The Beginning (The Entity)

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(Far into the distant past)

Void. Everything you saw... everywhere you've been, has been Void. The magic of the Void is relentless... untamed, and unbound. It's been Void for an unprecedented amount of time.

Then, the unimaginable. The Void magic took on a form. it began to manifest into some unchained dark creature, gargantuan in scale. The magic appeared to be sentient in that it could not maintain this form forever, so it breathed out matter. White woven threads spun around the magic and wrapped it into a ragged cloak before it opened its abyssal red eyes.

With a tameness over itself, it peered across the vast nothingness of its rule. Displeased, it opened its gaping mouth. "Stars." It spoke. As its raspy voice ushered the word, bright orbs of energy swirled into existence and lit the dark matter about the creature. The creature appeared to be pleased at its capabilities now that it has control over itself and whipped out its long arms.

"Land." Out of the empty matter, atoms constructed, and with atoms came molecules, to particles, and soon enough, objects made of yellowish earthy substance. The vast emptiness began to fill with the being's influence. Large floating islands. The creature bellowed with contentment. It grabbed a hold of three of the sparkling orbs of its creation and spun them around its many digits. It continued to play with these orbs of energy until finally it whispered.

"Life." The three stars spun out of its control and shot off in either direction, which startled the beast. With incredible speed, the creature lost track of two of the stars, but remained able to keep up with the last star, which smashed into the earthy ground of an island. Large black pillars erupted from the ground and the influence of the star exploded across the empty land. Plants began to flourish. Animals began to exist and thrive. The being was interested in what it had made.

It saw this new word, 'life', take on its own choosing, living with its own sentience, but what displeased the creature is how unintelligent his creation was. It chose to live only to do just that. Live. It grabbed a hold of ten rocks and, without mercy, bled its magic into them. It clenched the rocks in its fists, with some of the rock splintering out from its grasp and floating elsewhere until finally, it unclenched and out emerged a new being. Ten of the same species.

It peered down at them and began to think of what to call them. It set the ten objects down onto the ground below and made a toothy grin. It opened its mouth. "Humans." And then and there. We were awake. We were conscious... and more importantly... we were truly alive.

(About 250 years since creation of life)

Life in this new frontier truly flourished and flourished with the presence of its Creator. The humans named it "The Entity" of which, the Entity was pleased with. One thing the Entity found fascinating was the ability its subjects had. The ability to replicate its own species. The ability of reproduction. Seeing as the Entity was the first thing capable of creation, the Entity was intrigued by the capabilities that life had created for itself. It watched as its most prized creation, the human, created new materials from what they had before them. How humanity itself created a civilization, or so they call it.

The humans built their life around the Entity in harmony, and even named themselves. The Entity never grew tired of what his creations have made... however, the Entity felt itself growing more restless, which concerned it. It recognized this feeling. It was the feeling of chaos growing inside it, just as it was before with the Void Magic. The Entity felt itself growing more unchained as each moment passed by. The Entity informed its human creation of the time that it fears will come. The time where it will lose control over itself once more and its creation it loved so much will return to the Void it once was.

The humans felt furious, but sympathetic. They didn't quite understand the Entity's words and felt threatened by them. The Entity simply sought for help, but humanity read it as a threat to their livelihood. To their future. The Entity felt their emotions of anger and betrayal, which in turn worsened the feeling the Void made in the Entity itself. Despite this, the Entity reassured everything will be fine, but requested his humanoid subjects to find a method of taming the Void magic within it. The humans agreed to its Highness, and began extensively researching Void magic, and the magic that existed around them.

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