chapter thirty-one ~ subconscious

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Sophie didn't know what she was doing when she leapt forward, suddenly right on the edge of the cliff, and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping Wynn and Luna would survive.

She didn't know what was happening – but she did know that her mind was being crushed under the pressure of Lady Gisela's commands.

It was painful, but Sophie knew she could fight it off.

But where was Keefe?

He needed to help her, help her do anything, help her to win, help her to save the alicorns.

Save the alicorns.

She barely noticed herself transmitting that plea, but almost the second after she did she felt a hand slide into hers and knew it was Keefe's – even under the unsteady thrum of noise crowding her mind.

They could do this.

They could save the alicorns.

Because together, they were stronger.

Together, they could brave all terrors.

And that was all Sophie could think about as Keefe's power coursed through her veins, and she was slowly swept away by a light beam.


Sophie couldn't breathe, couldn't see, couldn't feel.

Couldn't remember.

Who was holding her captive? Was she dead, or alive, or somewhere in the middle? How long had she been here? If this was what being dead felt like then she didn't want to die.

It was torture.

Somehow she found herself in pain. In her head, a massive migraine formed, making her ache.

But she couldn't move.

Or scream in pain.

Something was stuffed in her mouth.

At first she thought she couldn't think, either, but how could so many thoughts be swirling around in her head if that was so?

So many regrets. So many curses. And so much rage.

She felt sorry for whoever was holding her hostage. Because when she woke up, if she woke up, she was going to hit them with something they wouldn't know she had in her.

At this point, Sophie guessed she would've died by now.

But if you could be in pain while being dead then...was that even possible?

Well, Sophie felt a lot of pain.

Not just her headache, or not being able to breathe, or the aching pressure in her head and hand from the echoes.

Her mind felt like it was breaking, but how could she be thinking if her mind was broken?

So much anger. And hurt. And madness. And guilt.

She'd never got to say goodbye to her friends, or tell them how sorry she was.

She never got to tell Keefe that he was a wonderful person, and she didn't blame him for the things he'd been forced to do.

And then she plunged into an abyss of blackness.

Her mind went blank.




She heard faint whispers from somewhere, but where?

Was she in heaven? Or hell?

Was she dying? Or dead?

But before she lost herself completely, someone lifted her up from the cold, hard floor and ripped the gag out of her mouth.

WC: 463 words

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