Prologue: The Queen's Baby Tzar

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Author's Note: So with Warhammer 3's release being upon us, I felt it would be more than appropriate to make a story about Kislev, especially since I'm writing one for Chaos, it is more than fitting to have a book for the nation of men that had held back the onslaught of Chaos for so long. Enjoy reading.

Northern Remnant, the Great Kingdom of Kislev. Katarin's POV.

I breathed heavily as I laid in my bed, squeezing the hand of one of my Ice Guards, as another was at the other end of my bed, telling me to push. I felt extreme pain as the sprawling little body of my son, wiggling it's way out of me.

With one final push, I screamed in agony as my son left my womb, my grip on my Ice Guard's hand tightening. She winced in pain from my squeezing, but she remained calm, not wanting to make me more traumatized from my pain. "Just a little bit more, my Queen. He's coming!" My other guard told me.

Suddenly, the pain stopped, getting my grip to loosen on my Ice Guard's hand. My breathing eased up a little as my head lay against a pillow. But all this suffering was more than worth it for what I received next. In the hands of my other Ice Guard, was a sweet, adorable little baby boy.

"My Queen. Your son." Said the Ice Guard as she gave me my son. I smiled with complete joy as I looked at my son's wining little face, which soon turned into a calm little snooze as I stroked the top of his head.

"My precious little boy. My little Y/N." I said to him, knowing full well that he didn't understand me. My two Ice Guards smiled at the name I gave to my son, with him snuggling cutely into my hold. "He'll be a strong leader, just like his mother." One of the Ice Guards said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Tears slowly began leaving my eyes as I looked endlessly at Y/N, my smile never wavering. I had never felt more happier about anything else in my life, because today, I was not only the Tzarina of Kislev, I was now a mother.

But that was all long gone. Now. I am just the Tzarina of the motherland, and a mother without her child. When Y/N was no more than 2 years of age, he was stolen away from my castle. My heart shattered like the ice that I commanded, and I fell into nothing but a bottomless pit of misery, sadness, and pain.

I struggled to manage my kingdom with my blinding grief, as all I wished to have back was my son, with his cute, adorable, little blue eyes looking up at me. But I can't, all I can do is pray to Ursun that my boy is still alive, and is going to come back to me.

Atlas. Willow's POV.

I was sitting around in my room, playing with my precious little Winter as I tried getting over being married to my bastard husband, who cared of nothing but making the company bigger so it would generate more money for him.

I never wanted his hand in marriage, but I had little choice in the matter, which is what makes it worse. I just wanted something more, and someone better than him.

Suddenly, I heard a loud screeching noise outside, causing me to stand up from my chair with a scared Winter in my arms. "Shhh. Everything's alright, Winter. Mommy is here. Your always going to be safe in my arms." I told my daughter as I stroked her hair, making her smile, then nuzzled into my arm.

I walked over to the window to see what had happened, and saw a truck with a group of people around it, with one of them holding a bundle of some kind. I continued watching, wondering what they were doing, until one of them saw me looking out the window.

Just as quickly as they had appeared, they rushed back into their truck and raced off, leaving the little bundle in the trash can. I thought about not going to see what the bundle was, but that quickly changed when I heard it cry out.

The Son of the Ice Queen(RWBY x abused male reader x mother Tzarina Katarin.)Where stories live. Discover now