The Ushiromiya mansion

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Harry opened his eyes in surprise, he never thought to see a mansion in real life, let alone one as beautiful as the Ushiromiya's. The mansion consisted of two buildings, the mansion proper and a small house for the servants. Both buildings were three stories high, but the mansion was much wider and longer than the house, and there seemed to be a fourth floor right on the center.

Between the mansion and the house was a beautiful garden of yellow, red, and white roses. The house served as the entrance to the mansion, and you could see the beach and the stairway that came from it. While behind the mansion was a lush forest.

"Am I really going to live here?" the child asked in wonder. He couldn't help but notice every little detail.

"That's right Harry," Battler replied with a slight laugh at the boy's surprise, "this is the Ushiromiya mansion."

"Only the two of you live here?" Harry asked with some sadness, it must be very lonely to live in such a large space.

"Oh no," Beato replied now with a smile, "the servants live in that house, they are Kanon, Shannon, Gohda, Genji and Kumasawa," the witch pointed to the smaller building. "Despite being servants, we consider them very close friends."

"As for the family members, only a few are in the mansion, Jessica and uncle Krauss and aunt Natsuhi," Battler explained, "the rest live elsewhere, but come to visit from time to time."

"My teacher and adoptive mother, Virgilia went on vacation, she should be back in a week," Beatrice added.

After that explanation, the three of them headed for the main entrance and with a gentle push, the huge door opened. At the entrance of the mansion you could see a long red carpet that led to wooden stairs that led to the second floor and two corridors that crossed in front of these stairs. On the ceiling hung a huge golden chandelier with many crystals, the walls were light brown, and on one of these there was something that caught Harry's attention, a gigantic painting that went from the floor to the ceiling, it was Beatrice's portrait.

"Lord Battler and Lady Beatrice," a tall man dressed as a butler greeted with respect, "I hope your trip has been a pleasant experience..." Then he realized the existence of the little one and raised an eyebrow.

"Ah Genji," Battler greeted with a big smile, "as you can see," he gestured at Harry, "it was a pleasant and very interesting experience."

"I see, Master Battler," the butler looked intently at Harry, who was uncomfortable at the man's piercing gaze, "what is your name, young man?"

"My name is H-Harry P-Potter, sir," Harry replied shyly but with the utmost respect he could.

"Harry is our guest," Beatrice explained, smoking her pipe, "I want him to be treated with the same respect as the family."

"Of course, Mistress Beatrice," Genji gave a small bow, "it won't be a problem, the young master seems to have humility and kindness. Now, if you excuse me, I will order a room to be prepared for our guest and... do you want something to snack young master?"

Harry didn't know what to answer, he had never been given a choice of food.

"Uh..." he stammered, "yes, please, although I don't know what to ask for, sir."

At the answer, Battler and Beato laughed and Genji smiled a little.

"I think some tea with cookies and other sweets will be fine until it's lunchtime," Beato replied amused.

"Of course Mistress," with another bow Genji left the room to carry out his orders, but a few seconds later he returned. "I don't mean to speak out of line, but I recommend that the young master change his clothes, I don't think he will make a good impression on masters Krauss and Natsuhi," after saying so he went out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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