chapter sixteen ~ biana's pov

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Note: This chapter is in Biana's POV – but this time, it's not in the current time. This is like a past scene that happened during Legacy, while Sophie, Fitz and Keefe had left on that mission to London in search of the Neverseen's hideout thing (where Sophie zapped Lady Gisela with her Inflictor powers as shown on the Legacy cover.) Hope you enjoy!

Biana was a very good friend.

Of course, when she first met Sophie, she wasn't particularly nice to her – but that was all over now!

And right now, Biana wasn't exactly trying to dig dirt on any particular things...but she was in Keefe's empty bedroom at the Shores of Solace anyway.

Yeah...maybe she wasn't being exactly good right now.

But she really needed to help Sophie!

And the gold notebook was the only way.

No, it wasn't. But that was just what Biana was telling herself. Maybe she was just a little desperate to prove that Keefe was crushing on her best friend. Or maybe she was just trying to convince herself that he wasn't.

Biana ferreted through Keefe's messy drawers feverishly. She'd managed to dump most of his stuff on the floor – but this was a very important cause, so it was very important that she found the notebook.

"Come on...I've looked everywhere!" Biana groaned, tossing balled-up tunics into a corner. She'd made her way through almost every drawer, shelf and built-in recess in the entire room, and the notebook was still nowhere to be found.

The only piece of furniture left for her to dive through was a small set of drawers near Keefe's bed.

Her searching was pretty obsessive...but she had to know. And part of her knew that this wasn't just for Sophie, but it was for her own good as well – she really, really needed to know if Keefe loved Sophie or not.

And if he did...she wasn't entirely sure she'd cope.

Biana had always known, what with all of the moments and general more-than-friends thing, but she sort of hoped it wasn't real.

She used to like Keefe – but that was before the moonlark came.

So if Keefe really loved Sophie, then it was only a matter of time before Sophie figured it out too.

When Biana finally finished searching through the drawers, the contents were bare, and she wiped her sweaty brow in exhaustion. Sooner or later, Keefe would arrive and find his room a pigsty – and how was Biana supposed to explain that?

Fitz had left about fifteen minutes ago: his story was that he was going to have some snuggle time with Sophie. She didn't believe that for a second. And Keefe was gone too – he must have left to go with Sophie and Fitz on some kind of secret mission; the usual – and Biana took her chance.

She really, really needed to find that notebook for the sake of her sanity. But she'd searched every square inch of Keefe's bedroom and found absolutely nothing.

The dark color of the sky peeking through the curtains outside indicated that she was going to be too late. And the glittering stars scattered across seemed to be telling her, Biana Vacker, the moonlark would never choose you. She'll always love Keefe Sencen, no matter what she tells herself. Not you.

The negative thoughts in Biana's mind weren't going to leave without her making an effort, so she squeezed her eyes shut tightly and pushed them out with as much strength as she could summon. No-one really knew this, but as well as being Queen of Sparkles and Glitter, she was also a Zen Goddess...she'd learnt to be calm and content after Fitz started having anger issues with Alvar. It came in useful.

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