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Hogsworth POV:
I had spent a fair amount of time in the medical ward of the Nether Horde Kingdom. Following up with a doctor, it seems that I had fractured a few bones in my arm when I shielded those civilians from falling debris earlier this week. They luckily weren't complete breaks, just several tiny fractures. They still hurt regardless. The doctors had been treating the wound with ghast tears, which are known for their regenerative properties. Of course, it wasn't hard to acquire the tears, however, without the use of a brewery, where the tears could be greater refined into liquid regeneration, they don't perform nearly as greatly, but it was working, nonetheless, but was just a slow process.

This gave me time to think of the events of the rescue mission earlier. How did Naeus possess electrokinesis? I had repeated to myself. The only logical explanation I could manifest was that somehow, in some way, Naeus derived electrokinesis from the head of Herobrine. It was the only thing that fit the pieces together. It answered questions regarding his new powers and why he even came for Herobrine's skull in the first place. But what could he want with all that power?

My thought flow was interrupted by the bowing doctors and nurses, as Naeus entered the doorway. I bowed as well and alongside Naeus was the familiar foe... the pyromancer. "Hogsworth, rise," Naeus replied. I stood up, and awaited Naeus' orders.

"This is... well he goes by Infernius," Naeus added, "He will be joining our cause, and the battle against the Ender Watchers."

"Alright," I replied, then asked, "But what would that have to do with me?"

Naeus looked over his shoulder at Infernius and back at me. "General Kralos has got his hands full with the other soldiers of the Horde, and Infernius requires training to hone his abilities in this battle. I've come with the favour that you train him."

"Me?!" I exclaimed, "But I'm not a pyromancer, and surely I can't-"

"You can train him, and you will," Naeus replied.

"With all due respect," Infernius blurted, "I don't need training for pyromancy. I spent my past life perfecting the art."

"Exactly," Naeus replied, "Hogsworth, his training only requires the teachings of Kralos to be passed over to him."

"I see," Hogsworth said, "Alright, I won't let you down my Lord."

"Very good, I'll see you to it then," Naeus answered, before leaving me with Infernius.

The doctors and nurses had requested me to take it easy on my fractured arm while training Infernius, as it hasn't fully recovered yet, and I agreed to do so. We arrived at the arena, where the bloodbath once existed, but now, all that remains is the bloody stench of iron in the air. "Alright, Infernius," I said awkwardly, "I will be your mentor for combat training."

"Well yeah, that's why we're here," Infernius replied.

"Yes, yes of course," I stuttered.

"Are you... afraid?" Infernius asked, "I didn't expect that from Naeus' right hand."

"Right hand? Oh no, I'm just one of his disciples," I replied, "And it's not everyday that you train the very soul that was once your enemy."

Infernius shrugged. "I suppose that's true."

After this brief commentary, we began training. We sparred lightly, due to my injuries, but spared as effectively as we could, despite them. After a few hours of sparring and training, we took a small break and talked, to get familiar with one another.

"You're a pretty strong opponent, I commend you for that," I told Infernius.

"Yeah, you're not too bad yourself," Infernius replied, "Though I've dealt with more formidable opponents."

"That's believable," I replied.

"Wow, where is your dignity?" Infernius asked me.

"My... dignity?"

"Most people I know would produce a counter argument on why they're actually formidable. I gave you dirt and you simply ate it without a second thought."

"Oh, I see," I replied, "In the past, I was the weakest and smallest in the battalions, and was picked on a lot for that. They'd scold me and tell me several reasons why I shouldn't be in the military, but never a reason why I should stay."

"Why did you stay then?" Infernius asked.

"You really aren't Netherkin are you?" I shot back. Infernius looked into his skeletal hands, and I continued, "It's simply pigman tradition that you join the military. There was no second string. Either you join the military or disappear without a trace."

"Really?" Infernius questioned, "The educational system of the Nether is flawed beyond repair. Where I reign from, anyone could be what they were destined to become. In my case, I was destined to pyromancy, but my peers were destined for... other skillsets."

"Where did you reign from?" I asked. Infernius contemplated for a while and closed his fiery eyes before replying, "We should get back to training." Infernius got up and walked to the center of the arena and I stood up. I suppose he isn't ready to answer that question.

We continued to spar until King Naeus arrived at the arena, of which we bowed. "Well, how are we doing here?" Naeus requested, "Let me witness what you have been practising."

"Of course, my Lord," I replied.

We sparred once more for a couple minutes before Naeus raised the Ruby Thorn and shouted, "Alright very well! I have seen enough." Naeus approached me with his spear outstretched and I gulped. Did I... fail? Was I not enough?

"Hogsworth, on your knees," Naeus said coldly. I fell to my knees and felt the anxiety creeping along my skin. I closed my eyes and braced myself for what would come next, only to feel the warm spear blade touch one shoulder, then the other and finally the top of my forehead. I opened my eyes and Naeus continued. "I'm promoting you to commander of some battalions. I expect you to perform well, and not to disappoint me." Naeus left me alone in the arena with Infernius.

Infernius turned to me and said, "Congratulations. Though from assessing your body language, you thought you were going to be slain, didn't you?" I sat on my knees and stared out into space.

"Infernius! Come at once! I have plans for you!" King Naeus shouted. I got up from my knees and shook Infernius' hand. Infernius began walking away, but then glanced over his shoulder at me. "I was a human," Infernius said coldly, "Wrongfully accused of a murder I didn't commit. That's all you need to know." Infernius then walked away and left me alone in the arena to process everything that happened.

I'm a commander now. Things are looking better. But... who is Infernius? How could a human become what he had become? Perhaps his rise was like that of the Nether Princess. She was once human too. Did he know the Nether Princess as a human? My head began to hurt with all these questions flooding my head. Without any further idea of what to be doing, I returned to the infirmary to continue the healing process of my arm.

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