of the way!" Sophie screamed.

Her heart was on fire, and she couldn't breathe as the smoke greedily entered her lungs, stealing all her remaining oxygen.

Her parents didn't even question her spontaneous appearance; they just cowered behind her, clutching Sophie's sister to them.

Amy stared, wide-eyed, at Sophie as she fought against the flames.

But nothing she did was working.

Her mind strained as she tried to use any of her abilities on it, unleashing her power, using all her strength, desperate to ward the scathing fire away.

But it just burned brighter and hotter with every second.

And the fire was trapping them so tightly now.

The only thing Sophie could do was leap away, so she took her human family in a tight sort of hug and lifted her pathfinder, drilling all her concentration on the four of them as they disappeared.

Coughing, they collapsed on Havenfield's grass as they tried to cleanse the sugary smoke from their lungs. Sophie was the first to stand, holding her hand out so she could help her family up.

Amy rushed forward and wrapped her in a sniffling hug. "Sophie . . . I thought I wouldn't ever see anything again . . . I thought I was done for . . . why are you the best person ever?"

Sophie pulled away after a decent amount of time, wary of her human parents who were staring suspiciously at the emotional scene.

"Natalie, do you know this girl?" Sophie's mother asked, and it took Sophie a second to remember that was Amy's name now.

Amy looked up at Sophie before turning to her parents. "I'm doing a math project with her at school. She's been helping me with some of the concepts."

She delivered the lie so smoothly that Sophie was in a sudden awe of her acting skills. She almost forgot to greet her parents.

"Hello," Sophie laughed awkwardly, automatically switching to English. "I'm in eighth grade – and may I just say how wonderful your daughter is?"

Her parents were so confused that they didn't even know how to respond.

A girl who claimed to know their daughter from school appeared out of nowhere and saved them from a hungry flamethrower, disappearing with them.

Why would they understand?

All Sophie wanted to do was to explain everything that had happened in the past few years, tell them who she was, hug them, cry ...

"Thank you for saving us," Sophie's father said breathlessly. "I don't know what –"

"Sophie!" A familiar voice called from afar, and right when Sophie turned to see the owner of the voice, her human family dropped to the ground, unconscious.

"Edaline?" Sophie asked in a panic. "They're my human family ... I was just saving them!"

"Oh," Edaline said disappointedly. "I thought they were from the Neverseen. I mean, they are all wearing black ..."

what happened after unlockedWhere stories live. Discover now