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Infernius POV:

I had followed Naeus to wherever he was taking me for his 'plans.'

"What plans do you have exactly for me?" I asked Naeus, as we strolled down the nether brick road.

Naeus raised his hand up and replied, "You'll have to wait and see. Have patience Infernius."

I was angered at the thought of not getting any answers to what I was doing and felt like a stray dog. Despite the anger, I held my composure and thought about what I had told Hogsworth. I was a human, I thought to myself, and they took that from me.

I pondered back to my time of awakening. A time I woke up underneath the earthy soil. The cold damp soil covered my entire body. It felt so cold that it was as if the coldness came from within as well as on top of me. When I could finally see, I realized I was underground. I was buried under layers of dirt and rubble. I tried to move but couldn't and began to panic. "Hello!? Can anyone here me!?" I tried to shout, only to feel dirt sink into my mouth, of which I began coughing. Ok, come on Malakai, try to remember. Why are you buried? What is the last thing you remember? I thought to myself frantically.

A couple of minutes pass by and it suddenly struck me, and I felt the anger and betrayal from before. I was burned at the stake. For a crime I didn't commit. I was accused of affiliation with hellish magic. But wait. I was so sure I died...I tried to move my arm once more, but it felt heavy, and it took a lot of energy to shift it. How long was I out? I replayed the traumatic event of my punishment in my head like a broken record, and I felt my anger mounting. The ground around me responded with warmth that seemed to only escalate. I was INNOCENT!

I exploded out of the ground in a ball of fire, as dirt, the stake and rubble shot about in all directions. Screams and cries emitted from the Coven Village as I rose from the ground and floated in the air.

"What is that thing!?" shouted a Coven, "Quick, get the hydromancers!"

Pffft, like that would save you, I thought to myself. I conjured up fireballs in my hands and peered down on them. I immediately lost my composure when I noticed the skeletal remains of my arms, and body, instead of the skin and clothing I once had. I shrieked an otherworldly shriek and fire exploded off me in all directions. Several Coven and their homes were set ablaze.

I suddenly felt a cooling sensation and saw the hydromancers, shooting beams of water at me, to try to take me out. "ENOUGH!" I shouted, as I swung my arm across the scene. I wave of hellfire shot out, and I watched as the hydromancers caught fire, screaming as they began to roast. In all my life, I didn't expect to be a murderer, but in this time. In this moment, I couldn't care less. These people I loved... the ones I cared about; they all became my enemies in the end. They wanted to make me out as the bad guy, the antagonist of their lovely home, so I will be just that.

I shot myself across the Coven Village and rained fire over the village. The buildings burned in my fiery rage. People screamed and began to evacuate the village. "The story is true! Hellraiser Malakai will be the end of us all!" What? I thought to myself. As I saw groups of the Coven escaping, I began to burn hotter. You didn't give me the chance to live. The chance to plead my case. Don't think I'll be so willing to give you that liberty! I lifted my arms up and charged an orb of fire before flinging it into the ground beneath the groups of Coven. The explosion of the fireball was enough to rip several of their bodies apart, and the scorching waves of heat caught most on fire.

I continued to circle the Village, raining more and more hellfire on it. As I did so, I never did feel content. It was like a never-ending void. No amount of destruction or chaos quenched my thirst for blood and revenge. It wasn't before long that the village was nothing more than a burnt memory. A scar on this world in Hell's shadow.

I floated above the ruins of the Coven village and growled with rage. "You should've given me the chance! You should've heard my pleas and LISTENED! Now look at you!" I shot myself upwards and sat on a ledge of a nearby cliffside and peered over at the carnage I created. I smiled grimly that I finally did it. I finally got the justice I deserved. As a wrongfully accused student, a growing professor as well. Years of my life they wasted by playing that stunt. I studied our magics closely to strengthen us. To unite us as the dominant race on this world! Never again would we have to worry about the Undead! But they all threw it away. All because of that book. I watched as the sun set beyond the horizon and scoffed, before looking at my skeletal hands. This must be a side-effect of that forbidden spell. It made me this... monster. No. They made me this monster! I thought back to the cave I discovered then and decided to search for it.

I spent hours sifting through the Mystic Forest, looking for the cave. I searched within the underbrush, and from high above the treetops, only to come up empty handed. It was like the cave never existed. Where did it go? No doubt the one truly responsible for the hell magic disposed of his base to avoid being exposed themselves. This person obviously orchestrated this plot well. I gave up shortly after and flew back to the cliffside. I laid down on the grass below, and felt it brush inside my ribcage, which is a feeling I would never get used to. I thought back

before the incident.

Back when I discovered... Scarlett and Tobias, and their child. It hurt me still, and I felt sadness, but no tears came by. Most likely because I lack the tear glands to do so. I rested easily with the bright moon and stars shining down on me. I felt freed. I felt accomplished.

I woke up the next day to a shriek and peered over the cliffside. I saw a young woman wearing a hat, iconic to the Coven and a floating book by her side, kneeling before a soldier that looked like a freak of nature. Part human and part... golem? Whatever they were, they looked to be metallic in some places and appeared ill. I didn't know either of them from this view, but only knew that the woman was one of them. The damn Coven.

The coven turned away from the soldier and began sprinting towards the village. She stopped at the border of the village and looked shocked at all the destruction and death that littered the village now. It was at this time, that I thought to take her by surprise. I landed on a ledge of one of the buildings and she immediately noticed me. I glanced back at her and to my surprise- Stella? She's so much bigger than I last saw her... How long was I gone for? I began to feel the anger swell within me and leapt off the ledge and landed before her, with fireballs at the ready. It was you that caused this. Had you not existed. Had Scarlett and Tobias not been- AGHHHH I'LL KILL YOU!

Stella whipped her arm to the side instinctively and began to conjure a protection spell. Pffft, sure, that will save you. I lunged forward and flew at her, before punching the forcefield into a million shattered fractals. I slammed my fiery fists into Stella and impacted the ground before flying us both into the sky. I came at her from a distance while she was airborne and kicked her hard, before knocking her back into the earth below.

Stella leapt backwards and conjured the arcane blades I recognized all too well. There's no denying it, I thought, she is his daughter. She flung the swords into my head and chest before she shot me with an arcane beam, which sent me flying. I flung a fireball back at her with anger, and the explosion shot her into the Elder's tower behind her.

I began flying at her full speed and thought to myself, you will not make it out of this Stella. You ruined everything, and you will pay for it! Just as I was about to do the final blow, Stella lifted her hand, and a Nether portal conjured before me, and I flew right through it, and entered the Nether before the portal closed behind me. I looked around and growled.

"HOW COULD I BE FOOLED BY THAT DAMN CHILD!?" I shot a fireball into the building next to me and heard the shrieks of the warmongering Nether Horde. At this point I couldn't contain myself. I couldn't control my anger, as it had nowhere to go except the fire in my hands... the fire in my blackened soul. I vowed to get my ultimate revenge then and there. I was going to kill the Coven to extinction, even if it's the last thing I do.

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