A new fate

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Beato could only hug little Harry, while crying in sadness. At the same time, she motioned her husband with one look to bring the Dursleys up to their rooms. Battler did so quietly and slightly modified their memories, so that they remembered nothing about the spells the sorcerers had found.

"What will become of me now, Miss Beato?" Harry asked, his eyes puffy and moist after a couple of minutes.

"Well, Harry, your uncles asked us to take you with us," the Golden Witch began sweetly, still squatting, but separated from the boy to look at him in the eyes, "you don¡t ahve to do it if you don't want to, maybe we cou-"

"No, I want to go with you, thanks to you I now know the truth," Harry's gaze was full of determination, "I want to honor the only time I saw my family worry about me. But where are you from? Can I really go with you? Won't I bother you ?" the boy began to worry.

"Don't worry about it, if you really want to go with us, we will gladly accept you Harry," Beatrice assured with a big smile, "however, we must go quickly, maybe this Dumbledore is already on his way here." She said calmly but dead serious.

After calling her husband and informing him that they would take Harry, which made the man happy, since he had taken a like for the child. Then, after asking the boy if he wanted to take something, which he denied, they left the house and watching that there was no one, they disappeared among golden butterflies.

Seconds later, a worried Albus Dumbledore appeared with a small 'pop'; with a wand in hand, the old but powerful wizard went to the Dursleys' house, recited numerous and unknown incantations to detect any magical anomaly. Failing to detect anything out of the ordinary, he took the door knob, which was a huge mistake, as he immediately felt a powerful electric current pass through his body and was sent flying through the air to the other side of the street.

"Shit," she complained in a low, aching voice from the floor, unable to hide his amazement. Someone had been able to surprise him after a long time, he remembered with regret. However, it was not a time for nostalgia, he had to act quickly, who knows what could have happened with the boy.

So Dumbledore, still feeling small tics, disabled the anti-appearance guards and appeared inside the house, where he immediately conjured 'Expecto Patronum'. The spell summoned several phoenixes that appeared to be made of thick silver mist.

"I need you to come immediately to the place where I hid him, there was a problem," said Dumbledore, the phoenixes disappeared in a silver flash, "what happened here?" he asked, seeing a chair against the wall and traces of blood.

The Ushiromiya meanwhile made many apparitions going back and forth to various places, until finally returning to their hotel room, where the three sorcerers fell down on the bed due to the physical, magical and mental exhaustion of that day.

The next day, Harry was the first to wake up, used to doing housework early on, remembered what had happened the day before and thought he should be grateful, so he immediately went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, only to find that there was nothing but black tea, cookies and sweets. Still, the boy tried to do something for his new caregivers, so he made tea and served it with cookies on a tray, then took it to the room where Battler and Beato were still sleeping.

In an oversight, he had closed the door so that the sorcerers did not hear the noise in the kitchen, and was carrying the heavy tray, as he could not bear the weight for long, he tried to open the door still with the tray in his hands since he feared that it would fall off if he tried to put it back on the table. Suddenly, the weight was too much and everything fell right in front of the door, generating a lot of noise; terrified, Harry hid under the kitchen table, and it was good that he did, since the bedroom door opened so strongly that it almost went out of the frame.

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