Harry Potter

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Battler Ushiromiya, after being challenged by the witch Beatrice to a bloody game of mystery and winning, ended up falling madly in love with her, just like Beatrice with him; thus, both began a relationship at the end of 1986.

After a while, the couple decided to live together on Rokkenjima Island, Battler being the heir to the Ushiromiya mansion, there were no problems and both lived comfortably. Soon, in the middle of 1987, the happy couple was married, Battler's family as well as Beato's magical friends were in the beautiful wedding that took place.

Both the witches and Battler's family, after the ceremony, constantly asked the couple "When do you plan to have children?". That question was the one that later on the night of that day they talked about; deciding to try it, because they both wanted a big family, with several children to care for, love and educate.

That night, a tired but satisfied Beatrice laid down next to her now husband, giving a wide and innocent smile, she put a hand on her belly and thought "My son or daughter, your father and I will love you forever."

Days passed, Battler was terrified of having to endure the vomiting, mood swings and strange cravings that a pregnant woman had. But none of the symptoms came, neither that week, nor the following month, what's more, Beato had her period normally. Beato was an affectionate nickname for Beatrice, used by relatives and some friends.

Thinking it was just bad luck, the couple tried again, but no symptoms showed up. They tried once more, but the result was the same. Concerned, they both consulted Dr. Nanjo, the family physician and a very close friend of Battler's late grandfather.

The doctor took them to his office by boat, an island not as isolated as Rokkenjima, once there, with the help of a gynecologist, he examined the couple to determine the problem. The results were devastating for the couple.

Battler was healthy and had no issues, Beatrice on the other hand, very sadly Nanjo announced, was infertile. Apparently, Beato's eggs had genetic errors, making it impossible for her to get pregnant.

Beatrice fell into a deep depression and feared that Battler would abandon her, for his part, Battler tried hard to show her that despite not being able to have children, he still loved her. After convincing her that he would not abandon her not even in a thousand years, Beato came out of her depression, she still felt enormous sadness, but now she was determined to find a solution.

The couple, having magic running through their veins, searched for magical solutions to the problem. Their first choice was Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles, but they didn't get along with the witch and it was best not to bother her as she was too unpredictable. They consulted their friend, Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty, but she told them she could not help them, no effort, no matter how great, would cure Beato.

So, they both gave up, they thought about adopting a child, but none of the children from any orphanage convinced the couple. Fearing that Beato would get depressed again, Battler decided to give her as an anniversary present, yes, it had already been a year since the wedding, a couple's trip to the UK.

His wife liked the gift very much, so they both packed their bags and took a flight to the European country. Being sorcerers, they could just appear in that place, but they wanted to take it easy.

Upon arrival, they set out to visit various tourist spots, both normal and magical. They visited the Druids of Stonehenge, they went to the British Museum of History, as well as the English Ministry of Magic, they wanted to see how different it was from the Japanese Ministry. Luckily, and as Battler said, the fact that she was fair-skinned blonde with blue eyes and he was red-haired with tan skin and blue eyes, they blended in easily with the crowd and the muggles, that's what the English called the non-magicals, they never realized if they disappeared or not, which made it much easier for them to visit magical places.

It had already been a week since they had arrived, and they still had another week of vacation left, the couple was waking up in their hotel room, when they felt a strong tug on their magic. Immediately, they disappeared in a cloud of golden butterflies and appeared in what appeared to be a residential neighborhood somewhere in England.

Vernon Dursley was having a very bad start to the day, the night before he received a call from his company telling him that there was a problem in one of the factories and the parts of the drills that he manufactured would take longer to arrive, which would delay the shipments that he had agreed with other companies. Add to that his wife Petunia, in her great wisdom, had ordered the freak to cook breakfast for everyone, the 8-year-old brat had tried to serve the scrambled eggs he'd made to the plate, but the pan was too heavy and he ended up spilling all the food from the table to the floor and breaking several plates.

All this had happened in front of him, his chubby face with a walrus-like moustache changed to the color of an aubergine and he saw red, immediately, he took out his belt and whipped the boy with all his might, Vernon had an important meeting and a problem to solve , and because of the freak he would be delayed. He whipped and whipped the boy, his baggy clothes, which his Dudley had so nobly donated to the waste of space, were now torn and beginning to turn red.

The boy's cries did not stop and Vernon then felt a pressure emanating from the freak, fearing that his magic would do something to him or his family, he released the belt and delivered a powerful punch against the face of the thin, black-haired boy, not before, the pressure increased so much that for a moment he thought he would suffocate. But it quickly disappeared, the fat man let out a tired sigh, great, now he had to buy bandages, ointments and medicines, another expense that that ungrateful freak caused.

Not even ten seconds passed when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Shit, his screams must have called the neighbors, he thought, though he quickly calmed down, oh well, same old excuse, my disrespectful nephew threw away the food my wife lovingly prepared.

At the door's insistence, Vernon wiped the blood off his right hand and kicked his unconscious nephew aside so he wouldn't be visible from the outside. Then he opened the door, bumping into a beautiful blue-eyed blonde woman with very large breasts, which made him envious of the tall blue-eyed red-haired man next to him. They both looked at him with concern and caution.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" Vernon asked calmly. Judging by their clothes, they were upper class and he had to be well mannered, who knew if he could get money if he played his cards right?

"Good morning, we are Beatrice and Battler Ushiromiya," the blonde introduced, "I don't want to bother you, but we heard some screams coming from your house."

"That's right, we were passing through this neighborhood when we heard some very loud screaming, we got worried because we thought maybe you needed our help," added Battler.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Ushiromiya, that was my nephew, he threw away the food that my wife prepared with great love for him and said rude things, I had to punish him," Vernon looked sad and embarrassed.

"I see," is all Beato said before she saw something that broke her heart and filled her with fury.

Vernon's nephew had regained consciousness and crawled through the kitchen until he was seen by the couple. Battler immediately pushed the man inside the house, the couple quickly entered and the door closed by itself, at the same time some ropes appeared among golden butterflies and tied the man to one of the kitchen chairs.

"YOU ARE FREAKS JUST LIKE HIM!" Vernon yelled in fury and fear. "HELP! HELP!" Was all he yelled before Battler silenced him with a spell.

Beato approached the bruised boy mortified, meanwhile, the black-haired boy with a large bruise on his face and bloody clothes tried to get away from Beatrice, with clear fear.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Beato said softly and sweetly, "it's over, what's your name?"

"M-My name is H-Harry, Harry P-Potter," Harry said after a few seconds in a voice so low it was barely above a whisper.

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