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The situation was tense, Harry was scared and afraid of what might happen, or rather, what the strangers might do. On the other hand, Vernon looked around like a wild animal wanting to escape.

Although, I don't think it can be worse than the punishments the Dursleys give me, Harry thought, and what were those butterflies? I have never seen golden butterflies that shine.

"Battler, darling, put a silencing seal on the front door," requested the beautiful blonde, conjuring a long golden pipe, she waved it and the mentioned seal appeared on a sheet of paper that she gave to her husband. The redhead nodded and went to the front door, opened it and quickly placed the seal on the knob from the outside, it glowed briefly before Battler closed the door again.

During that time, Beatrice tried to strike up a conversation with Harry in order to gain confidence.

"So it was you who called us, the truth is, seeing how the fat man treats you, I'm not surprised," commented the Golden Witch with pity, "does it hurt a lot?"

"How did I call you miss if I didn't use the phone?" Harry asked curiously. "And no, miss, it doesn't hurt too much, I'm used to it, although this time it was worse than usual," he admitted as if it were normal to be treated with such violence.

Beato was about to reply when Vernon yelled angrily. Somehow he had managed to break the silencing spell.

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL HIM WHAT IT IS, BITCH!" The fat man shouted with foam at the mouth, he really looked like a rabid dog. Battler had just arrived and gave the man an angry look.

"Shut your trap," answered Beato, not caring much about the insult, she shook her pipe and silenced him again, this time with two silencing spells.

"How did you do that miss?" Harry asked with wide eyes. Vernon began to thrash violently against his restraints. Battler had to apply a paralyzing spell so that Harry wouldn't be scared.

"You're a wizard," said a frightened female voice, coming from the hallway to the living room. Battler, Harry and Beato saw the boy's aunt, holding hands with her son Dudley, who was open-mouthed at the revelation. "Just like my sister," Petunia finished.

The silence was deafening and everyone jumped as a portrait flew out of the fireplace and crashed against the wall next to Vernon's head.

"Harry, calm down," Beatrice said calmly, looking around for another object to fly as well, "your magic is getting out of control."

"How?" The raven-haired boy whispered, "How do you want me to calm down when they treated me like a freak and punished me when my magic was activated by accident!?" The room began to shake violently.

Beatrice hugged Harry shedding some tears, after a few seconds, the room stopped shaking and she looked at the Dursleys with indescribable anger. How could someone abuse their own sister's child?

"Where are his parents?" The witch asked with a look that promised a lot of pain if they didn't tell her the truth.

"They died drunk in a crash," Harry said very sadly, tears forming in his eyes.

"Is that true?"Battler asked with a seriousness that was unusual for him.

"No," Petunia admitted, "they were murdered, we found him on our doorstep one morning, in a basket wrapped in a blanket and a letter in his hands." The woman sat on a chair in the kitchen next to Dudley and continued the story. . "In the letter it said that they were both killed by a dark wizard and that Harry somehow defeated him, but the wizard's followers were dangerous and the boy had to stay hidden."

Harry was in shock, he had been lied to all his life, told that his parents were drunks and that he should be grateful to live with them. Everyone expected him to scream in rage or cry uncontrollably, but the boy just stood there with a blank stare.

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