Chapter 3

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City of Kislev, 2 hours after Katarin received Jacques' message. Winter's POV.

When father had requested to General Ironwood that they go to Kislev to speak with the Tzarina, I never thought for a second that he was serious. But here I am with the rest of my family, in the frozen north that is Kislev

Don't misunderstand, I wanted to go to Kislev, not because of any reason my father wanted, which was to simply exploit them of their potential wealth and have it fall into his pockets. Father hated many things in life, but other than losing money, his hate towards the Kislevite people topped the list of things he hated the most. He called them barbarians, and described them as such.

He chiefly meant that the people that the Tzarina ruled over as the barbarians, and that these savages were stealing wealth from Atlas. But I knew better than to trust a single word that came out of his mouth. Me, mother and Weiss all knew better than to trust him after what he and Whitley did to Y/N, and what they tried to take from him.

And on the subject of Y/N, getting to see him was the only other reason I even agreed on coming along on this trip. It had been 10 years since my older brother ran away, and I was desperate to see him again. Father and Whitley kept telling me not to count on it as they claimed that there would be no way that an eleven year old boy would have been able to survive in the cold of Kislev's winter months.

But I had faith. Y/N might have been young when he left, but he was a tough one. If he could live through the years of torture that father put him through, then he had a chance in surviving the elements of Kislev. I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt Weiss shaking my arm, "Winter. Father wants to see us." She said, the sound of dread being very apparent in her voice.

All we could do was go to our wretched father to see what he wanted us for. When we arrived in the guest room we were given by the governing Ataman, father was...upset to say the least. Weiss and I took a seat next to mother as Jacques got angry from reading a piece of paper. "What's with his attitude?" I asked mother.

"Tzarina Katarin has told us that if we are wishing to speak with her, then we'll have to meet her at Praag. And Jacques isn't in the mood to see any more of Katarin's Tzardom." She answered as she placed a hand on Weiss' shaking knee.

Weiss was always afraid of father when he got like this, because he usually took his anger out on her after Y/N had left. "Don't worry, Weiss. He can't hurt you here." I whispered to my dearest sister, after all, other than mother Weiss had no other family, so of course I had to be there for her, and I needed to be strong for her.

Weiss relaxed as me and mother comforted her before we turned back to father. Ironwood was trying to get him to stop shouting, but his attempts just went unnoticed. "That stupid barbarian bitch of a Queen! Who does she think she is, telling me where to go and where to speak with her!?" Jacques shouted.

This time, mother spoke up, "Jacques!!! We came here not to insult these people, we came here to be diplomatic with their ruler, and if we have to follow her rule, I would strongly suggest that we do!" She said, getting Jacques' fury to waver for a moment.

"Are you saying that we just get down and crawl for her like common animals!? I came here for one purpose, and I will only have it be done my way!" Jacques shouted, but this just caused mother to get up and slap him before using her barriers to throw father against the wall.

"Listen to me you arrogant bastard! This isn't Atlas. Nor is it Vale. Nor is it Mantle. This is Kislev! I don't care who we are or how important our family is, you can't simply walk everywhere on Remnant and act like it has always belonged to you! These people hate us just as much as you hate them, and if you step so much as one toe out of line, they won't hesitate to kill you and our children! And the last thing I'll have happen here is my daughter's having to pay for your mistakes!!! Do I make myself clear!?" She growled, shocking everyone with her outburst.

The Son of the Ice Queen(RWBY x abused male reader x mother Tzarina Katarin.)Where stories live. Discover now